Hey Mike, nice to hear from you and congrats on the new addition to the family!

Originally posted by auiotour:
Hey mike, i am still wanting that super charger, but when I can't get a hold of you for two-three weeks, the money eventually burns a hole in my pocket. I can give you $150 on the 15th/16th, and another $800 on the 1st/2nd. Then the rest. thats $950 this month, and the rest next month. Actually lets make it a straigght $1000 this month. Would that be cool with you. You should call me sometime and we can talk exact details 253-632-4787. We can meet up and I will write you two checks (post dated).

Forget those post-dated checks, I have a real one in my hand ready. Just kidding, Llane--but you need to get it in gear and get that s/c!!