Without the mileliminator, you will have the P0420 code. Many CEGers drive with the P0420 code. Installation of one mileliminator is easy and should not take more than one hour. And I have the installation how to.


My experience with the installation of Mileliminators

1) Drive up Rhino ramps ($40 at Advance).

2) Disconnect negative terminal battery.

3) Went under and unplugged connector(s) and then unscrewed both BOTTOM O2 sensors (22mm or 7/8 inch crescent wrench $7. Only one BOTTOM O2 sensor if it is a Zetec. You can buy a O2 sensor socket if you want, $12 at Advance).

4) In the comfort of kitchen table, splice (wire splice connectors $3) the mileliminator(s) to the O2 sensor wires (clear and explicit instructions come with the mileliminators). Tape connection well with duct tape (water in connectors will give you P0136 or P0156 CEL codes).

5) Reinstall O2 sensor(s) to vehicle.

6) Reconnect negative terminal battery

Took me about 1 hour 15 minutes. Vehicle might run rough for a day or so until PCM goes through the OBD II drive cycle again.

Last edited by Tony2005; 08/18/06 02:23 AM.

"Always do the cheap and easy ones first." 1996 V6 ATX 96K miles