Originally posted by evocontour:
A higher volume pump is not overkill at all, just simple insurance. A 255lph pump is capable of supporting roughly 700hp(forced induction). Most of the time the 255lph in tank pump is cheaper than buying a stock replacement as well. Usually about $100-$125 at your local parts store. The stock fuel pump for the 87-88 Tbird turbo was rated at only 88 lph (23.25 GPH). More fuel availability is ALWAYS good. Remember, your only creating a supply of fuel, it is still running at a stock fuel pressure so it is not injecting anymore than it did before. I would rather have a pump that supplies more fuel than I need than not enough. A lean condition is not desireable in the least. Besides, if you drop a higher flowing pump in now, it will save you from having to drop a higher flowing piece in when you decide to boost or spray your motor later on.

D'oh! Yeah you're right, it did have an 88lph pump.

I see what you're saying.. A pump that big certainly won't hurt anything, and it won't have to work very hard at all. But unless you have a lot of mods, it's not going to perform any better than the stock setup because both can easily meet the demand from the engine. So don't expect it to make your car run better, unless your old pump was going bad. A 5-amp toaster is gonna work just fine regardless of whether you have it on a 15-amp or a 200-amp circuit.. Same thing.

I didn't know it's cheaper than the stock replacement though! In that case there's really no reason not to get one.

'99 Contour Sport V6 MTX