As of August 8th I'll be gone for good. I'm gettin out of the army then it's roadtrip time. 360 miles to Maryland to see the fam, then a few days later 2300 miles to Tucson, AZ for about 3 months, then another 700 miles onto Fresno, CA. I cant really complain though, I get to leave the land of hurricanes and humidity for the dry heat of the southwest and then Cali. Plus I'm gonna be doing the same job that I'm doing now, fixing Apache Helicopters, for about twice as much money(here come some mods). So if you NC peeps wanna get together before I roll out let me know and we'll see if we can make it happen. Best of luck to everybody!

2000 svt #2103 of 2150 AEM short ram, B&M short shifter, no resonator 18" Enkei RS7's, 30% tint, C-27 front bumper