Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Tom Thumb Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 03:50 PM
How do you feel about Gay marriges? I see states were really upset about gay marriges and are passing laws so that they do not have to recognize the gay marrige. I think there is more prejudice aimed toward gay people than any other group of people. Even the goverment openly critisizes and condemns gay people. I try to remain neutral when it comes to gay rights. I would neither want to make gay people angry at me or the people who despise gay people.

I have had people that do not like me to call me gay, f*ggot, and gay names trying to start a fight but I just ignored them. I think some people really thought I was gay because I did not respond. I don't hate gay people. They do their work and contribute to society just like anyone else. I don't really know about gay marriges. I know the goverment is sure against gay marriage. There are good and bad gay people just like anyone else. I think too many people use the few bad gay people and try to put all gay people in that same group. I don't think all gay people are bad.
Posted By: Stevers Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 03:53 PM
Here is an excerpt from Ernie's House of Whoopass


Now a few years ago I used to live with a girl who had not only a spectacular pair of breasts, but a gay sister as well. I dunno if the gay sister had great boobs too because, well, she was gay. But anyway, this sister lived in California with her -- of what's the politically correct term -- life partner? Yeah, so these two lesbians have been with each other for a like eleven years and they were as committed to each other as any heterosexual couple I know. But since they obviously can't have any children without some help, they decided one of them gets artificially inseminated. They took a look at their jobs, and decided the one who had the lesser paying job would be the one to carry the baby, since her taking time off from work wouldn't be as financially straining. Nine months later, poof they've got a kid.

The first thing that struck me as a little unfair is only my girlfriend's sister -- the one who actually carried the baby -- could be listed on the birth certificate as the parent. Granted even if they could they'd either have to play paper-scissors-rock to see who gets listed as the father, but still it struck me as a little unfair that only one of them was legally allowed to be recognized as a parent. I mean hey, ya wait around for that long putting up with world class bitchiness beyond belief, you're gonna want some public recognition, right?

The next quirk they came across was health insurance. As it so happened, the birth mother's health insurance coverage was not as robust as the her partner's insurance. You know how that goes, better job and all that, right? Well the baby's medical coverage could not be claimed against this better policy for obvious reasons -- she wasn't legally the child's parent. So this ended up costing them a lot of money out of pocket for medical expenses, and there were even some areas where the child didn't get the same level of care as she could have if she had been covered under the better insurance policy. Again, it seemed unfair not only to the parents financially, but to the baby in regards to her health care.

And suppose for the sake of argument, that while the three of them were driving home from the hospital, there was a car accident and the birth mom was rendered brain dead. If it were a husband and wife deal, the surviving spouse would have legal control over medical treatment (or ceasing of it) for their injured partner, plus have no problem securing sole custody of the baby. But in this case, the surviving lezbo would have no legal recourse despite having just as much time and energy invested as a male partner would.

All these issues because same sex marriages are currently illegal. Okay. So let me think for a minute, that if they were legal, how would they effect my life. Would I have to pay more taxes? No. Would married gay people get a special check out line at the supermarket to get through line faster than me? No. Do they get their own special lane to avoid traffic jams? No. Do they get cheaper car insurance? No. Free car? No. Free socks? No.

So my question would be... what the [censored] do I care if gay people want to be married?

They're not fighting to have two guys dressed in wedding gowns, mascara and five o'clock shadows to prance down the aisle of your local church. They're not fighting for the right to [censored] on the crosstown bus. They're not fighting to have Hers-and-Hers bathrooms at the mall. All the benefits and rights they're fighting for, wouldn't impact my life one bit if they did get them, so why the hell would I oppose it? It's like going out and saying you oppose blue socks. You can't see em anyway, so who the [censored] cares?

The only people that could possibly have a valid argument against anti-same sex marriages are the religious groups. "Homosexuality is an abomination!" they say. Well, okay, that's your take on it that's cool. Fair enough. But then there's two things to consider when you enter that realm, too. One, where the hell were you when priests were treating eight year old children like [censored] toys? I didn't hear you say too much then, in fact you kind of looked at your shoes, mumbled something about out of court settlements, and then wandered off into the crowds. I don't hear you protest when atheists get married. I don't hear you protest when atheists get married in a church. I don't hear you protest when religious people get married on a cruise ship snot hanging drunk after grabbing the nearest vacationer to serve as their witness. So please, if you're going to get all high and [censored] mighty, at least have the courtesy to do it evenly across the board.

And secondly, this situation my friend, is a perfect example of the REAL reason behind the separation of Church and State. It's not just a springboard for some loudmouthed [censored] to use and get his name in the paper when he wants to talk about the Pledge of Allegiance, but instead a genuine reason why Judge Judy needs to leave her Bible/Koran/Torah/Whatever at home.

What if I created a religion where marriage was illegal altogether, would the government have to rule all marriages null and void? What if all the 43,000 people in the United Kingdom who checked their religion as "Jedi" all decided they're never going to get laid and decided they could marry their dog? Would governments then have to recognize those marriages? The answer is no in both cases, because the whole purpose of the separation of Church and State is Uncle Sam can't pick and choose what religious movements they're going to acknowledge and which they aren't. Churchgoers have every right in the world to voice their opinions in a public forum, but when it comes time to making laws it's time to have a nice tall glass of Shut-The-[censored]-Up. The only thing Uncle Sam can do is to make sure everyone, man, woman, black, white, tall, short, cute, ugly, straight or gay, gets a fair shake.

And another from my good friend Andy over at Walled City

George Bush has recently proposed a Constitutional amendment to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Fear ye not, for such an amendment will never get passed, and I'm not really even sure how serious the "proposal" is. Nevertheless, unless you have been on Mars for the past few weeks, in a cave, with your eyes shut and your fingers in your ears, you are aware of the turmoil this issue has caused, particularly in San Fransisco and Massachusetts.

Progressive and sane thinkers realize that there are more important issues facing this nation and the world in general than who is having sex with whom, but many people, primarily fuelled by religious fervor, are declaring that homosexual marriage destroys the "sanctity" of marriage, cheapens it in the eyes of society, and is probably responsible for the World Trade Center attacks.

Of course, I suppose one could make the same argument about every divorce that has ever occured, or the endless numbers of Hollywood marriages that dissolve within months.

However, some remain staunchly opposed to the entire idea, citing that God intended a man to be with a woman, drawing on various Biblical texts to support the idea that a man should never engage in carnal relations with a man (though I do not recall the Bible saying the same of women).

Basing the definition of what constitutes a proper marriage on the Bible is an interesting concept. Let us examine it in detail.

Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one man and as many women as you'd like. (Gen xxix 17-28, II Sam iii 2-5)

Marriage should not interfere with a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Sam v 13, I Kings xi 3; II Chron xi 21)

A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be stoned to death. (Deut xxii 13-21)

Marriage of a believer and a non-believer shall be forbidden. (Gen xxiv 3, Num xxv 1-9, Ezra ix 12, Neh x 30)

Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be construed to permit divorce. (Deut xxii 19, Mark x 9)

If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately does not give her children, he will be punished by Yaweh.

Wives are required to be subservient and obedient to their husbands. (Eph v 22-24)

Yes indeed, using the Bible as our guidance to define marriage seems to be an excellent idea.

Posted By: 1314_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 03:55 PM
I think this topic will be like the political and religious topics that get brought up.

So, I'll just grab some popcorn for now.
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 04:08 PM
Originally posted by 1314:
I think this topic will be like the political and religious topics that get brought up.

So, I'll just grab some popcorn for now.

Grab me some while yer at it?
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 04:08 PM
My question... how does allowing two people who love each other the federal recognition of being married really alter the "sanctity" of anyone else's?

In a country where nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, I think THAT statistic is what blows the value and "sanctity" of marriage.

If two people love each other and want to marry, let them. Their reproductive organs don't enter into it. If you want to say that marriage is for the sole purpose of having kids? What if either person is sterile? How many thousands of couples simply cannot reproduce? That means they shouldn't be married, right?

Separation of church and state, people... give me concrete, non-religious, non-biblical hard FACT how allowing gays to marry will somehow ruin the institution of marriage.

You have the right to freedom of speech and religion so long as it does NOT infringe upon the rights of others, as guaranteed in the Constitution of this great country... your religion is infringing upon the rights of others if you want to stick with placing an Amendment that will BAN gays from marrying.

And don't give me this "civil union" bull. You're preaching "separate but equal" rights. While you're at it, why don't you force gay people to sit at the back of the bus, drink from different fountains, and be forced out of restaurants and public areas? I mean, why go half way? If you want to eliminate one right, why not remove them all?
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 04:08 PM
I really don't care. I think alot of time and money is being wasted on a topic that is rather personal. Who you sleep with and spend your life with is your bussiness not the gov'ts. All same sex couple want is to be able to have access to the same benefits legally as all other married couples. They aren't asking the gov't to require churches to recognize them only the legal system.

Why shouldn't they all get f'ed in a divorce just like straight people? Let them share finances, let them share legal right to health insurance and medical decisions.

I'm sure most same sex couples are better parents than a good portion of straight couples. And in the end, being a good parent is all that matters.

Posted By: jevon3 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 04:20 PM
up until about a week or so ago i was against gay marrages. but now that i have been paying more attention to the subject and hearing different opinions on it i have changed my mind on it. they should be allowed to get married, it really isn't going to drastically alter my life. there really are more important things going on in the world. for example about 2500-3000 soldiers and friends from the nc national guard just recently left for iraq. i think the president outta be fiquuring out how to quickly resolve this thing in iraq and not worring about how gay people wanna live their lives, if they are not bothering anyone. and that last post brought up a good point about The Church, i really don't think they have room to say anything after they just shoved all the cases of those kids that were molested under the rug and on top of that the bishop that is gay just recently took his bishop seat in the church. they outta clear all of that stuff up before trying to influence people to go against gay marrages. but this is just my opinion.

Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 04:22 PM
Jevon, if only more people would come to their senses as you have, the world would be SO much better off.
Posted By: 18psi2300 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 04:27 PM
My only concern is the economic impact of companies and insurance companies having to bear the burden of paying benefits for a "spouse". Benefit and insurance costs are rising so rapidly already, I'm scared of what these companies are going to have to do to afford this shockwave of new "liabilities".
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 04:34 PM
What more liability is there in a gay relationship as opposed to a straight one, so sure as hell know there won't be an unplanned pregnancy and no need for birth control. If that's the case we should keep many straight couples apart to prevent the same increases. Your logic doesn't make sense.
Posted By: contourGL1996 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 04:47 PM
On the subject of gays; did you hear that Rosie O'Donnell drown?
Apparently police found her face down in Rikki Lake
Posted By: Dan Nixon_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 04:48 PM
Agree...more important issues out there. Unfortunately, this one is being thrust in the presidents face. 3-4 mayors now just marrying people, I think largely for publicity.

What is the implication for the institution of marriage? Uncertain. It is a definition that has not changed for many years, and is undergoing problems with a 50% devorce rate. Some arguments against gay marriage include A) a higher than average (cw heterosexual) "partner turnover rate", B) the Scandinavian "experiment" where gay marriage has been permitted since mid 90s and now less persons are getting married while having kids. They have infact agrued in court that full "marriage benifits" should apply specifically citing that the redefinition opens thev door to a much braoder defintion. This cannot definatively said to be "cause & effect" IMO, however. Simiarly. polygomists and other non traditional groups will be likely to use this foot in the door for further modification of the definition.

So, while am generally in favor of "doing what you do as long as knowone else is hurt", I have concerns about redefining an institution that has worked well for years. Producing & Raising children was the reason why marriage was defined as it was..this is of critical importance. I hestitate to change the definition until it is PROVEN that no harm may come from this(ie the burden of proff should be placed on gay marriage supporters, not the other way around). If I see proof, then its OK by me..but I have not seen it. Until that time, I prefer another term be applied that carries many of the same benefits of marriage.

BTW, I was initially against a constitutional ammendment..however, I now understand why it has been proposed. If one state approves gay marriage and the couple moves to a state without GM then the state is forced to either reciprocate (which is not fair to the citizens of that state) or refuse (which is not fair to the couple). So this amendment is REALLY about protecting states rights every bit as much as it is critisized for being AGAINST states rights.
Posted By: MLK Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 05:24 PM
There aro NO REASONS that should prevent 2 people who love each other and want to take benefit of all that marriage has to offer other than personal feelings and religious issues.

Let all men/women have the same rights and benefits as any other.
Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 05:51 PM
I've got no objection to gay marriage (although I'll be interesting in seeing what particular issues, if any, kids raised by gay couples have in 15 years or so), although I disagree with the way that they're approaching the situation.

But I don't agree with this.

Originally posted by 7999:
I think there is more prejudice aimed toward gay people than any other group of people.

I kinda think that Christians get the most prejudice and animosity's the last "safe prejudice" to have.
Posted By: Speed Demon_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 05:53 PM
i really could care less, in addition bush is an idiot for proposing more laws to 'ban it' we've already got the marriage protection act from the clinton administration. no state has to recognize any others marriage that may violate the other states laws... so do what the hell you want. I was against it at first as i'm not big on homosexual activity in the first place. but bottom line, marriage in this country is a frickin joke anyhow, if 2 people love eachother hey let em get hitched, be merry, happy, and gay. hey more straight people could probably benifit from the example i've seen a lot of gay couples set.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 05:53 PM
Originally posted by 18psi2300:
Benefit and insurance costs are rising so rapidly already, I'm scared of what these companies are going to have to do to afford this shockwave of new "liabilities".

I'm sure the rising health costs have absolutely NOTHING to do with frivolous lawsuits and awards, which are driving Doctor's coverage and insurance rates up, meaning they have to make more money to stay afloat than ever before.
Posted By: SAV Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 06:09 PM
I've always held the theory that as long as gay people don't try to start a relationship with me personally, then I have no care in the world as to what they do with their lives. And I continue to hold to that theory. If they want to be intimate with somebody of the same sex other than myself, then so be it; more power to them.

As far as marriage, I think the government is making a bigger deal of this than need be. The long standing moral of heterosexual marriage seems to be giving way to this same sex marriage thing, and nobody of the non-homosexual world that's in power seems to want to recognise it. God forbid the government let the rest of this country evolve.

Maybe it's not right in the eyes of many, but it's a shame that those who think so haven't sat back and given it a good thought. What harm does it really cause? It's not "natural" enough? And I suppose obliterating everything that isn't "natural" is just the PERFECT dandy solution.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 06:35 PM
This country was founded by Christians that believed a person should not be persecuted for their beliefs. In doing so, they made a strict policy of seperating church and state. The problem is the state is trying to make a church issue a state issue and it shouldn't be.

I think in some ways this issue is similar to interracial marriages. It's discrimination.

Posted By: mbRentalEnvoy Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 07:12 PM
I will keep my personal feelings to myself, but what I DO know is this debate is draining, and utterly fruitless.

Here in Indiana, our state legislature went through about 2 weeks of deadlock because noone could agree- the Republicans wanted the state constitution amended, the Democratic Speaker of the House wouldn't let the bill out of committee, so the Republicans walked out of the chamber and refused to participate.

In the meantime, the legislative session expired with no significant business getting finished, including funding for full-day kindergarten.

I am a cold-blooded, heartless conservative bastard republican to the core, but I mean come on... when education is slammed to the back of the agenda over a 4th grade-esque impasse over whether or not a bunch of gays schlepping each other can have health care included?

Who elects these people anyways???
Posted By: Barge Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 07:25 PM
Everyone who keeps bringing up the seperation of church and state needs to do a little more research instead of just blurting it out. You'd be surprised what your forefathers had in mind compared to the liberal courts that decided we should have seperation of church and state.
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 07:30 PM
Maybe while we're at it I can get a law passed allowing me to marry my Pamela Anderson blow up doll. I mean, her healthcare can get REALLY expensive when she starts leaking air and I just don't know what she would do if I died...SHE NEEDS BENEFITS!

"Do you Scott,take this blow up doll to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do"

"Do you, blow up doll take Scott to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"Squeak squeak!"
Posted By: moxnix_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 07:47 PM
If you are going to marry her at least get a Real Doll to show that you care. If you marry a regular blow up doll she will think you only want her for sex but if you get a Real Doll she will know that you only want the best for her.
Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 07:59 PM
I find it quite comical how everyone (media/government) is getting so uptight about what two people do. Personally, I think we should be more intrested in bringing our troops home then what is going on in San Francisco.

The argument of 'what about insurance costs?!?' is a load of [censored]. Its not like a decent amount of the gays/lesbians that are being talked about here dont already have some form of insurance at work. So what if the partner doesnt have insurance and the person with the job wants his/her insurance to cover the person they love? A decent amount of companies already do allow same sex benifits. There would be no difference to that as if Joe had the good paying job and he wanted his wife Jane to have the coverage he gets through work to cover the costs of their baby.

And I am just so sure that life is going to change... What is going to happen when you have two guys cruising around in their minivan taking their kids to soccer practice? Thats just going to be the end of the world, right? Its not like it HASNT ALREADY HAPPENED! Just because gay marriage is not legal right now doesnt mean that you dont have countless couples running their lives and raising children like any straight couple.

I think the article that sticks in my head the most was a line from the Salt Lake Tribune. The journalist was writing about how Utah is trying to ammend a ban of its own to our state constitution. She said something to the effect of, "Utah can pretend that the country isnt changing. We can pretend that gays and lesbians arent getting married elsewhere in the country. We can pretend that it isnt going to happen here. While we are at it, why dont we go erect a beautiful white pickett fence around the state to protect us from the avalanche of change that is coming our way."

I guess its obvious to which side of this I stand on.
Posted By: 96_Concept_GL Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 08:08 PM
Come on... I want my dog to have medical insurance, so I'll marry my dog. It IS and always has been a MORAL issue. In a nation founded on religion, the institution of marriage is reserved and sworn to "under God". Why not allow polygamy? Hell, while we're at it, let's legalize marijuana, cocaine, and as many other drugs as we can think of. Deterioration of society shouldn't be held back just to marriage.

I'm not condemning or condoning homosexuality, but if this whole thing boils down to wanting benfits and tax deductions it's straight BS.

So people don't stay married, that's their business. The only reason the gay populus wants marriage rights is because they were told they couldn't have them. Family consists of a liniage. Where is that in the dropping of it through same sex marriage. I'm sorry, call me whatever you want, but I know that I cannot support this.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 08:22 PM
Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
Come on... I want my dog to have medical insurance, so I'll marry my dog.

Your dog is of a different species and can not give consent to have sex. BS arguement!
Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:

So people don't stay married, that's their business. The only reason the gay populus wants marriage rights is because they were told they couldn't have them.

Wrong there are plenty of gay friendly churches, i.e. founded by gays, that will marry same sex couples and have them recognized by the church. The problem is that that union is not recognized by the state therefore neither have legal rights to the other.

Posted By: MysticFreak Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 08:24 PM
Heyyyyyyy! I'll just say I'm married to my vehicle and my employer will have to pay my car insurance and then I can go get as many speeding tickets as I want!!!! I love America!
Posted By: daenku32_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 08:28 PM

In a nation founded on religion, the institution of marriage is reserved and sworn to "under God".

This must not be that nation considering all the legit marriages that were NOT sworn "under God".

Surely you are not trying to prohibit atheists from marrying under law, also?
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Andy W.:

Your dog can not give consent to have sex. BS arguement!

I beg to differ. Check it
Posted By: CarpePoon_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 08:35 PM
Originally posted by moxnix:
If you are going to marry her at least get a Real Doll to show that you care. If you marry a regular blow up doll she will think you only want her for sex but if you get a Real Doll she will know that you only want the best for her.

I'll just assume that you "stumbled" onto this site through a series of popups. blow up dolls are just one step shy of necrophilia
Posted By: Tom Thumb Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 08:38 PM
Looking at healthcare costs is like opening a can of worms. The doctors are paid by the drug companies to prescribe their medications. I went to my doctor today and all I really wanted was some advice and 2 prescriptions. The doctor spent about 5 minutes typing on the computer, looked at me only twice, and prescribed me 5 different medications. I got addictive barbiturates and all kinds of sample pills and I never ask for them.

What I wanted most was advice about some stretch marks that I have on my legs. The doctor prescribed Lotrisone for a rash a couple of years ago. The Lotrisone caused deep stretch marks on my legs and my legs hurt. I ask the doctor and he said he had never heard of it. I showed him a paper but he was to busy to do any research. I'm not really angry. Doctors are there to make money and the drug industry has the money to pay them. Why should a doctor want to do any research when the drug companies are giving them more money to prescribe their drugs? I got a whole bag full of free barbiturates and all kinds of pills. I did research on Lotrisone and Cushing's syndrome and this is the only information that I could find:

My doctor even prescribed more steroids (the same drug that causes Cushing's syndrome) and told me to put it on the stretch marks.
Posted By: PeppermintPatty Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 08:40 PM
Originally posted by CarpePoon:
Originally posted by moxnix:
If you are going to marry her at least get a Real Doll to show that you care. If you marry a regular blow up doll she will think you only want her for sex but if you get a Real Doll she will know that you only want the best for her.

I'll just assume that you "stumbled" onto this site through a series of popups. blow up dolls are just one step shy of necrophilia

I have an old issue of "Hustler" at home w/ a quite lengthy article on these dolls...they have excellent resale value (kinda disturbing )
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 09:12 PM
Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
Come on... I want my dog to have medical insurance, so I'll marry my dog. It IS and always has been a MORAL issue.

Whose morals? Certainly not mine, nor 95% of the people I know. Dogs are also not human. But, there IS pet health insurance. So, technically, it's easier for you to get health coverage for your pet than it is your gay lover whom you've been living with for 20 years.

Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:

In a nation founded on religion, the institution of marriage is reserved and sworn to "under God". Why not allow polygamy?

It's allowed in Utah. Second of all, there is a separation of Church and State. Third of all, I will never be married "under god," as I'm NOT Catholic. I guess that means I shouldn't be married according to you? Come on out to MA and tell me that directly. In fact, tell it to ANYONE who's not Christian.

Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
I'm not condemning or condoning homosexuality, but if this whole thing boils down to wanting benfits and tax deductions it's straight BS.

How old are you? Do you live on your own? Have you ever tried to get health benefits? It would seem you're young, still live at home, and don't need the health bennies. Put yourself in the other pair of shoes- imagine having your government tell you that you cannot marry the person you've been living with for 20 years, simply because you're the same sex, while your friends have been married 3 or 4 times each to people for less than 2 years "just because it was the right thing to do." Hardly seems fair when you love someone with all your heart, and want to have the ability to marry them and make that commitment, but cannot, doesn't it? You're not condemning gays, you're right... you're condemning EVERYONE who isn't straight and fertile.

Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
So people don't stay married, that's their business. The only reason the gay populus wants marriage rights is because they were told they couldn't have them. Family consists of a liniage. Where is that in the dropping of it through same sex marriage. I'm sorry, call me whatever you want, but I know that I cannot support this.

Family consists of lineage? Ok. Try this one... what if either the male or female in a straight relationship is sterile. They cannot reproduce. So, that means they can never be or have a family, right? That's your argument. So, since they can't reproduce, they shouldn't be able to get married, I see. Nice line of thinking. I emplore you to go to a fertility clinic and tell EVERYONE in the waiting room that exact paragraph. Word of advice- get out before you're at least beaten to death. If I was in a car accident, and lost my testicles due to them being crushed, and could never have children, and you hit me with that sentence, I would beat you to within an inch of your life.

And, the "gay populus" as you put it wants marriage rights because that's exactly what they are- RIGHTS, HUMAN F*CKING RIGHTS. The goverment is telling them that they're less than human because they're not hetero. Might as well tell a Black couple they can't be married because they're Black... why not stop there? Why not make marriage only available to the upper 1%? Why limit it to race, religion, or sexual orientation? Why not just go for income as well? It's just as arbitrary a point to deny someone the RIGHT to marriage as any other.

Posted By: moxnix_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 09:25 PM
Originally posted by CarpePoon:
I'll just assume that you "stumbled" onto this site through a series of popups. blow up dolls are just one step shy of necrophilia

I don't think they use Pop up ads They are not blow up dolls. Check out the site and you will find out that they are even better than the blow up dolls that you have
Posted By: moxnix_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 09:28 PM
Originally posted by SVZETEC:
I have an old issue of "Hustler" at home w/ a quite lengthy article on these dolls...they have excellent resale value (kinda disturbing )

I guess I should have bought one of them instead of a contour.
Posted By: Barge Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 09:33 PM
Separation of church and state - try to find it in the constitution.
Posted By: mbRentalEnvoy Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 09:40 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
Why not allow polygamy?

It's allowed in Utah.

Are you sure about that?? I didn't think it was.

And 7999- my grandma had Cushings disease- its not a fun disease at all.

I agree that the healthcare system is f'ed up, and a MAJOR overhaul is imminent, if you want my opinion. But the government is cutting in on the payments to the doctors by pharma companies as unethical, and a lot of that is starting to go away.

But thats another debate for another thread.
Posted By: CarpePoon_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 09:43 PM
Originally posted by moxnix:
Originally posted by CarpePoon:
I'll just assume that you "stumbled" onto this site through a series of popups. blow up dolls are just one step shy of necrophilia

I don't think they use Pop up ads They are not blow up dolls. Check out the site and you will find out that they are even better than the blow up dolls that you have

you TOTALLY missed my point. And my s/n is carpepoon, not carpesilicone
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Dan Nixon:

If one state approves gay marriage and the couple moves to a state without GM then the state is forced to either reciprocate (which is not fair to the citizens of that state) or refuse (which is not fair to the couple). So this amendment is REALLY about protecting states rights every bit as much as it is critisized for being AGAINST states rights.

So it would be more fair to gay people to completely ban them from getting married on US soil? How would a constitutional amendment give states more rights when it completely usurps their power to decide this issue for themselves?

Why not let the states decide (a) whether they want to permit gays to marry within their borders and (b) whether they want to recognize gay marriages performed elsewhere?
Wouldn't this be most fair for gay people?

I thought the republicans were the party in favor of states rights and decreasing the power of the national government?. A constitutional amendment seems like a major national power-grab to me.
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 09:57 PM
Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
...In a nation founded on religion, the institution of marriage is reserved and sworn to "under God".

Umm... what nation would that be?

Obviously if you have ever read through our constitution, you would know that the United States was without a doubt NOT "founded on religion".
Posted By: PeppermintPatty Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 09:59 PM
Originally posted by moxnix:
Originally posted by SVZETEC:
I have an old issue of "Hustler" at home w/ a quite lengthy article on these dolls...they have excellent resale value (kinda disturbing )

I guess I should have bought one of them instead of a contour.

Posted By: moxnix_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:04 PM
Originally posted by CarpePoon:
Originally posted by moxnix:
Originally posted by CarpePoon:
I'll just assume that you "stumbled" onto this site through a series of popups. blow up dolls are just one step shy of necrophilia

I don't think they use Pop up ads They are not blow up dolls. Check out the site and you will find out that they are even better than the blow up dolls that you have

you TOTALLY missed my point. And my s/n is carpepoon, not carpesilicone

Missed it ? I don't think so. Ignored it completely ? Yes that I did.

Tried to sidetrack this dicussion before it got nasty ? Yep guilty on that one also
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:13 PM
Originally posted by SVT Barge:
Separation of church and state - try to find it in the constitution.

Way to go dude. I've been trying to find a link like that for a long time. *right-click, Add to Favorites*
Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:16 PM
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Obviously if you have ever read through our constitution, you would know that the United States was without a doubt NOT "founded on religion".

Founded on religious freedom, just not a STATE religion like the Church of England, which was exactly the model that the Founding Fathers were avoiding.'d better believe that Christianity was first and foremost in their minds. I was in the historic district in Philadelphia a few weeks back, where the documents that form the basis of our national government were written, and there are paintings and illustrations of those men, in the room that they debated and worked in, all praying before beginning their work.

It's not like George W. Bush is making all this stuff up. And he's no religious kook in the White House...every president has invoked God's guidance and grace for the nation.

I still think that the feds should stay out of marriage "administration", though.
Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:19 PM
i think gay marriages should be allowed...i mean, why not? let them! here are some of the arguments refuting gay marriage, and my thoughts on them:
-marriage is a "holy" thing....and gays should not be allowed to be married  
ok, well atheists get married, should we not allow aitheists to get married? the church can do whatever the hell they want, but city hall marries people, regardless of their religious affiliation.

-being gay isnt natural, and gays should not be allowed to be married.
technically, this is true (im assuming you know that being gay PROBABLY has something to do with genes, and is NOT choice. i've come to this conclusion from talking to one of my gay friends at school.). anyways, being gay technically ISNT natural, i mean, the one of the purposes of our existence is to procreate, and gay men and women obviously cant do that. but that doesnt mean it is wrong...its just the way things are. also, its not like homosexuality is limited to humans- there have been many instances of homosexual animals as well.
consider mentally retarded people (not that gays and mentally retarded people have anything in common...but that they are both instances of something that is technically "unnatural"). mentally retarded people are obviously not TECHNICALLY natural, but that doesnt mean that just because a person is mentally retarted, we deny them the right to marry.
i dont know, those are just a few of my jumbled thoughts
just wanted to get you guys thinking
Posted By: MercuryMystik99 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:19 PM
It has nothing to do with morals, religion, or personal opinion of any kind. You really think the government would go to this length to ban something as harmless as this? Its all about the money, there is something in the minds of our political leaders that is holding them from giving in. You never know what kinds of things people can do, for immigration purposes, people can be desperate enough to claim they are gay (not act upon it), and get married legally just to stay in the country. It could be for lowered healthcare for these supposed "couples" and so on. It offers a new way of cheating the government out of money, and that is whats on their minds at all times. We cant be blind enough to think its about personal opinions. Im not even going to get into the war in Iraq.
Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:24 PM
Originally posted by MercuryMystik99:
It has nothing to do with morals, religion, or personal opinion of any kind. You really think the government would go to this length to ban something as harmless as this? Its all about the money, there is something in the minds of our political leaders that is holding them from giving in. You never know what kinds of things people can do, for immigration purposes, people can be desperate enough to claim they are gay (not act upon it), and get married legally just to stay in the country. It could be for lowered healthcare for these supposed "couples" and so on. It offers a new way of cheating the government out of money, and that is whats on their minds at all times. We cant be blind enough to think its about personal opinions. Im not even going to get into the war in Iraq.

i think thats a valid point, people could try to take advantage of it, etc.

but you have to admit that it DOES have to do with morals, religion, etc, for some people....
Posted By: ScottR Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:27 PM
Here's my thinking on another (related) topic: adoption by homosexuals.

I do not doubt that there are many homosexual couples that could provide far superior environments for children than they currently have. But the real question is whether there is solid evidence to show this makes sense as a general idea.

Homosexuality is not unlike any other behavior in that it results from a complex interaction of genetic propensity and environmental experiences. (Incidentally, the same could be said of other traits like heterosexuality, frugality, aggressiveness, religiosity, and attraction to new technologies.) We may debate about the exact role of upbringing and socialization (nature versus nurture), but one would be a fool to completely discount one or the other.

As for gay parents, there is (to my knowledge) no body of research that tells us how adopted children turn out. This is because there are not that many children of gay parents. In the future, we may have more understanding of this. If research shows positive effects, then I say promote the policy nation-wide. But for the sake of children, let's take a â??wait and seeâ? attitude.

Nonetheless, as a matter of common sense, I expect there are definite drawbacks to gay adoption. And these drawbacks have to do with gender socialization. Parents are a major source of socialization for children. Little girls (for example) benefit greatly from the presence of a feminine figure in the home. Moreover, little boys themselves benefit from having a mom (or female guardian) present. Ask any mother whether â??dad is unnecessaryâ? and/or she [the mother] can completely substitute for the absence of a masculine role model. I think the answer is common sense. Little boys and girls need a mom and a dad. Ask a child, if you doubt that!

When my three year old is injured, he prefers to be held and comforted by his mother. She is softer, has a more soothing voice, and makes him feel a little more secure than I (as a man) do. Perhaps this has something to do with having been breast fed for one year. Who knows! Anyway, there are times in which little â??Sumiâ? really wants mom. Dad is a second best choice for him.

And then there are times when my little one really wants/needs the attention of dad. I remember him sitting on my lap a few weeks ago whilst I carved a wooden sword (out of firewood) and used sand paper to smooth it. He wanted to talk to ME about sword fighting and competition. His mother would have been a second choice.

When I come home from work late at night, both my boys run down stairs and excitedly announce, â??Daddy's home!â? Iâ??m not just some â??parental unit,â? neutered, without a gender. My children know about gender differences, celebrate, and embrace them. Little â??Sumiâ? (my three year old) sometimes feels my unshaved face and calls it â??porcupine hair.â? He then feels his motherâ??s face and is fascinated by the difference. He is not oppressed by sexism at all. Ask kids about this. Ask them if mom or dad is irrelevant.

In my life, I have encountered a number of little children who live in a single-parent household (usually mother only). It never ceases to amaze me how a little girl longs for a real dad in the family. This is not abnormal. It is very natural. Even a little girl longs for a masculine figure in her family. She wants dad to read her the story of the three little pigs, not just mommy. She wants to rough house with dad and misses him when heâ??s away late at the office.

I think what we really forget in this debate is the precious little children. Little children want mom AND dad. And they want plenty of quality time from both parents. That makes them happy.

Second, there is the possibility that a gay couple would encourage or even intentionally socialize their child into a homosexual lifestyle. This is not desirable. Sex between males leads to well-known physical ailments, unlike sex between couples of the opposite sex. I realize that ANY sex is risky these days, but there are obvious distinctions here. The male species is not physically equipped to be the long-term recipient of sexual acts by other males. And that is why practicing homosexual males have higher rates of fistulotomies and colo-rectal cancer (two examples).

What goes on between two consenting adults is entirely their own business. However, as a society, we should be promoting healthy behavior. Generally speaking, heterosexual sex is less risky than homosexual sex. Therefore, I would oppose any policy that promoted (through socialization) a higher rate of homosexual behavior. And homosexual adoption just might do that. But again, I would wait to have this hunch confirmed in studies, before I made any firm conclusions.

And by the way, let me just make one thing clear. This is not an either/or deal. Many people fall somewhere between exclusive heterosexuality and homosexuality. As adults, it doesnâ??t matter whether youâ??re fond of latex, S&M, or silk stockings. However, when it comes to children, I think it does matter what sort of messages we send them and the sort of behavior we promote.


Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:31 PM
very well said.
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Nate S:
very well said.

Good job.
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 10:57 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:

It's allowed in Utah.

Common misconception there. That's very old school and not legal in Utah anymore. I lived there for 3 years and saw several news reports of men being arrested...kinda sad because I will never forget this one guy they busted with 9 wives and 63 kids.

Originally posted by bishop375:

And, the "gay populus" as you put it wants marriage rights because that's exactly what they are- RIGHTS, HUMAN F*CKING RIGHTS. The goverment is telling them that they're less than human because they're not hetero. Might as well tell a Black couple they can't be married because they're Black

I'd say I lean somewhat towards allowing gay marriages with some mixed views on the overall issue BUT one thing that sorta annoys me about this issue is people comparing gay rights to racial issues; apples to oranges. A person has no control over what race they are born. Homosexuals (regardless of whatever kind of BS research you wanna toss at me) CHOOSE to be that way...big difference IMO.

Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 11:04 PM
Originally posted by mbSVT:
Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
Why not allow polygamy?

It's allowed in Utah.

Are you sure about that?? I didn't think it was.

The state does not permit polygamy. The LDS church also is against it (but wasnt a long, long time ago). The reformed LDS church (IIRC), which branched off before any of us were around still practices it.

Originally posted by Nate S:
Originally posted by MercuryMystik99:
It has nothing to do with morals, religion, or personal...

[snipped the long reply]

...even going to get into the war in Iraq.

i think thats a valid point, people could try to take advantage of it, etc.

but you have to admit that it DOES have to do with morals, religion, etc, for some people....

And people cant take advantage of the system right now? There are plenty of marriages that are about insurance, taxes, etc and no children will ever be brought into them.

Good reply Scott!

Originally posted by ScottR:
Here's my thinking on another (related) topic: adoption by homosexuals.

I do not doubt that there are many homosexual couples that could provide far superior environments for children than they currently have. But the real question is whether there is solid evidence to show this makes sense as a general idea.

You run into problems with this again. Wording has to be carefully written to protect the children. Utah's law is one such example. They do not permit an unmarried couple (or a single person) to adopt a child. Take my friend, he has been living with his wife (for lack of a better word) for as long as I have known him, over five years. Technically he is married to her under common law because they have lived together for so long. He has never walked down the asile with her for medical reasons. Right now she has excellent insurance from the state for some condition she has (Im not going to go into details in this thread). If he marries her, his insurance will have to take over and it will ruin them because of the cost of what she needs. Now throw the daughter that they have raised into that. The daughter is the 'wife's' biological child. She knows who her real father is, but he doesnt have custody of her. So, if something happened to the wife, since she and my friend were not married he cannot take custody of the girl whos life he has been a part of for countless years. She would go to her grandparents on her mothers side, since they are the only married couple. So instead of taking it on a case by case basis, the blanket approach to fix the problem would ruin this girls life.

I also fall into this with my brother's newborn baby. Since I am not married, if something happened to my brother and his wife, I could not take custody of my own nephew.

Originally posted by ScottR:
As for gay parents, there is (to my knowledge) no body of research that tells us how adopted children turn out. This is because there are not that many children of gay parents. In the future, we may have more understanding of this. If research shows positive effects, then I say promote the policy nation-wide. But for the sake of children, let's take a â??wait and seeâ? attitude.

My ex had turned out fine for being raised by lesbians. I will continue this reply in the next section.

Originally posted by ScottR:
Nonetheless, as a matter of common sense, I expect there are definite drawbacks to gay adoption. And these drawbacks have to do with gender socialization. Parents are a major source of socialization for children. Little girls (for example) benefit greatly from the presence of a feminine figure in the home.

When I come home from work late at night, both my boys run down stairs and excitedly announce, â??Daddy's home!â? Iâ??m not just some â??parental unit,â? neutered, without a gender. My children know about gender differences, celebrate, and embrace them.

Second, there is the possibility that a gay couple would encourage or even intentionally socialize their child into a homosexual lifestyle. This is not desirable.

I am sure that there would be some cases where the parents tried to raise the child as if they were a homosexual. This cannot be done! The child would have to be taught when they were young the difference between men and women, it would have to be explained clearly, obviously some things would need to be explained as the child got older and could grasp different ideas. The child would have to be able to grow and develop as a normal child would. They will adapt to the situation that they live in. If they want to tell their friends that their mom's lover is their aunt, or introduce their friends to both of their moms, that is something that the child will have to grow into as they are older. The parents would have to embrace whatever choices their child makes in their life, either hetero or homosexual. This is something a lot of heterosexual parents have trouble doing. The child then becomes afraid to tell their parents about their life, depression results, possible failed heterosexual marriages, more children that would now be in broken homes, etc. If the child raised by a homosexual couple wants to be hetero, that is fine! If anything I think the gay couple would be happy for them because they wouldnt have to go through the troubles that their life has seen. And, they would have biological grandchildren. The same goes for the hetero couple that raises a child who comes out as gay/lesbian.

Originally posted by ScottR:
In my life, I have encountered a number of little children who live in a single-parent household (usually mother only). It never ceases to amaze me how a little girl longs for a real dad in the family. This is not abnormal. It is very natural. Even a little girl longs for a masculine figure in her family. She wants dad to read her the story of the three little pigs, not just mommy. She wants to rough house with dad and misses him when heâ??s away late at the office.

I think what we really forget in this debate is the precious little children. Little children want mom AND dad. And they want plenty of quality time from both parents. That makes them happy.

A lot of homosexual couple will have a masculine and a feminine role mode, even if they are of the same sex. A butch lesbian for example could be more masculine then most straight men.

Originally posted by ScottR:
I think it does matter what sort of messages we send them and the sort of behavior we promote.

Posted By: TaurusKev Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 11:41 PM
Ah what a debate, Homosexual's wont change, if we let them do what they want, they leave us alone? I know a couple gay people, they arnt bad like many people judge em. But I dont see why the US hasta be against that
then again, my stand point is, why create a big f-in fuss, a big debate, when all they have to do is just say ok fine. Does it affect the politicans personal life? No. Does it make the US look bad, Im pretty sure it does. But to me, let the homosexuals do as they would like, everyone is equal (sometimes I might not show it though ) Everyone though deserves equal treatment.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 11:43 PM
Originally posted by freakshow:
Common misconception there. That's very old school and not legal in Utah anymore. I lived there for 3 years and saw several news reports of men being arrested...kinda sad because I will never forget this one guy they busted with 9 wives and 63 kids.

I'd say I lean somewhat towards allowing gay marriages with some mixed views on the overall issue BUT one thing that sorta annoys me about this issue is people comparing gay rights to racial issues; apples to oranges. A person has no control over what race they are born. Homosexuals (regardless of whatever kind of BS research you wanna toss at me) CHOOSE to be that way...big difference IMO.

I stand corrected on Utah... some of my knowledge, is, admittedly, out of date.

But, there are a couple of things that I want to point out... homosexuality is NOT a preference. Just like you or I find women attractive, there are those who find the same sex attractive. It's inborn (not inbred, dammit! LOL), not a choice... it actually ticks me off when people say "it's a choice," but can't find a way to argue that hetero is just as much of a choice.

The reason playing the racial issue to the sexuality issue isn't that far from apples to apples. The "civil unions" theory is literally "separate but equal rights," which as we all know was played against race going back to the 50's and 60's. Same argument, same bull reason- fear. Gays are technically a minority, just like any non-caucasian person. Why discriminate (and I don't mean be prejudiced, I mean make a distinct separation between) between one and not the other? It just doesn't hold any water.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/09/04 11:44 PM
Originally posted by freakshow:
apples to oranges. A person has no control over what race they are born.

Oh yeah... I forgot.... this applies to everyone but Michael Jackson, it would seem.
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 12:12 AM
Originally posted by bishop375:

I stand corrected on Utah... some of my knowledge, is, admittedly, out of date.

No biggie it's one of those old tales that a lot of people don't realize no longer applies. hell, had I not been stationed there for 3 years I would probably think it was true. Even though I may not care for the LDS church it is by far IMO one of the most misunderstood/misquoted religions out there.

Originally posted by bishop375:

But, there are a couple of things that I want to point out... homosexuality is NOT a preference. Just like you or I find women attractive, there are those who find the same sex attractive. It's inborn (not inbred, dammit! LOL), not a choice... it actually ticks me off when people say "it's a choice," but can't find a way to argue that hetero is just as much of a choice.

I don't dispute that heterosexuality is also a choice. Until someone can uncover some sort of "gay or hetero gene" and fully prove it exists I will continue to believe what I feel is true: sexuality is not a trait attributed to a gene it is a behavior. To this date I have seen no real evidence to indicate otherwise except some half assed excuse for "reasearch" that proves nothing in reality.

I think way too many people blame genes for more than they should. I'm a firm believer in the power of the mind not the power of the gene pool so maybe that skews my take on this and leads me to think too many people these days just want a convenient excuse to be something they don't like instead of working at fixing it. I'm not really talking so much about homosexuality here but more along the lines of...say for example someone who's mom is overweight and they say "Oh great Mom's fat so I'm probably gonna grow up fat" well DUH if you tell yourself that long enough instead of keeping yourself in shape of course you'll be fat. Then once they get fat they blame it on "bad genes" instead of the REAL problem of overeating and lack of exercise. Of course that doesn't apply to all overweight people either (put your flamethrowers down dammit) but anyway I'm getting way off the subject now I guess. Argue on people!
Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 01:02 AM
Originally posted by freakshow:
A person has no control over what race they are born. Homosexuals (regardless of whatever kind of BS research you wanna toss at me) CHOOSE to be that way...big difference IMO.

Are you sure about that? I think that's a pretty common misconception. One of my friends at school is gay, and I've asked him many questions about this (and no matter how flaming he may be, he's still just a nice guy )- regardless, he says he does NOT choose to be gay- it's not like he has some switch inside of him that he can turn on whenever he sees a hot woman! Of course, it's much different if you're bisexual, but when you're talking about homosexuals, they do NOT CHOOSE to be gay. It's just the way they are- he says he does not choose to be that way.
Furthermore, there are also many instances of homosexual animals in nature, and remember that humans are also animals. Do animals in nature CHOOSE to be gay? Probably not.
Posted By: Barge Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Nate S:
Originally posted by freakshow:
A person has no control over what race they are born. Homosexuals (regardless of whatever kind of BS research you wanna toss at me) CHOOSE to be that way...big difference IMO.

Are you sure about that? I think that's a pretty common misconception. One of my friends at school is gay, and I've asked him many questions about this (and no matter how flaming he may be, he's still just a nice guy )- regardless, he says he does NOT choose to be gay- it's not like he has some switch inside of him that he can turn on whenever he sees a hot woman! Of course, it's much different if you're bisexual, but when you're talking about homosexuals, they do NOT CHOOSE to be gay. It's just the way they are- he says he does not choose to be that way.
Furthermore, there are also many instances of homosexual animals in nature. Do they CHOOSE to be gay? Probably not.

Of course this doesn't take into account the massive amount of social exposure a person has had by the time they reach an age where they become sexually aware. There are many social factors and many things that can happen in a childhood that would make a person by how they are. Just imagine how different you would be if you had been raised by another family or in another culture.

Also take not of the social acceptance of homosexuality in many great empires... babylon... rome... where are those empires now?
Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 01:20 AM
True, the social exposure a person gets during their childhood may perhaps dictate whether or not they become homosexual, but that still reiterates the point the homosexuals DON'T choose to be gay.

Personally, I think being a homosexual may come from a combination of social upbringing AND genes for some people, and for others, maybe just their social exposure during upbringing may dictate whether they become a homosexual (take children who have been sexually molested, just as one example...), and perhaps other people's sexuality is only dictated by genes...who knows.

Bottom line though is that they probably don't choose to be that way.
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 01:23 AM
Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Obviously if you have ever read through our constitution, you would know that the United States was without a doubt NOT "founded on religion".

I was in the historic district in Philadelphia a few weeks back, where the documents that form the basis of our national government were written...

There's one document that forms the basis of our federal government and its called the Constitution. Although our constitution was drafted by Christians - very religious individuals - it contains no references to Christ, no references to Christianity, no references to God, and the only references it contains that pertain to religion are a prohibition on requiring religious oaths and a prohibiiton on state sponsored religion.

I can't conceive how anyone could read our constitution and come away with the impression that this was intended to be a blueprint for a Christian nation.
Posted By: TaurusKev Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Nate S:
Originally posted by freakshow:
A person has no control over what race they are born. Homosexuals (regardless of whatever kind of BS research you wanna toss at me) CHOOSE to be that way...big difference IMO.

Are you sure about that? I think that's a pretty common misconception. One of my friends at school is gay, and I've asked him many questions about this (and no matter how flaming he may be, he's still just a nice guy )- regardless, he says he does NOT choose to be gay- it's not like he has some switch inside of him that he can turn on whenever he sees a hot woman! Of course, it's much different if you're bisexual, but when you're talking about homosexuals, they do NOT CHOOSE to be gay. It's just the way they are- he says he does not choose to be that way.
Furthermore, there are also many instances of homosexual animals in nature, and remember that humans are also animals. Do animals in nature CHOOSE to be gay? Probably not.

Theres a book at my school's library on Top FAQ's on gays and lesbians... funny and interesting at the same time
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 02:26 AM
Let me start off by saying that I am a Christian, and I am against homosexual marriage. But please don't let that stop you from taking my post seriously and reading my links.

On the topic of "homosexuality being a choice", I beg you to read this article by Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D., and Linda Ames Nicolosi. It specifically talks about gay men and how it stems from "gender nonconformity" when they were very young. Yes, it is on a Christian website (Focus on the Family), but it is technical and thorough (IMO). It is long, but hang in there.

Article 1

This EXCELLENT (and short) article is on the so-called "gay gene":

Article 2

As for the topic of gay marriage, I will try to scrape up some time to write a reply on that too.

Posted By: hmouta_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 02:41 AM
Originally posted by bishop375:
My question... how does allowing two people who love each other the federal recognition of being married really alter the "sanctity" of anyone else's?

In a country where nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, I think THAT statistic is what blows the value and "sanctity" of marriage.

If two people love each other and want to marry, let them. Their reproductive organs don't enter into it. If you want to say that marriage is for the sole purpose of having kids? What if either person is sterile? How many thousands of couples simply cannot reproduce? That means they shouldn't be married, right?

Separation of church and state, people... give me concrete, non-religious, non-biblical hard FACT how allowing gays to marry will somehow ruin the institution of marriage.

You have the right to freedom of speech and religion so long as it does NOT infringe upon the rights of others, as guaranteed in the Constitution of this great country... your religion is infringing upon the rights of others if you want to stick with placing an Amendment that will BAN gays from marrying.

And don't give me this "civil union" bull. You're preaching "separate but equal" rights. While you're at it, why don't you force gay people to sit at the back of the bus, drink from different fountains, and be forced out of restaurants and public areas? I mean, why go half way? If you want to eliminate one right, why not remove them all?

Posted By: hmouta_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 02:47 AM
Originally posted by Andy W.:
I really don't care. I think alot of time and money is being wasted on a topic that is rather personal. Who you sleep with and spend your life with is your bussiness not the gov'ts. All same sex couple want is to be able to have access to the same benefits legally as all other married couples. They aren't asking the gov't to require churches to recognize them only the legal system.

Why shouldn't they all get f'ed in a divorce just like straight people? Let them share finances, let them share legal right to health insurance and medical decisions.

I'm sure most same sex couples are better parents than a good portion of straight couples. And in the end, being a good parent is all that matters.


verbatim. give them the same rights or take it away from everyone. i havent seen anything about banning interracial marriages. the kkk neo nazi racist on every talk show seem to "quote" the same bible that the religious right "quote". they both somehow find passages condemning same sex relations or interracial relations.

open question: why do YOU really care. what are you afraid of. no one is forcing YOU to marry anyone. live your own life and let others do the same thing.
Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 02:52 AM
i care because i see it as an injustice, i'm just trying to support what is right. if all the people who supported gay marriages went on and lived their own lives, then gay marriage wouldnt have as much of the support that it does now. look at that governor in cali.
Posted By: hmouta_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 02:56 AM
dan, you cant make a decision because of what "could" happen. that was that tom cruise movie. i dont know what i'll do 10 years from now. should i not drive ever cuz i can potentially kill someone in an accident. should my license be revoked cuz i'll "likely" speed. what happens to straight married couples who never have kids. they arent contributing to society, supposedly. do we revoke their marriage rights after 5 years if they dont make a kid. or do we give them 10 years. if they have no intention of having kids ever, do we prevent them from getting married.
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 03:03 AM
Originally posted by freakshow:

I'd say I lean somewhat towards allowing gay marriages with some mixed views on the overall issue BUT one thing that sorta annoys me about this issue is people comparing gay rights to racial issues; apples to oranges. A person has no control over what race they are born. Homosexuals (regardless of whatever kind of BS research you wanna toss at me) CHOOSE to be that way...big difference IMO.

Ignorance is bliss...

And what kind of research do you have to prove this view? Or is it just your own personal hunch?

As for this issue, I agree that we have FAR greater issues at stake than this.

In addition, the thought of a constitutional ammendment is really scary. Throughout the history of the US, Civil Rights have always been protected by the courts. The fight for civil rights has begun and ended the same way every time. From womens rights, to race, and now homosexuality. Make there be no mistake, this is a CIVIL RIGHTS issue. Additionally, I fully agree that Civil Unions will not work. Seperate is hardly ever equal.

The "Sanctity of Marriage" arguement is crap too. If you're worried about the "Sanctity of Marriage" go talk to Britney Spears and her 54 hour marriage. Are there any married couples out there that truly feel there marriage means less because of that?

Finally, many states already have Gay Marriage bans in affect, and these laws include a clause about not recognizing gay marriage licences from other states. Why do we need to take this out of the hands of individual states? Within this article is a nice interactive map with state-by-state marriage laws.

Posted By: hmouta_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 03:38 AM
Originally posted by Nate S:
i care because i see it as an injustice, i'm just trying to support what is right. if all the people who supported gay marriages went on and lived their own lives, then gay marriage wouldnt have as much of the support that it does now. look at that governor in cali.

so because of that we should sweep it under the rug. if blacks in this country never fought back, would it be ok to still keep them as slaves. as long as they keep their mouth shut and the rest of the population (whites) dont object, then why all the fuss, right?

i have plenty of gay/lesbian friends. if you knew what they go through you wouldnt think its a choice. why in the hell would anyone choose to be gay knowing what the backlash is and the hate that exists against them, when it would be so much easier to choose to be straight. if being raised by gay parents will make their kids gay or push them in that direction, why didnt my gay friends turn out straight after being raised by straight parents. they pretended to be straight and even tried dating the opposite sex, hating every minute of it. it would be like me trying to date the same sex. there's no way in hell i could do it or pretend. i recall a vivid first day of kindergarten when the 1st grade teacher walked in to talk to my teacher and i thought to myself "whoa she's hot". at the age of five your telling me i was raised and influenced enough already to "decide" to like girls. in pre-k(3-4 years old) i was the only boy that would play house with the girls. i wasnt stupid. i just knew i liked girls and went to go be in their company. at this age your telling me i chose to be straight? use some common sense about this; think about it logically.

why would anyone choose to be gay? if someone came to u and wanted to give u $5 or $5million, who in their right mind would choose $5 when $5million would make your life SO MUCH EASIER. why make your life miserable and harder and face hatred and discrimination by "choosing" the less easy path of homosexuality.

i dont complete believe in the fat gene but there is truth to it (i dont think its as prevalent as many say but i think it exists). one may lose some weight but may never lose the amounts other do. i have friends that workout and juiceup and some of them will NEVER be cutup. they are pretty solid but their bodies (genetics) will never allow them to have the definition and chiseled bodies of models,etc.
Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 03:43 AM
Originally posted by hmouta:
Originally posted by Nate S:
i care because i see it as an injustice, i'm just trying to support what is right. if all the people who supported gay marriages went on and lived their own lives, then gay marriage wouldnt have as much of the support that it does now. look at that governor in cali.

so because of that we should sweep it under the rug. if blacks in this country never fought back, would it be ok to still keep them as slaves. as long as they keep their mouth shut and the rest of the population (whites) dont object, then why all the fuss, right?

i dont quite get what you're saying, but maybe you misunderstood me, since my post was kind of unclear- i am FOR gay marriage
my post was unclear i guess
Posted By: Contouraholic_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 03:50 AM
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Obviously if you have ever read through our constitution, you would know that the United States was without a doubt NOT "founded on religion".

I was in the historic district in Philadelphia a few weeks back, where the documents that form the basis of our national government were written...

There's one document that forms the basis of our federal government and its called the Constitution. Although our constitution was drafted by Christians - very religious individuals - it contains no references to Christ, no references to Christianity, no references to God, and the only references it contains that pertain to religion are a prohibition on requiring religious oaths and a prohibiiton on state sponsored religion.

I can't conceive how anyone could read our constitution and come away with the impression that this was intended to be a blueprint for a Christian nation.

He probably meant Declaration of Independence:


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The reason for Marriage is to create a environment that benefits the state, ie: Male/Female marry and raise children. The laws protect the bond so that childrren are raised as best as possible and the laws protect this family as best as possible. It is in the best interest of the state to have its children protected and raised by this family unit. Now you can quote all sorts of instances where this doesn't work. But overall, it does. Without a religious motive to marry, why should an atheist marry? Why not just have kids? Why is out of wedlock children bearing frowned upon? Because, even though it doesn't happen every single time, the state wants a family to form and support itself and raise the children. Since the only "natural" way for this to happen is for a man and woment to marry and bear children. No other combination works as well so the state encourages this with it's laws. There is no incentive for the state to encourage any other combination. And I don't see any advantage to the state for any other combinbation. Don't quote me an elderly couple who can't have kids, or a women or man who is sterile. If the state could be more intrusive, it would probably ban that too. Since the state shouldn't be more intrusive, we can let those couple of exceptions slide without losing sight of the big picture, Children are best (not the only way, but still best) raised by a Mael/Female setup. Again, don't quote abusive male/female setups as these are against the law and not encouraged by the state.

So rather than what is in it for the the gay couple, explain why or how the state will benefit from gay marraige. Not a single instance, but a big picture. Heterosexual marraige is a benefit because it creates in the vast majority of the cases the best known environment for raising and protecting the next citizens of the state. One parent families are not ideal. Not "Bad", but not ideal, so the state does not encourage it with laws. Gay families are not necessarily "bad", but still not ideal.

For instance, if the tax laws and other laws made single mother families the preferred situation, then we would see even more "unwed" mothers. It is possible, but not as easy, to raise children by oneself, but certainly not the best situation. So our laws and tax structure do not encourage single parenthood. By the same token, unless I missed something, there is nothing to be gained by the state to encourage homosexual unions.

So, not god, not morals. If you had to state the BEST situation for raising children, one has to admit that a LOVING mother and father, raising their own children, is the best combination. So as a state (state meaning the US or one it's states), the only one to encourage with favorable laws is the "standard" combination. It shouldn't necessarily disallow other combinations, as exceptions can be made, but it should only encourage the ideal.

Marriage by definition is a male/female thing. Something else should be called something else. Pick a word, any word. Make a word up.

Some other peeves of mine is the argument that "conventional marriages have a 50% divorce rate so it isn't that sacred." So tell me why you want a part of something with a 50% failure rate?

Another little thing is that most arguments for gay marriage could be used for other combinations. Why not polygamy? Can't 3 people commit to each other? can't 3 people raise children better? Can't 4 people be good parents? Why can't I marry my brother? Are we not good people?
Why can't I marry my dad? He is a good parent and loves me already? By re-defining marriage we actually un-define it.

I don't believe the state should ENCOURAGE anything but the ideal.

Now, it may be in the states best interest to define a domestic partnership. Since issues as inheritance, health care, dependant support are important to the state, I would be in favor of a state law defining a domestic partnership. However, since it purpose is not primarily to encourage raising children in an ideal environment, it is not marraige, but something else, and the laws should be set up to make the best situation for the STATE. I don't know exactly what that would be, but I would be in favor of something like that.
Also, Power of attorney, living wills, wills, can accomplish many of the goals a gay couple needs without the benefit or drawbacks to marriage. Some decent laws could allow a reasonable equivalence to marriage without it actually being marriage.

Posted By: jlanger_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 03:51 AM
cpurser, I would wonder how these pscyhologists woudl explain animal homosexuality. Especially among chimpanzees (bonobos specifically) there are a high amount of homosexual and bisexual relationships.
Anyway I think the deal should be eiether to get equalize all the benifits that married people have among everyone else, (like Sweden has done) or to start allowing people to do anythign they wnat that is among "consentiual adults" This woudl include polgymy and polygany. The nations seems to be heading down this path anyway. Just look at the recent rulings strking down the sodomy laws. Pretty soon there will be a court case to the supreme court regarding a gay couple that wasn't able to get the same benifits as a married couple. It'll be interesting to see what happens then. It seems that quite a few courts are already siding with gay couples.
Posted By: jlanger_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 03:55 AM

Now, it may be in the states best interest to define a domestic partnership. Since issues as inheritance, health care, dependant support are important to the state, I would be in favor of a state law defining a domestic partnership. However, since it purpose is not primarily to encourage raising children in an ideal environment, it is not marraige, but something else, and the laws should be set up to make the best situation for the STATE. I don't know exactly what that would be, but I would be in favor of something like that.
Also, Power of attorney, living wills, wills, can accomplish many of the goals a gay couple needs without the benefit or drawbacks to marriage. Some decent laws could allow a reasonable equivalence to marriage without it actually being marriage.


However, I don't really see much wrong with polygyny/polygany. I understand the issues with marrying your dad/mom/uncle/aunt (remember though that cousin marraiges are not genetically evil and are still practiced in most cultures of the world, as well as polygyny/polygany)
Posted By: hmouta_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 04:26 AM
then take the right away from everyone. problem solved.

atheists get married to be committed to each other. who said they are getting married in a church? civil unions, justice of the peace likely. well, if gays cant have kids a huge benefit would be the adoption of all the kids in foster care that "straight couples dont adopt cuz they want to have their own biological kids". i certainly dont think the state is doing these foster kids any good. and i dont want the state to be more intrusive. fix my potholes and streets and hwys so i dont destroy my nice 17s and svt body kit.

the federal government recognizes several religions too. it doesnt explicitly state which is right. which is the good religion: judaism, chritianity, islam? to not get into the whole "if you dont recognize islam then your saying our religion is wrong" thing, the government recognizes it and lets them go about their merry way. jews are allowed to not work on jewish holidays and not be fired cuz that would be discrimination. u give equal rights to everyone or take them away.

same reason potsmokers want it legalized. if your vice is booze, then legally u can drink to your hearts content. if you love marlboro's light up all day and night in your house without worrying about being raided. you like pot? sorry u picked the wrong vice. what happened to just treating them like alcohol. get drunk in your house, fine. drink and drive, then get arrested. do the same w/ pot and/or other drugs. ban twinkies. they sure as hell lead to more deaths (related to obesity and subsequently health related issues). i've never seen that question on an insurance form (how many twinkies do u consume per week). hmm, i wonder why healther insurance is rising. all this same logic applies to everything. freedom of speech is great. but u also have to put up w/ the kkk and there rhetoric. thats the price u pay.

the government should be here to run the country not baby us and tell us what we can and cant do. if i'm not directly affecting you them leave me alone. give the both of us the same rights. when i physically affect you, then you take my rights away.

remember why this country was started. just because something is a law, doesnt mean its right or moral or just. use whatever word u want. just because something isnt a law doesnt mean its wrong. the government is run by humans. if they pass a law saying driving svt contours are illegal, r u gonna sit by and go buy a chevy cavalier? or r u going to do something about it. they work for us, not the other way around. voters put them in office. they dont put themselves there.
Posted By: hmouta_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 04:29 AM
oh and dont forget to check the group buy for the pedal set i have going on. last i checked, i still have the legal right to get these made and put them on my car or has the government started ruling on taste and aesthetics too? well, we know they have but u get the point
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 04:40 AM
Let's get a few facts out on the table...

1) People do not choose to be gay. People are gay from birth. It is natural for a gay person to have sex with a person of the same gender. Believe me, it's all internal wiring. Sex with a woman is as distasteful to me (I've tried it) as having sex with a man is to you straight guys out there. I was acculturated in a VERY anti-gay environment, and yet I had fantasies about sleeping with the football team and not the cheerleaders. I also have relatives I never met, or met once or twice (not in any way to acculturate) who are gay. I can trace a trait through 4 generations.

2) Physiological differences exist between straight men and gay men. There have been statistical differences in the size of certain parts of the brain and in certain organs beyond statistical variation. It may be the combination of the physiological traits that make homosexuality, versus a stand alone gene.

3) Gay marriage is not about adding rights. It is about removing an artifical restriction that government places on a specific group of people. Marriage in our society is NOT about children. Our society believes marriage is a commitment between two people to devote their lives to each other. Children are a separate decision/discussion.

4) "Civil Unions" are not adequate, unless they apply to all heterosexual unions joined in like manner. Marriage is a social institution. I believe the decision of Brown vs. Board of Education can be logically extended that separate but equal (civil union vs. marriage) is not equality under the Constitution.

5) Insurance is not an issue. Many employers have domestic partner benefits. The issues are with inheritance, civil rights (spouses cannot be required to testify), medical rights (ability to be with a patient in critical care). I believe government should get out of applying special considerations to marriage as well. However, since that will never happen, I believe in having the considerations applied equally to all committed relationships.

6) There is no evidence to suggest that children of gay parents are any less happy or well-adjusted as children of straight parents. In fact, unless I am told, I would not know whether the parents are gay or straight (I know several adult children of gay couples).

Intended or not, the wording of the Constitution does prohibit the establishment of religion. James Madison (the writer of the Bill of Rights) put it clearly. Making laws according to the doctrines of a religion IS government establishing religion.

I feel that in not allowing gays to marry, government has placed an artificial restriction on me that others don't have: the ability to marry someone that I am naturally attracted and committed to.
Posted By: cvkillacontour98 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 04:50 AM
i just think that decision shouldnt be made by the government but by the holy men of the many different religions. the way i see it marriage is suppose to be a religous ceramony not a government task so it shouldnt be up to the courts.
Posted By: Derk-xB Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 06:47 AM
I haven't read all the posts, and I'm not going to. I've had many discussions on this topic, and it's moot.

This is all I want to add:
1) Banning gay marriages in the CONSTITUTION is absurd. That's just as moronic as banning marriages between people with certain skin colors. It's making a prejudice into a law.
This is NOT a Constitutional issue. If WE THE PEOPLE allow something like this into our Constitution, we're fukt, and I'm moving to Canada.
It's one thing to make a state law allowing/banning the marriages, but I'd consider it a raping of the Constitution if we let GW make a law based on sexual preferance into OUR Constitution. F*(k that.

2) It's sad that issues like this are going to be "key" debate topics. What about issues like,
* Where'd my job go?
*Why did you send my labor job to India?

Oh, other issues like, say,
*Why do we still have people starving to death on our streets?
*Why is this country splitting in to ULTRA-rich people and ULTRA-poor people?
My favorite -
*Why are you encouraging USA to become USA Inc.? point is this: If my country is going to crap, I don't give a crap about who's humping who in the privacy of his/her own home.

/rant off
Posted By: Derk-xB Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 07:19 AM
Ok...I lied...I read the posts...

Andy V. - right on!

Originally posted by svtcarboy:
Let's get a few facts out on the table...

1) People do not choose to be gay.

I agree. (Except for a few cases here and there, more likely to be females because somehow it's more socially acceptable for women to be "curious")

Here's my proof:
I'm heterosexual. I'm 23 years old. In all of my 23 years, not once have I woken up in the morning and said, "Gee, am I attracted to men or women today?"
I didn't choose to be a heterosexual, I just am.

P.S. In case you can't tell, I don't see any reason why gay men and women should not be allowed a legal binding called "marriage."

Posted By: CRZYDRVR_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 07:30 AM

I don't give a crap about who's humping who in the privacy of his/her own home.

Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 01:03 PM
Here's a quick answer, without too much Biblical "interference." I think you'll be able to tell which side of the wall I would fall on....

And I know half of you won't read it, but I still had to add it in and for those that ask why I couldn't answer in my own words? WHY should I when these guys hit the nail on the head....

Originally posted by</font><hr>Is Marriage in Jeopardy?
August 27, 2003

by Glenn T. Stanton

Are you confused about what â??marriageâ? really means today?

Many people, even Christians, are confused by the arguments they are hearing today on the subject of homosexual marriage. Superficially, what the advocates are saying may seem fair and logical. Scratch the surface, however, and youâ??ll find that their assertions donâ??t hold up.

This article contains some of the frequently asked questions and often-heard statements about this important issue, along with the answers that will help you in the debate. This is a cataclysmic social battle, and it will be with us for some time to come. No Christian, no citizen, can afford to sit this one out on the sidelines.

Click here for the PDF version of this FAQ.


Q: Shouldnâ??t two people who love each other be allowed to commit themselves to one another?

A: Absolutely, and people do that all the time. But we donâ??t call it marriage. There are lots of loving commitments that are not marriage. Friends are committed to each other, a parent is committed to a child, grandparents to their grandchildren, and people are committed to their pets. All of these are forms of love. All of them result in commitments. None of them is marriage.

Q: Whatâ??s wrong with letting homosexuals marry?

A: No human societyâ??not oneâ??has ever tolerated â??marriageâ? between members of the same sex as a norm for family life. And that is what is at stake here, making â??marriageâ? between two men or two women as normal as between one man and one woman. It is saying that neither arrangement is any better than the other. As Dr. Dobson writes, only until the last few â??millisecondsâ? of history and experience (i.e. Canada and some European nations) have we arrogantly believed we can improve upon this ancient and universal institution.

This public meaning of marriage is not something that each new generation is free to redefine. Marriage is defined by the God of nature and natureâ??s Godâ??and a wise society will protect marriage as it has always been understood. Marriage is the way our culture promotes monogamy, provides a way for males and females to build a life together, and assures every child has a mother and father.

Q: Homosexuals canâ??t have children, but many other couples canâ??t as well. Why do we let them marry?

A: This is the exception and not the rule. Many of these childless couples adopt, and their adoptive children receive the benefits of both father and mother this way. It is impossible for a homosexual couple to bestow that benefitâ??the presence of a father and a motherâ?? on any child, even if that couple adopts or uses artificial insemination.

Q: Isnâ??t it true that what kids need most are loving parents, regardless of whether itâ??s a mother or father?

A: No. A child needs a loving mother and father. A wealth of research over the past 30 years has shown us this. (However, same-sex marriage and parenting intentionally deprive children of a mother or father.) The most loving mother in the world cannot teach a little boy how to be a man. Likewise, the most loving man cannot teach a little girl how to be a woman. A gay man cannot teach his son how to love and care for a woman. A lesbian cannot teach her daughter how to love a man or know what to look for in a good husband. Is love enough to help two gay dads guide their daughter through her first menstrual cycle? Like a mom, they cannot comfort her by sharing their first experience. Little boys and girls need the loving daily influence of both male and female parents to become who they are meant to be.

Q: Isnâ??t that cruel?

A: Thatâ??s only because of the times in which we live. Our society prizes what seems fair, more than what is true. Children truly need both a mom and a dad. It is cruel to intentionally deny them this. The research supporting this is both substantial and unequivocal!

Q: What about people who are too old to have children, even adopted ones? We let them marry.

A: Yes, of course we allow older folks to marry. Having babies is not a requirement of marriage. The reason for supporting the institution of marriage is not rooted only in childrearing. Man and woman were made for each other, and the State has a compelling interest in supporting itâ?? with or without children.

Q: But isnâ??t it better for a child to grow up with two loving same-sex parents than to live in an abusive home or be bounced around in foster care?

A: Youâ??re comparing the worst of one situation (abusive heterosexual parenting) with the best of another (loving same-sex parenting). Thatâ??s apples and oranges.

Actually, research reveals that child abuse is at its lowest when children live with both biological parents compared with higher rates for children who live with at least one nonbiological parent or caregiver.1 Same-sex parenting situations make it impossible for a child to live with both biological parents, thus increasing their risk of abuse.

Those who want homosexual marriage are not asking to take the children living in the most difficult situations, so itâ??s intellectually dishonest to preface the argument with that claim. They are asking for the same thing all parents desire: healthy, happy children they can call their own. So let us dispense with the idea that same-sex couples will serve some high social good by only taking children in the most difficult situations. They have never asked for this.

Q: Apart from the issue of children, donâ??t gays have the same legal right to marry that heterosexuals do?

A: All people have the same right to marry, as long as they abide by the law. You cannot marry if youâ??re already married, you cannot marry a close relative, an adult cannot marry a child, you cannot marry your pet, and you cannot marry someone of the same sex. Letâ??s be clear, everyone has access to marriage as long as they meet the requirements. This is not about access to marriage. Itâ??s about redefining marriage to be something it has never been.

Q: But heterosexuals can marry according to their sexual orientation. Why shouldnâ??t homosexuals be allowed to marry according to their orientation?

A: No U.S. court has ever recognized, nor has any scientific study ever established, that homosexuality is rooted in nature and therefore is the same as heterosexuality. Scientists understand that homosexuality is rooted in a collection of biological, psychological and social factors. We cannot treat them as the same thing.

Q: But I thought homosexuals couldnâ??t help it? This seems intolerant.

A: Then nature itself is intolerant. Marriage has not been â??imposedâ? upon culture by some religious institution or government power from which it needs to be â??set free.â? It was established by God, is enforced by the nature which God bestowed upon mankind, and we tamper with it at our own peril.

Hereâ??s what is intolerant. Same-sex â??marriageâ? is being forced upon us by a small, but elite, group of individuals dressed in black robesâ??judgesâ??who say that thousands of years of human history have simply been wrong. That is a very arrogant notion that will bring great harm to our culture.

Q: Isnâ??t banning gay marriage just like banning interracial marriage?

A: Not at all! Being black or white, Hispanic or Asian is not like being homosexual. Again, no academic institution in the world nor any U.S. court has ever established that homosexuality is unchangeable, as are race, nationality or gender.

But this assertion really implies that opponents to same-sex marriage are bigots and that is not true. They simply believe marriage is between men and women for good reason.

Q: But havenâ??t we seen all kinds of family diversity in various civilizations throughout history?

A: No. Anthropologists tell us that every human society is established by males and females joining in permanent unions to build a life together and bear and raise their children. The differences we see in family from culture to culture are primarily variations on this model: how long the male and female stay together, how many spouses either can have and how the labor is divided. Some cultures make greater use of extended family than others. Family diversity is largely confined to these differences. But there has never been a culture or society that made homosexual marriage part of its family model.

Q: But how does someoneâ??s homosexual â??marriageâ? threaten everyone elseâ??s families?

A: Gay activists are not asking for just one homosexual marriage, even though they often personalize it by saying, â??Donâ??t you interfere with my family and I wonâ??t interfere with yours.â? What the activists want is a new national policy saying that no longer is a mom and a dad any better than two moms or two dads. That policy would turn some very important principles upside down:

Marriage would become merely an emotional relationship that is flexible enough to include any grouping of loving adults. If it is fair for two men or two women to marry, why not three, or five, or 17? The terms â??husbandâ? and â??wifeâ? would become merely words with no meaning.

Parenthood would consist of any number of emotionally attached people who care for kids. â??Motherâ? and â??fatherâ? would become only words.

Gender would become nothing. The same-sex proposition cannot tolerate the idea that any real, deep and necessary differences exist between the sexes. It must rest on a â??Mister Potato Head theoryâ? of gender difference (same core, just interchangeable body parts). If real differences did exist, then men would need women and women would need men. Our children would learn that sexual differences are like mere personality types. Wait until your kids start bringing those papers home from school.

Q: But doesnâ??t expanding marriage to include homosexuals actually help strengthen marriage?

A: Just the opposite. There is recent evidence from the Netherlands, arguably the most â??gay-friendlyâ? culture on earth, that homosexual men have a very difficult time honoring the ideal of marriage. Even though same-sex â??marriageâ? is legal there, a British medical journal reports male homosexual relationships last, on average, 1.5 years, and gay men have an average of eight partners a year outside of their supposedly â??committedâ? relationships.

Contrast that with the fact that 67 percent of first marriages in the United States last 10 years, and more than threequarters of heterosexual married couples report being faithful to their vows.2

No. Watering down the definition of marriage does not help strengthen marriage.

Q: Even so, traditional marriage isnâ??t doing all that well, with so many divorces.

A: Youâ??re right. Marriage isnâ??t working well, so what should we do? Erase the marriage laws? Look at it this way. We have laws against murder, but people still commit murder, so what should we do? Erase the murder laws? Of course not. When laws arenâ??t working, legislators try to fix them. We should strengthen marriage, and many are beginning to do just that.

As a matter of fact, the evidence favoring marriage is so overwhelming that the federal government has begun to encourage the inclusion of a marriage training component in all state welfare plans.

Q: But doesnâ??t our culture benefit from trying new things?

A: New does not always mean better. â??Newâ? and â??improvedâ? have only become synonymous in our consumer age. Anything that departs from specific instruction in the Scriptures is a bad idea, inevitably.

Thirty years ago, our nation entered a dramatic social experiment on the family called â??no-fault divorce,â? thinking this would improve family life. The research that examined the next 30 years of experience, however, has judged this experiment a massive failure. Children and their parents have been hurt far more deeplyâ??and for much longerâ?? than we ever imagined.

The revolutionaries of the no-fault divorce movement claimed that the â??til death do us partâ? portion of marriage wasnâ??t that important. They were wrong. The same-sex proposition claims the â??husbandâ? and â??wifeâ? portion doesnâ??t matter. Here we go again.

Q: Surely, though, homosexuals need marriage to feel like full members of society, donâ??t they?

A: Need marriage? No. What we are talking about here is self-esteem and it is not the place of government to bestow self-esteem on any individual or group.

Q: Why do you have to be so narrow in your definition of marriage?

A: Nature is narrow in its definition and for very good reason. Research over the last 100 years consistently shows us that marriage provides a treasure chest of good things for adults, children and society.

Q: What benefits does marriage provide?

A: Research consistently shows that married adults do better in virtually every measure of well-being. Married people live longer, happier lives. They enjoy higher levels of physical and mental health, they recover from illness quicker, earn and save more money, are more reliable employees, suffer less stress, and are less likely to become victims of any kind of violence. They find the job of parenting more successful and enjoyable and they have more satisfying and fulfilling sex lives. These benefits are largely equal for men and women.3

Compared with children in any other situation, children with married parents need to visit doctors less often for physical or emotional problems, and they do better in all measures of intellectual and academic development. They are more sympathetic toward others and much less likely to be in trouble at school, at home or with the police. They are much less likely to use drugs and be involved in violent behavior or premarital sexual activity and childbearing. It is uncommon for kids who live with married parents to live in poverty or be victims of physical or sexual abuse.4 Research is clear: marriage makes a substantial, positive difference in peopleâ??s lives.

Q: So wouldnâ??t opening marriage to same-sex couples mean more people benefit from marriage?

A: Just the opposite. Marriage is more than an emotional, committed relationship. It is the permanent union of the two complementary parts of humanity who complete each other in their differences. This is why marriage provides good things for adults and children, which same-sex relationships, by definition, cannot provide.

The ultimate result of expanding the definition of marriage is that marriage would mean everythingâ??and nothing. The goal of most influential gay leaders who are spearheading this movement is not to broaden the benefits of marriage, but to strip it of any meaning. They see redefining marriage in this way as the first step toward abolishing marriage and the family altogether thus eliminating the benefits of marriage for everyone.

Q: But isnâ??t same-sex marriage all that is being argued for?

A: Yes, gay marriage is viewed by many as a civil right. But, if such a right is established, then on what basis can marriage be denied to any coupling or group? In a remarkably sobering article in The Weekly Standard writer Stanley Kurtz explains that polygamy is getting more widespread endorsement than ever before, with friendly commentary in several major newspapers recently. Kurtz predicts the ACLU will soon rise as its foremost defender.

And it wonâ??t stop there. Kurtz reports further on the coming popularity of something called polyamory, which is a $10 word for group marriage. Already polyamory is on the cutting edge in family law, and is promoted by professors at some of our nationâ??s leading universities. Kurtz explains that this â??group marriageâ? movement is marching down the same trail blazed by the same-sex proponents.5

For all the other problems this will cause, government and industry would be forced to provide health and legal benefits for any grouping of people who declare themselves to be â??marriedâ? under these laws, or more likely, court decisions. Could your business afford health-care benefits for 5 or 9 people in a group marriage? In fact, in this brave new world, what would keep two heterosexual single momsâ??or even six of themâ??from â??marryingâ? simply so they can receive family health, tax and social security benefits together? The increased cost to business and government would be crippling.

Marriage is not just a private affair. Every marriage is a public virtue in that it responsibly regulates human sexuality, brings the two parts of humanity together in a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship and it delivers mothers and fathers to children. Society benefits from the well-being of marriage; nearly every dollar spent by our government on social welfare is in reaction to a marriage breaking down or failing to form. Good things happen when we honor what marriage is. Bad things happen when we try to change it.

Ultimately and inevitably, the future and the health of humanity rests upon the health and future of marriage.

To see how same-sex marriage is harmful to children click here. (SEE BELOW)

To sign an electronic petition in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment, click here and you will be taken to the American Family Association's Web site.

Developed by Glenn T. Stanton; Also by Pete Winn, associate editor of CitizenLink at Focus on the Family.

Glenn T. Stanton is Director of Social Research and Cultural Affairs and Senior Analyst for Marriage and Sexuality at Focus on the Family. He is also author of Why Marriage Matters: Reasons to Believe in Marriage in Postmodern Society (Pinon Press).

1Catherine Malkin and Michael Lamb, â??Child Maltreatment: A Test of the Sociobiological Theory,â? Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 25 (1994): 121-133; David Popenoe, Life Without Father, (New York: The Free Press, 1996).
2Maria Xiridou, et al., â??The Contributions of Steady and Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV Infection Among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam,â? AIDS, 17 (2003): 1029.38.
3Glenn T. Stanton, Why Marriage Matters: Reasons to Believe in Marriage in Postmodern Society, (Colorado Springs, Pinon Press, 1997); Linda Waite and Maggie Gallagher, The Case for Marriage: Why Married People Are Happier, Healthier and Better Off Financially, (New York: Doubleday, 2000); Robert Coombs, â??Marital Status and Personal Well-Being: A Literature Review,â? Family Relations 40 (1991) 97-102; Lois Verbrugge and Donald Balaban, â??Patterns of Change, Disability and Well-Being,â? Medical Care 27 (1989): S128- S147; I.M. Joung, et al., â??Differences in Self-Reported Morbidity by Marital Status and by Living Arrangement,â? International Journal of Epidemiology 23 (1994): 91-97; Linda Waite, â??Does Marriage Matter?â? Demography 32 (1995): 483-507; Harold Morowitz, â??Hiding in the Hammond Report,â? Hospital Practice (August 1975), p. 39; James Goodwin, et al., â??The Effect of Marital Status on Stage, Treatment, and Survival of Cancer Patients,â? Journal of the American Medical Association, 258 (1987): 3152-3130; Benjamin Malzberg, â??Marital Status in Relation to the Prevalence of Mental Disease,â? Psychiatric Quarterly 10 (1936): 245-261; David Williams, et al., â??Marital Status and Psychiatric Disorders Among Blacks and Whites,â? Journal of Health and Social Behavior 33 (1992): 140-157; Steven Stack and J. Ross Eshleman, â??Marital Status and Happiness: A 17-Nation Study,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60 (1998): 527-536; Robert T. Michael, et al., Sex in America: A Definitive Survey, (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1994), p. 124-129; Randy Page and Galen Cole, â??Demographic Predictors of Self-Reported Loneliness in Adults,â? Psychological Reports 68 (1991): 939-945; Jan Stets, â??Cohabiting and Marital Aggression: The Role of Social Isolation,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family 53 (1991): 669-680; â??Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1992,â? U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, (March 1994), p. 31, NCJ-145125; Ronald Angel and Jacqueline Angel, Painful Inheritance: Health and the New Generation of Fatherless Families, (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1993), pp. 139, 148; Richard Rogers, â??Marriage, Sex, and Mortality,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family 57 (1995): 515-526.
4David Popenoe, Life Without Father: Compelling Evidence that Fatherhood and Marriage Are Indispensible for the Good of Children, (New York, The Free Press, 1997); Glenn T. Stanton Why Marriage Matters: Reasons to Believe in Marriage in Postmodern Society, (Colorado Springs, Pinon Press, 1997); Sara McLanahan and Gary Sandefur, Growing Up with a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994); Deborah Dawson, â??Family Structure and Childrenâ??s Health and Well-Being: Data from the 1988 National Health Interview Survey on Child Health,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family 53 (1991): 573-584; Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi, A General Theory of Crime, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990), p. 103; Richard Koestner, et al., â??The Family Origins of Empathic Concern: A Twenty-Six Year Longitudinal Study,â? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 58 (1990): 709-717; E. Mavis Hetherington, â??Effects of Father Absence on Personality Development in Adolescent Daughters,â? Developmental Psychology 7 (1972): 313 â??326; Irwin Garfinkel and Sara McLanahan, Single Mothers and Their Children: A New American Dilemma (Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute Press, 1986), pp. 30-31; David Ellwood, Poor Support: Poverty in the American Family (New York: Basic Books, 1988), p. 46; Ronald J. Angel and Jacqueline Worobey, â??Single Motherhood and Childrenâ??s Health,â? Journal of Health and Social Behavior 29 (1988): 38-52; L. Remez, â??Children Who Donâ??t Live with Both Parents Face Behavioral Problems,â? Family Planning Perspectives, January/February 1992; Judith Wallerstein and Sandra Blakeslee, Second Chances: Men and Women a Decade After Divorce, (New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1990); Judith Wallerstein, et al., The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 Year Landmark Study, (New York: Hyperion, 2000); Nicholas Zill, Donna Morrison, and Mary Jo Coiro, â??Long-Term Effects of Parental Divorce on Parent-Child Relationships, Adjustment, and Achievement in Young Adulthood,â? Journal of Family Psychology, 7 (1993): 91-103.
5Stanley Kurtz, â??Beyond Gay Marriage,â? The Weekly Standard, August 4-11, 2003, p. 26-33.


Originally posted by</font><hr> Why Children Need Father-Love and Mother-Love
August 29, 2003

by Glenn T. Stanton

To be concerned with proper child development is to be concerned about making sure that children have daily access to the different and complementary ways mothers and fathers parent.
If Heather is being raised by two mommies and Brandon is being raised by Daddy and his new husband-roommate, Heather and Brandon might have two adults in their lives, but they are being deprived of the benefits found in the unique influences found in a mother and fatherâ??s differing parenting styles. Much of the value mothers and fathers bring to their children is due to the fact that mothers and fathers are different. And by cooperating together and complementing each other in their differences, they provide these good things that same-sex caregivers cannot. The important value of these gender-based differences in healthy child-development will be explored here.

The fathering difference is explained by fathering scholar Dr. Kyle Pruett of Yale Medical School in his book Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child. Pruett says dads matter simply because â??fathers do not mother.â?1 Psychology Today explains, â??fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children.â?2 A father, as a male parent, brings unique contributions to the job of parenting that a mother cannot.

Likewise, a mother, as a female parent, uniquely impacts the life and development of her child, as Dr. Brenda Hunter explains in her book, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child.3 Erik Erikson explained that father love and mother love are qualitatively different kinds of love. Fathers â??love more dangerouslyâ? because their love is more â??expectant, more instrumentalâ? than a motherâ??s love.4

The following are some of the most compelling ways mother and father involvement make a positive difference in a childâ??s life. The first benefit is the difference itself.


â??Children need mom's softness as well as dadâ??s roughhousing.â?


Mothers and Fathers Parent Differently
This difference provides an important diversity of experiences for children. Dr. Pruett explains that fathers have a distinct style of communication and interaction with children. Infants, by 8 weeks, can tell the difference between a male or female interacting with them. Stanford psychologist Eleanor Maccoby, in her book The Two Sexes, explains mothers and fathers respond differently to infants. Mothers are more likely to provide warm, nurturing care for a crying infant.5 This diversity in itself provides children with a broader, richer experience of contrasting relational interactions â??more so than for children who are raised by only one gender. Whether they realize it or not, children are learning at earliest age, by sheer experience, that men and women are different and have different ways of dealing with life, other adults and their children.

Mothers and Fathers Play Differently
Fathers tend to play with, and mothers tend to care for, children. While both mothers and fathers are physical, fathers are physical in different ways.

Fathers tickle more, they wrestle, and they throw their children in the air. Fathers chase their children, sometimes as playful, scary â??monsters.â? Fathers are louder at play, while mothers are quieter. Mothers cuddle babies, and fathers bounce them. Fathers roughhouse while mothers are gentle. One study found that 70 percent of father-infant games were more physical and action oriented while only 4 percent of mother-infant play was like this.6 Fathers encourage competition; mothers encourage equity. One style encourages independence while the other encourages security.

Fathering expert John Snarey explains that children who roughhouse with their fathers learn that biting, kicking and other forms of physical violence are not acceptable. They learn self-control by being told when â??enough is enoughâ? and when to â??settle down.â?7 Girls and boys both learn a healthy balance between timidity and aggression. Children need mom's softness as well as dadâ??s roughhousing. Both provide security and confidence in their own ways by communicating love and physical intimacy.

Fathers Push Limits; Mothers Encourage Security
Go to any playground and listen to the parents. Who is encouraging their kids to swing or climb just a little higher, ride their bike just a little faster, throw just a little harder? Who is yelling, â??slow down, not so high, not so hard!â? Of course, fathers encourage children to take chances and push limits and mothers protect and are more cautious. And this difference can cause disagreement between mom and dad on what is best for the child.

But the difference is essential for children. Either of these parenting styles by themselves can be unhealthy. One can tend toward encouraging risk without consideration of consequences. The other tends to avoid risk, which can fail to build independence, confidence and progress. Joined together, they keep each other in balance and help children remain safe while expanding their experiences and confidence.

Mothers and Fathers Communicate Differently
A major study showed that when speaking to children, mothers and fathers are different. Mothers will simplify their words and speak on the childâ??s level. Men are not as inclined to modify their language for the child.8

Motherâ??s way facilitates immediate communication. Fatherâ??s way challenges the child to expand her vocabulary and linguistic skills, an important building block of academic success.

Fatherâ??s talk tends to be more brief, directive, and to the point. It also makes greater use of subtle body language and facial expressions. Mothers tend to be more descriptive, personal and verbally encouraging. Children who do not have daily exposure to both will not learn how to understand and use both styles of conversation as they grow. These boys and girls will be at a disadvantage because they will experience these different ways of communicating in relationships with teachers, bosses and other authority figures.

Mothers and Fathers Discipline Differently
Educational psychologist Carol Gilligan tells us that fathers stress justice, fairness and duty (based on rules), while mothers stress sympathy, care and help (based on relationships). Fathers tend to observe and enforce rules systematically and sternly, which teach children the objectivity and consequences of right and wrong. Mothers tend toward grace and sympathy in the midst of disobedience, which provide a sense of hopefulness. Again, either of these by themselves is not good, but together, they create a healthy, proper balance.

Fathers and Mothers Prepare Children for Life Differently
Dads tend to see their child in relation to the rest of the world. Mothers tend to see the rest of the world in relation to their child. Think about it.

What motivates most mothers as parents? They are motivated primarily by things from the outside world that could hurt their child (i.e., lightning, accidents, disease, strange people, dogs or cats, etc.). Fathers, while not unconcerned with these things, tend to focus on how their children will or will not be prepared for something they might encounter in the world (i.e., a bully, being nervous around the opposite sex, baseball or soccer tryouts, etc.)

Fathers help children see that particular attitudes and behaviors have certain consequences. For instance, fathers are more likely to tell their children that if they are not nice to others, kids will not want to play with them. Or, if they donâ??t do well in school, they will not get into a good college or job. Fathers help children prepare for the reality and harshness of the real world, and mothers help protect against it. Both are necessary as children grow into adulthood.


â??To be concerned with proper child development is to be concerned about making sure that children have daily access to the different and complimentary ways mothers and fathers parent.â?


Fathers Provide A Look at the World of Men; Mothers, the World of Women
Men and women are different. They eat differently. They dress differently. They smell different. They groom themselves differently. They cope with life differently. Fathers do â??man thingsâ? and women do â??lady things.â? Mothers and fathers both help little girls and little boys learn how to grow to be women and men. Anthropologist Suzanne Frayser explains this is constant in all human societies, â??Each process complements the other. The boy can look at his father and see what he should do to be a male; he can look at his mother and see what he should not do to be a male.â? Frayser continues, â??The importance of contrasts in gender roles and specification of gender identity may be clues to the psychological importance of sexual differentiation in all societies.â?9

Girls and boys who grow up with a father are more familiar and secure with the curious world of men. Girls with involved, married fathers are more likely to have healthier relationships with boys in adolescence and men in adulthood because they learn from their fathers how proper men act toward women. They also know which behaviors are inappropriate. They also have a healthy familiarity with the world of men. They donâ??t wonder how a manâ??s facial stubble feels or what it's like to be hugged or held by strong arms. This knowledge builds emotional security, and safety from the exploitation of predatory males. They also learn from mom how to live in a womanâ??s world. This is especially important as they approach adolescence and all the changes that life-stage brings.

Boys who grow up with dads are much less likely to be violent. They have their masculinity affirmed and learn from their fathers how to channel their masculinity and strength in positive ways. Fathers help children understand proper male sexuality, hygiene, and behavior in age appropriate ways. Mothers help boys understand the female world and develop a sensitivity toward women. They also help boys know how to relate and communicate with women.

Fathers and Mothers Teach Respect for the Opposite Sex
FACT: A married father is substantially less likely to abuse his wife or children than men in any other category.10 This means that boys and girls with fathers learn, by observation, how men should treat women.

Girls with involved fathers, therefore, are more likely to select for themselves good suitors and husbands because they have a proper standard by which to judge all candidates. Fathers themselves also help weed out bad candidates. Boys raised with fathers are more likely to be good husbands because they can emulate their fathers' successes and learn from their failures.

The American Journal of Sociology finds that, â??Societies with father-present patterns of child socialization produce men who are less inclined to exclude women from public activities than their counterparts in father-absent societies.â?11

Girls and boys with married mothers learn from their mothers what a healthy respectful female relationship with men looks like. Girls who observe their mothers confidently and lovingly interacting with their fathers learn how to interact confidently with men.

Fathers Connect Children with Job Markets
A crucial point in life is the transition from financial dependence to independence. This is usually a slow process spanning the years from about 16 to 22 years of age. Fathers help connect their children, (especially boys) to job markets as they enter adulthood. This is because fathers, more than mothers, are likely to have the kinds of diverse community connections needed to help young adults get their first jobs. They are also more likely have the motivation to make sure their children make these connections. When dad is not around, boys are not likely to have the connections necessary to land a summer job at the tire store or warehouse.

As Dr. David Popenoe warns,

We should disavow the notion that â??mommies can make good daddies,â?? just as we should disavow the popular notion of radical feminists that â??daddies can make good mommies.â?? â?ŚThe two sexes are different to the core, and each is necessary â?? culturally and biologically â?? for the optimal development of a human being.12


To be concerned with proper children development is to be concerned about making sure that children have daily access to the different and complementary ways mothers and fathers parent. The same-sex marriage and parenting proposition says this doesnâ??t really matter. They are wrong and their lack of understanding will hurt children. It will rob children of the necessary and different experiences mothers and fathers expose children to. As a result, children growing up in mother-only or father-only homes will suffer deeply in terms of lack of confidence, independence, and security. Boys and girls will be at greater risk for gender confusion, abuse and exploitation from other men. They are less likely to have a healthy respect for both women and men as they grow into adulthood.

Glenn T. Stanton is Director of Social Research and Cultural Affairs and Senior Analyst for Marriage and Sexuality at Focus on the Family. He is also author of Why Marriage Matters: Reasons to Believe in Marriage in Postmodern Society (Pinon Press).

1Kyle D. Pruett, Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, (New York: The Free Press, 2000), pp. 17-34.
2â??Shuttle Diplomacy,â? Psychology Today, July/August 1993, p. 15.
3Brenda Hunter, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child, (Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Press, 1997).
4As cited in Kyle D. Pruett, The Nurturing Father, (New York: Warner Books, 1987), p. 49.
5Eleanor E. Maccoby, The Two Sexes: Growing Up Apart; Coming Together, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999), p. 261.
6Maccoby, 1999, p. 266.
7As cited in David Popenoe, Life Without Father: Compelling New Evidence That Fatherhood and Marriage are Indispensable of the Good of Children and Society, (New York: The Free Press, 1996), p. 144.
8Maccoby, 1999, p. 269.
9Suzanne G. Frayser, Varieties of Sexual Experience: Anthropological Perspective on Human Seuxality, (New York: Human Relations Area File Press, 1985), p. 86.
10Jan Stets and Murray A. Strauss, â??The Marriage License as a Hitting License: A Comparison of Assaults in Dating, Cohabiting, and Married Couples,â? Journal of Family Violence 4 (1989): 161-180; Jan Stets, â??Cohabiting and Marital Aggression: the Role of Social Isolation,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family 53 (1991): 669-680; Michael Gordon, â??The Family Environment of Sexual Abuse: A Comparison of Natal and Stepfather Abuse,â? Child Abuse and Neglect, 13 (1985): 121-130.
11Scott Coltrane, â??Father-Child Relationships and the Status of Women: A Cross-Cultural Study,â? American Journal of Sociology, (1988) 93:1088.
12David Popenoe, Life Without Father: Compelling New Evidence That Fatherhood and Marriage are Indispensable of the Good of Children and Society, (New York: The Free Press, 1996), p. 197.

Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 01:56 PM
Here is the correct link:


That FAQ explains it better than I ever could.
Posted By: bigMoneyRacing_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 03:31 PM
Originally posted by cpurser:
Here is the correct link:


That FAQ explains it better than I ever could.

The reasoning displayed in that piece is "interesting," to say the least.
Posted By: daenku32_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 03:33 PM
I'll just take couple points:

Hereâ??s what is intolerant. Same-sex â??marriageâ? is being forced upon us by a small, but elite, group of individuals dressed in black robesâ??judgesâ??who say that thousands of years of human history have simply been wrong. That is a very arrogant notion that will bring great harm to our culture.

Ok, so he doesn't respect US legal system as described by US Constitution.

Separation of Church and State means Constitution overrides any and all religious demands.

Why should the individuals gender dictate whom he or she may marry?
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 03:59 PM
Originally posted by cvkillacontour98:
i just think that decision shouldnt be made by the government but by the holy men of the many different religions. the way i see it marriage is suppose to be a religous ceramony not a government task so it shouldnt be up to the courts.

Ok jackass you obviously haven't read much of this thread so keep your mouth shut!

Posted By: TexasRealtor Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 05:21 PM
"Marriage" is a legal term, historically defined as a union between one man and one woman for the purpose of procreation. My problem is that a minority is attempting to redefine the term marriage. I have no problem whatsoever with "Legal Unions" between two consenting adults with all the rights of marriage(insurance, adoption, etc.)
Posted By: daenku32_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 05:36 PM
The legal term of Marriage is not defined for the purpose of procreation. There are absolutely NO strings attached to Marriage that would force a couple to have children, nor is Marriage required to procreate.

The individuals and religions can keep a definition for Marriage whatever they choose to. Government can't change that. Churches and individuals are free to not accept any marriages at all. Gay or straight. They are free to accept marriages between blonds but deny marriages between redheads. Many already deny Marriages of people of different Religions.

Not a single individual or religion has ever been forced, legally, to participate in Marriage ceremony that they do not agree upon.

As far as minority changing the law; This is a Right that the Courts have. They have the power to struck down laws. Because it requires legistlation to prohibit gay marriages. It requires no legistlation to allow it.
Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 05:48 PM
Originally posted by cvkillacontour98:
i just think that decision shouldnt be made by the government but by the holy men of the many different religions. the way i see it marriage is suppose to be a religous ceramony not a government task so it shouldnt be up to the courts.

Google is so cool.

Nowhere does it state what their religion was. The license was issued by the state/county. I know you can get married under the God of your choice, my grandparents did it after WWII to help get my grandfather into the US legally (he is Italian and was a POW).

The only marriage that is being tried for is the one that will let everyone, no matter their sexual orientation, be able to apply for one of these with the person that they love and want to spend the rest of their life with.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 05:55 PM
Originally posted by TexasRealtor:
"Marriage" is a legal term, historically defined as a union between one man and one woman for the purpose of procreation. My problem is that a minority is attempting to redefine the term marriage. I have no problem whatsoever with "Legal Unions" between two consenting adults with all the rights of marriage(insurance, adoption, etc.)

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Main Entry: mar¡riage
Pronunciation: 'mer-ij, 'ma-rij
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry
1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage> b : the mutual relation of married persons : WEDLOCK c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage
2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities
3 : an intimate or close union <the marriage of painting and poetry -- J. T. Shawcross>

Marriage is both! One is legally recognized the other is not! That's what they want fixed.

Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 06:01 PM
Hey All,

I just set up two polls and encourage you to vote on them. I think the results could be interesting.

Gay Marriage

Consitutional Ammendment Banning Gay Marriage
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 06:54 PM
Originally posted by daenku32:
I'll just take couple points:

Hereâ??s what is intolerant. Same-sex â??marriageâ? is being forced upon us by a small, but elite, group of individuals dressed in black robesâ??judgesâ??who say that thousands of years of human history have simply been wrong. That is a very arrogant notion that will bring great harm to our culture.

Ok, so he doesn't respect US legal system as described by US Constitution.

Separation of Church and State means Constitution overrides any and all religious demands.

Why should the individuals gender dictate whom he or she may marry?

You must be blind to what is going on in America. It's called Judicial Tyranny. This is when the judges take their position of authority and abuse it, and out of one small court place a ruling on the whole country. It happened with abortion in the 70's and it is now happening with homo-marriage.
Posted By: Kasey Chang Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 06:58 PM
So your objection is based mostly on historical connotations of a term?
Posted By: bigMoneyRacing_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 07:38 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
You must be blind to what is going on in America. It's called Judicial Tyranny. This is when the judges take their position of authority and abuse it, and out of one small court place a ruling on the whole country. It happened with abortion in the 70's and it is now happening with homo-marriage.

Doubtful the Supreme Court could be classified at "small." But what do I know, I'm blind.
Posted By: contour_phoenix_when_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 07:43 PM
1:27 and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due., 1:31 without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful: 1:32 who, knowing the ordinance of God, that they that practise such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also consent with them that practise them.
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 08:07 PM
Here is an interesting observation (IMO). Back when the Alabama judge put the Ten Commandments in the courthouse, he was hauled into court and fired for breaking the law. Fine, he broke the law (supposedly), so he got punished.

But, now that these mayors are marrying homosexuals AGAINST THE LAW, nothing is happening to them. Why not?
Posted By: daenku32_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 08:16 PM
Because law prohibiting gay marriages hasn't been enforcable in court.

Judge Moore got punished because he continued to refuse to obey a Court Order. If he had removed the stone as requested by the COURTS he would still have his job.

EDIT: Guess there is now at least one mayor in NY that was forbidden to marry gays.

Even still, it took MONTHS for Moore to receive ANY punishment or be REQUIRED to make any changes.
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 08:23 PM
Originally posted by daenku32:
Because law prohibiting gay marriages hasn't been enforcable in court.

Judge Moore got punished because he continued to refuse to obey a Court Order. If he had removed the stone as requested by the COURTS he would still have his job.

Why isn't it enforceable? The law states that marriage is between a man and a woman (in California, at least). So, the gay marriages are against the law. Sounds cut and dry to me.

Right, he didn't remove the stone, so he got fired. I know that Gov. Arnold has told the mayor to stop giving out the licenses (because it is against the law), and the mayor hasn't stopped. My guess is that the only reason they haven't hauled them to court yet is because it isn't politically correct. At least the NY attorney general has taken some action against the guys in NY.
Posted By: Tom Thumb Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 08:29 PM
The way the catholic priest was allowed to molest so many young boy shows that not all Christians are good. That priest was a sick person and should have been fired and prosecuted after the first young boy reported him. Instead the church did nothing and a lot of young boys were exposed to the evil priest. The majority of Christians believe if you get saved you can sin all you want and still go to heaven. That is not true; the bible specifically states that you have to repent of your sins.

Similar things happen where I live. The police look the other way if the person is a born again Christian.
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 08:30 PM
Apples and oranges.

The case in Alabama involved a JUDGE intentionally and directly disobeying a COURT ORDER from a superior court directed directly to him which compelled him personally to act. Obviously if even our Judges refuse to obey court orders, the public cannot be expected to take them seriously either. This is especially worriesome when the Judge deies the court orders so openly and publicly.

To my knowledge, there has been no judicial decision or opinion prohibiting the mayors from doing what they are doing.

If and when an in injunction is granted prohibiting same sex marriages, any mayor who violates this injunction will absolutely be arrested.
Posted By: Barge Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 08:42 PM
I swear if one more person brings up the seperation of church and state i'm gonna explode. If you're going to respond at least do so with some intelligence.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 09:02 PM
Originally posted by SVT Barge:
I swear if one more person brings up the seperation of church and state i'm gonna explode. If you're going to respond at least do so with some intelligence.

How about this. This nation was founded on the belief that no one should be persecuted for their beliefs. Same sex marriages hurts NO ONE. You crap posted before is just propoganda, sorry. Anything can be interpreted to their views. Any good philosophy prof. can prove that.

And if there weren't separation of church and state, abortion would be illegal, amoung other things.

Posted By: Barge Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 09:11 PM
The seperation of church and state is never stated in the constitution. If you can find it in there let me know.

The seperation of church and state was meant to protect religion from the state.. not the other way around.

Abortion is a whole other can of worms... but I think that should be illegal too so
Posted By: mmars_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 09:36 PM
Originally posted by SVT Barge:
The seperation of church and state is never stated in the constitution. If you can find it in there let me know.

The seperation of church and state was meant to protect religion from the state.. not the other way around.

Abortion is a whole other can of worms... but I think that should be illegal too so

Those exact words aren't used, but under the 1st Ammendment it actually does say:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Read the first section and tell me that doesn't basically say "separation of Church and state"? Derek?

Posted By: CarpePoon_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 09:46 PM
wow, 100 posts and this thread is only a day old
Posted By: SpliceVW Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 09:54 PM
I wish I could jump in but its just too much to read.. please I think enough people on this board are already mad enough at me. So.. I will just leave you guys with one quote and hope that solves everything:

"Dicks are for chicks."

Thank you bye.
Posted By: Dan Nixon_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 09:59 PM
Originally posted by hmouta:
dan, you cant make a decision because of what "could" happen. that was that tom cruise movie. i dont know what i'll do 10 years from now. should i not drive ever cuz i can potentially kill someone in an accident. should my license be revoked cuz i'll "likely" speed. what happens to straight married couples who never have kids. they arent contributing to society, supposedly. do we revoke their marriage rights after 5 years if they dont make a kid. or do we give them 10 years. if they have no intention of having kids ever, do we prevent them from getting married.

I make them all the time based on what could happen. It's called risk/benefit. To sharpen your analogy, driving at 70 MPH on the highway is working justy fine for me and for society. Shall we up the speed to 100 MPH without some saftey data (this is a loaded Q on this page!)?

I think you understand my point. The definition and institution of marriage has been around 1000s of years. It is central and critical cornerstone of our society. As stated above very nicely it is a government entity (as well as ceromonial/religious) because it has a value to society at large (not just the 2 married parties) in forming as close to "optimal" setting to raise children. That is KEY. Without children, it could be a MUCH simpler affair (why all the legal/financial benefits if it is just about 2 people who care for each other)...seriously, I have really good friends that I love that I would like get my wealth & proporty when I die, my health care benefits extended to, tax breaks, etc). But, this is not permitted for obvious reasons (the ultimate tax loophole). But wealth for the next generation, to carry on a buisiness, to keep your children healthy, to allow a spouse a chance to spend more time with children...

Believe me, this is not antihomosexual. We ARE all created equal. And BTW, it is NOT correct to compare the inter-racial analogy (as members of the same species, they can and do reproduce!). More correct as analogy to gay marriage (given the emphasis on reproduction not sex) would be the marriage of 2 SPECIES that cannot produce offspring (but still love each other and have sex. And yes, many heterosexuals get married and do not have here one COULD argue that some of the priveleges be withheld (not that I am argueing this..).

You know, maybe no harm would come from gay marriage to the institution. But I think it is a more fragile institution in recent years. Not sure how much it would take to knock down. So I am concerned when so called "public servants" take matters into there own hands for there own motives and just start marrying any 2 people that walk in the door..3000 in 2 weeks or something like that.

And for those who think discussion of this is detracting from my REAL's not. War on TERROR still tops in my book right now. Without, education, freedom is all just an illusion....We are kicking butt here and I feel the need to "update" the gains we've made in a post "comming to CEG" soon. GWB is the man.

I better get out of here, as I think I just called in the napalm on my pos..
Posted By: PeppermintPatty Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 10:00 PM
Originally posted by SpliceVW:
"Dicks are for chicks."

No thank you...
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 10:39 PM
Originally posted by SpliceVW:
I wish I could jump in but its just too much to read.. please I think enough people on this board are already mad enough at me. So.. I will just leave you guys with one quote and hope that solves everything:

"Dicks are for chicks."

Thank you bye.

I'd try to see from your POV, but, your head's too far up your own @$$ to allow anyone else to get a peek.

And, what RISKS? You're complaining about inherited wealth. Newsflash- gay couples can ADOPT CHILDREN. They are then allowed to inherit. Let's see another argument.

Marriage is NOT about children anymore. Maybe once, a long time ago. Marriage is a contract between two people. It's a statement of legal, emotional, and sexual commitment between consenting adults of legal age. But, again, if you want to go on reproduction being the basis of marriage, then I also would like you to go to a fertility clinic, go up to a married couple who are physically unable to reproduce, look into their faces while they're destroyed emotionally, and tell them "hey, since you can't have kids, you have no right to be married." Buddy, I hope to get out of there alive so that you can realize how STUPID that line of thinking is.

And, YES, the argument between sexuality and race IS apples to apples. You're talking about a Constitutional Amendment allowing "separate but equal rights," which was determined to be unconstitutional! It's discrimination, plain and simple. There are NO legitimate reasons to keep gays from marrying. Times change. Realizations change. It wasn't long ago that people thought they were going to hell for eating meat on fridays. That sure changed, didn't it? If the individual person doesn't want to "acknowledge" a gay couple's decision to be married, sure go right ahead, that's your right. It's NOT, however, up to the gov't to determine that marriage is not to be allowed because of a RELIGIOUS CONCEPT, such as marriage being defined between a man and woman.

The "institution" of marriage is NOT failing because of homosexuality. It's failing because very few people take it seriously. When there's a near 50% divorce rate, you mean to tell me that you think it's because of homosexuality?! And that somehow allowing gays to marry is somehow going to alter that? Why?! What makes it so different?! Even IF 50% of gay marriages end in divorce, that does NOT change ANYTHING. Allowing gays to marry is NOT going to change ANYTHING for ANYONE who is NOT GAY. What don't you people get about that? Nobody is asking for anything SPECIAL here, aside from the same rights allowed for everyone else. Why not go strip women's voting rights while you're at it? Or allow slavery again? You're revoking peoples' rights based on their sexual orientation, plain and simple, and that is what the Constitution was created to FIGHT- the revocation of HUMAN RIGHTS.
Posted By: Dan Nixon_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 11:31 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:

1) Marriage is NOT about children anymore.

2) The "institution" of marriage is NOT failing because of homosexuality.

Your absolutely right..the institution of marriage is failing because too many people think it is NOT about children anymore.....

It's failing as people think of only themselves, there own wants and "needs". No core values. Lack of honasty. Lack of commitment. But, make no mistake..if it does fail, we are FINISHED as a society. I sincerlely hope you are right that broadly redefining marriage will not further accelerate its decay..
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 11:38 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:

I also would like you to go to a fertility clinic, go up to a married couple who are physically unable to reproduce, look into their faces while they're destroyed emotionally, and tell them "hey, since you can't have kids, you have no right to be married." Buddy, I hope to get out of there alive so that you can realize how STUPID that line of thinking is.

Originally posted by bishop375:

I emplore you to go to a fertility clinic and tell EVERYONE in the waiting room that exact paragraph. Word of advice- get out before you're at least beaten to death.

Originally posted by bishop375:

If you want to say that marriage is for the sole purpose of having kids? What if either person is sterile? How many thousands of couples simply cannot reproduce? That means they shouldn't be married, right?

Sorry but I had to do it.....


Posted By: Barge Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 11:44 PM
Originally posted by mmars:
Originally posted by SVT Barge:
The seperation of church and state is never stated in the constitution. If you can find it in there let me know.

The seperation of church and state was meant to protect religion from the state.. not the other way around.

Abortion is a whole other can of worms... but I think that should be illegal too so

Those exact words aren't used, but under the 1st Ammendment it actually does say:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Read the first section and tell me that doesn't basically say "separation of Church and state"? Derek?

Depends on how you interpret "an establishment of religion". The government makes no laws saying you must be catholic, you must be methodist... like old England did when it had the country's own church. It was their way or the highway. However Chrisianity is the basis of the US. People came here to practice religious freedom (freedom from the English Church, not christianity).

Of course no one can ever really know exactly what our founding fathers thought, but I can't believe they'd approve of some of the crap that's going on now-a-days.
Posted By: Dan Nixon_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 11:52 PM
You know, that's just silly. You are talking about couples that probably were thinking about kids when they got married. For them, it WAS about the children and in that is why marriage was created...of course they will not be unmarried.

I'll even go a step farther, so as to be consistant. Gay couples that adopt children IMO should be allowed to be married. All rights and benifits. However, if subsequent evidence shows that couples are adopting SOLELY for this reason AND a higher than normal "Bad outcome" rate for the children is observed, it would have negative implications for the ability of gays to adopt (which BTW I do support assuming rigourous screening).
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/10/04 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Dan Nixon:
Originally posted by bishop375:

1) Marriage is NOT about children anymore.

2) The "institution" of marriage is NOT failing because of homosexuality.

Your absolutely right..the institution of marriage is failing because too many people think it is NOT about children anymore.....

It's failing as people think of only themselves, there own wants and "needs". No core values. Lack of honasty. Lack of commitment. But, make no mistake..if it does fail, we are FINISHED as a society. I sincerlely hope you are right that broadly redefining marriage will not further accelerate its decay..

Right on...

Anybody take a second to compare our society to the great and might FALLEN Roman Empire from ages past? Anybody? Anybody?

What was going on before the fall? What was rampant before they lost everything and were no longer?

Overindulgence in everything which includes sex, eating, material belongings, etc, homosexuality was becoming the norm, not the exception, they were killing their future generations (either through some form of abortion or infancticide or both), sex was not sacred anymore, greed, money, the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer, and on and on and on and on and on it goes.

Does this sound at ALL like our country? Hmmm, yep. That's one reason why it's so IMPORTANT to keep homosexuals without rights to marriage. But a more important reason is that HOMOSEXUALITY IS JUST MORALLY WRONG!!

As crude as it is, "D for Chicks" is how we were created. I don't like the phrase, but that's the way it is. Deal with it.

Marriage is for procreation and to fulfill a man's need and woman's need. We are all different, and each of us (as in my earlier post) have different things we add to the marriage and the children that are a product of the marriage. Birth Control destroyed the need to keep sex in the marriage bed and allowed sex to become a free for all. Homosexuality is one of the abnormal ways to have sex and connect to others in society as our society slowly goes down the downward spiral. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but then again, I'm not sorry, becuase JESUS CHRIST offers everybody forgiveness if they ask and will turn from their sins.

Posted By: Dan Nixon_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 12:27 AM
I do agree with some of the parallells with the Roman's (and Greeks, etc for that matter..) but not your tone of high morality...

For my part, I want to be clear that I do not make any moral judgement on homosexuality. It is clearly genetic in nature and not a "choice". In my experience (and I have a number of gays as patients) there is no difference between hetero & homosexuals in morality as a group. Gays are often wonderful people deserving of the respect and friendship due any other. My arguement stems solely from redefining marriage, a crucial but crippled institution, from it's original intent...No other religious, moral, or other implications implied..
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 01:00 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

As crude as it is, "D for Chicks" is how we were created. I don't like the phrase, but that's the way it is. Deal with it.

I'm not sorry, becuase JESUS CHRIST offers everybody forgiveness if they ask and will turn from their sins.

Yeah, you're following his teachings of tolerance and love for your fellow man, alright, you hypocritcal moron. Homosexuality is against YOUR morals, make that distinction. My morals are FAR removed from yours, and frankly, if there came a time where you and I were candidates for the pearly gates, they'd welcome me in there before you, chuckles. Sleep on that one.

Remember, the bible was written when the earth was still flat and people were polytheists... if polytheism (practiced by the two of the most important societies the world will ever see) was "proven" wrong by Christianity, who's to say that Christianity won't be "proven" wrong by someone else in the future?

And, yeah, I reposted my own quotes, but, that's because nobody can argue the point. I've also known a few couples who got married because they loved each other, and never wanted children. Does that mean they shouldn't have been allowed to marry each other? NO. Who cares what their opinion on children is? Does it affect you? No, it doesn't. Your life will ALWAYS be your own life. Live it the way you want to. But do NOT take away the rights of others while you do it... THAT is what this country is about, NOT preventing gays from marrying.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Overindulgence in everything which includes sex, eating, material belongings, etc, homosexuality was becoming the norm, not the exception, they were killing their future generations (either through some form of abortion or infancticide or both), sex was not sacred anymore, greed, money, the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer, and on and on and on and on and on it goes.

You neglect to mention the rampant inbreeding by the straight couples to keep the "family lineage" through marriage. Yeah, being married and being able to reproduce is REAL helpful there, right? Shot yourself in the foot with that.
Posted By: MysticFreak Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 01:10 AM
Originally posted by bishop375:
Yeah, you're following his teachings of tolerance and love for your fellow man, alright, you hypocritcal moron. Homosexuality is against YOUR morals, make that distinction. My morals are FAR removed from yours, and frankly, if there came a time where you and I were candidates for the pearly gates, they'd welcome me in there before you, chuckles. Sleep on that one.

Are YOU ^ being loving and tolerant?

If he is indeed a hypocritical moron, something tells me he's not the only one here.

As for entry into the pearly gates, only time will tell my friend. It'll be interesting.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 01:10 AM
Originally posted by Dan Nixon:
My arguement stems solely from redefining marriage, a crucial but crippled institution, from it's original intent...No other religious, moral, or other implications implied..

There again, it depends on the "intent" of marriage. Why is it SO wrong for people to get married because they love each other and TRULY want to be together for the rest of their lives? I want to marry my girlfriend, but, not for the explicit intent of having children. I want to marry her because I LOVE her, with ever fiber of my being. People who get married just to have kids... will often split up, causing their children harm for the rest of their lives.

You know, letting gays marry (ESPECIALLY those who have been dating for longer than some of us have been alive!) would only STRENGTHEN the idea of marriage. A lot of gay couples have been in longer, more committed relationships than most straight people I've known.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 01:15 AM
Originally posted by Mystery98:

Are YOU ^ being loving and tolerant?

I never said I followed Jesus' teachings. I called it as I saw it. He was being hypocritcal, and a moron. No hatred at all.

Assuming I even believe in the pearly gates (I was born/raised Catholic, then realized they couldn't answer any of the questions I had... even in a Catholic school), I honestly, truly believe that whatever "paradise" there may be after death would be far more apt to welcome someone like me who gets p*ssed at someone for making crude, imbecillic statements, bashing a group of people for nothing other than their sexual preference, than the people actually making those statements.

At least, that's what *I* got out of reading the Bible a few times.
Posted By: BoostedA4 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 01:31 AM
Alright well i am probably gonna get alot of thrashing for this but heres my opinion..

I have been openly bi since i was 17 years old. And what got me lately is that my own friends forgot that i am. So i've been hearing alot of people making jokes and poking fun and trying to involve me in the debate... then i say.. what about me? "oh crap" "we forgot!!" "your different" is the response i get, and they totally change the tune after they realize. I hang out at alot of auto events... i even met some of you in person and had a great time (you guys had no idea). The point is alot of people are criticizing based on a stereotypical image.. i am not queer eye for the straight guy. I am your average 21 yr old guy that creates monsters that go fast in the 1/4 mile. Im not the type to cry or whine about this subject but i do wish that we get the same opportunities as everyone else because after all.. we only live once, and to fight all of my life just for happiness isn't worth it. I respect everyone's opinion because as well as them i have my own. I find it awesome for the support alot of you guys have given... and if we can't get our rights.. hey? can i have my taxes back?

In the meantime i'll be in my garage squeezing a bigger turbo into my car...
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 01:53 AM
Originally posted by BoostedA4:
In the meantime i'll be in my garage squeezing a bigger turbo into my car...

That sounds like some sort of sexual metaphor but I hope you are speaking literally
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 02:12 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Anybody take a second to compare our society to the great and might FALLEN Roman Empire from ages past? Anybody? Anybody?

Anyone take a second to compare our society to the much more recent fall of the French Third Empire (c1940)?

In the 1930's the French industrialists and the wealthy 5% of the country conspired with a right wing media to prevent social reform and to attempt to keep conservative (even fascist-leaning) governments in power.

Due to the rampant greed of the controlling elite, France was unable to seriously institute reforms which were desperately needed to cope with the depression and the burgeoning aggression of its hostile neighbor Germany. Those with wealth and power became consumed with the desire to preserve their wealth and power - at the expense of the country and everything else.

As a result, France began to decay from within like a rotten melon, greatly enhancing Germany's ability to waltz in and capture the country within a matter of days.

Posted By: ScottR Gay Adoption Poll - 03/11/04 02:14 AM
There are waiting lists for adoptions in our country. Birth mothers and/or social service agencies have to make tough choices. So whatâ??s your view of homosexuals adopting?

Gay Adoption Poll

Sexual preference should make no difference in selecting parents for an adoption

Heterosexual couples should be given some preference in adoption decisions

Homosexual couples should not be permitted to adopt children

None of the above

Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 02:19 AM
Oh, and a lot of people attribute the fall of the Roman Empire in large part to the Roman water supply which was becoming increasingly polluted with lead.

Environmental regulation was never a strong suit of the ancient Romans.

Posted By: Contouraholic_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 03:30 AM
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Oh, and a lot of people attribute the fall of the Roman Empire in large part to the Roman water supply which was becoming increasingly polluted with lead.

Environmental regulation was never a strong suit of the ancient Romans.

So now the question becomes: "What's in our water?"
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 04:15 AM
Originally posted by Contouraholic:
So now the question becomes: "What's in our water?"

For one thing, not as much arsenic as the Bush Adminstration would like.

Bush and his buddies in the chemical industry are also doing their damndest to make sure we all get our minimum daily requirements of MTBEs.

Posted By: cvkillacontour98 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 04:58 AM
they should have just never made it an issue and let them do as they please. it doesnt bother me wether they can or cant get married. so i dont see why it should have been a issue to begin with. it is not going to hurt anyone if they are able to so i think people shouldnt worry about it. they should worry about other things like the economy and other important issues. this country has a lot more to worry about than same sex marriages.
Posted By: MarkO_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 04:58 AM
So far I have yet to hear one valid argument on the web, on TV or in a newspaper on why I should even care if gays get married.
Posted By: JVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:05 AM
Originally posted by MarkO:
So far I have yet to hear one valid argument on the web, on TV or in a newspaper on why I should even care if gays get married.


By all means let them get married, won't affect me any.

Let them have all the benefits of a married heterosexual couple too for all I care.

Posted By: MysticFreak Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:46 AM
Originally posted by Contouraholic:
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Oh, and a lot of people attribute the fall of the Roman Empire in large part to the Roman water supply which was becoming increasingly polluted with lead.

Environmental regulation was never a strong suit of the ancient Romans.

So now the question becomes: "What's in our water?"

Thank You! That's exactly what I'd like to know!
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:46 AM
The only reason anyone should care is because it is giving Bush an issue which can galvanize his supporters so the public's attention can be diverted from the lackluster economy and our even more disastrous foreign policy.

This is an issue which could cost Kerry the election.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 06:16 AM
I don't care if they get married, but it shouldn't be all public and sh!t. And no benefits for them, they spread HIV like wildfire.

Ya know, fcuk gay people.
Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 07:59 AM
Originally posted by contour_phoenix_when:
1:27 and likewise also the men, of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due., 1:31 without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful: 1:32 who, knowing the ordinance of God, that they that practise such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also consent with them that practise them.

More Bible quotes.

Taking anything that Paul said out its context is like trying to drive a car blindfolded. You don't know where you are, where you have been, where you are going, or who you just ran over and killed!

Paul's writings have been taken out of context and twisted to punish and oppress every identifiable minority in the world: Jews, children, women, blacks, slaves, politicians, divorced people, convicts, pro choice people, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, religious reformers, the mentally ill, and the list could go on and on. Paul is often difficult and confusing to understand. A lot of Paul's writing is very difficult to translate. Since most of his letters were written in response to news from other people, reading Paul can be like listening to one side of a telephone conversation. We know, or think we know, what Paul is saying, but we have to guess what the other side has said. As 2 Peter 3:16-18 pointed out, we have to be on guard against using Paul's writings in unhealthy and destructive ways.

Originally posted by II Peter 3:16-18 Warning:
"Paul wrote things hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable distort, as they do the rest of scripture, to their own destruction! You, therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard lest, being carried away by the error of unprincipled people, you fall from your own steadfastness, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom is the glory, both now and to the day of eternity Amen."

Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

I'm not sorry, becuase JESUS CHRIST offers everybody forgiveness if they ask and will turn from their sins.

Yeah, you're following his teachings of tolerance and love for your fellow man, alright, you hypocritcal moron. Homosexuality is against YOUR morals, make that distinction. My morals are FAR removed from yours, and frankly, if there came a time where you and I were candidates for the pearly gates, they'd welcome me in there before you, chuckles. Sleep on that one.

Remember, the bible was written when the earth was still flat and people were polytheists... if polytheism (practiced by the two of the most important societies the world will ever see) was "proven" wrong by Christianity, who's to say that Christianity won't be "proven" wrong by someone else in the future?

If your going to try to throw any bible quotes (99) please dont use Genesis 19:5, I Corinthians 6:9; I Timothy 1:9-10 and if your want to use Leviticus, lets make sure that we use all of it, not just selective parts, ok? The Bible only works when it is used as a whole. Parts can be twisted and used to say whatever you want them to.

Read what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1-5 about hypocrites who judge others. "Do not judge lest you be judged yourselves... Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? ...You hypocrite!"

Originally posted by BoostedA4:
"oh crap" "we forgot!!" "your different" is the response i get, and they totally change the tune after they realize.

I find it awesome for the support alot of you guys have given... and if we can't get our rights.. hey? can i have my taxes back?

Its amazing how quick things can leave peoples minds when they get used to you. Not paying taxes would be a good thing.
Posted By: Tom Thumb Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 11:55 AM
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Originally posted by Contouraholic:
So now the question becomes: "What's in our water?"

For one thing, not as much arsenic as the Bush Adminstration would like.

Bush and his buddies in the chemical industry are also doing their damndest to make sure we all get our minimum daily requirements of MTBEs.

Goverment allows the use of too many chemicals and also they use too many chemicals. They have a 50 year easement on parts of my property and they installed small buildings. The property is really small but they let it grow up and then use herbicides. With no vegetation all of the soil is washing away and the trees are dying within 30 or 40 feet of where they spray chemicals. I am going to loose several large trees and one huge oak tree and the river will probably wash away some of my riverfront property but that is the price we pay for chemicals. I told them that I will clear the property if they will not use herbicide. So they are letting me mow the lawn and things.

Chemicals companies hire special interest groups to lobby for them. U.S. citizens don't have the time or money to lobby but I would like to see the goverment use less chemicals.

Sometimes I watch the man the goverment sends out to work at my property. He has a tiny chain saw that is so dull that it takes him hours to cut a few small brush trees. He just does not know how to use a chain saw or how to sharpen them. I think he is an engineer because he works on the equipment and seems to understand how the equipment works. I think the next time he comes to work, I will see if he will let me show him how to sharpen a chain saw. A sharp chain saw will cut so much better.

The goverment always assumes if you don't drop dead right away from a chemical then you are OK. Things like asbestos can take years to slowly kill a person. It has no warning signs at first. Once it gets in your lungs it does not come out. Once in the lungs it slowly causes scar tissue to form and the person gradually suffocates and dies.
Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 02:18 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
I don't care if they get married, but it shouldn't be all public and sh!t. And no benefits for them, they spread HIV like wildfire.

Ya know, fcuk gay people.

This statement is so over-the-top preposterous and asinine that I'm inclined to think that you're joking. But the lack of any sort of smiley makes me think otherwise...

Ignorance at its finest...
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 03:21 PM
I hate gay people. Maybe I have just dealt with dumb mother fcukers but idk. They don't know their place. It's not ignorance at all. I have formed my opinions through experience. No smiley here, I was just tired last night and not typing very proper.
Posted By: Tom Thumb Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 03:44 PM
Why do you hate gay people? Do you have a specific reason or do you just hate all gay people in general? When I was young I had a drunken gay married man to try to force himself on me. I grabbed my shotgun and I would have shot him but I was a young teenager and I did not want to get blood all over my parentâ??s house. After that I admit that I did hate all gay people for a long time but hate will eat away at a person so I had to get over it and move on with life.

I have met some caring gay people that were good friends. These gay people knew that I was not gay and respected that fact. These were the kind of people I could always depend on for help if I needed help. There are some good and bad gay people just like everyone else. You can't put them all in the same category because that would be stereotyping or prejudice.
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 03:45 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
And no benefits for them, they spread HIV like wildfire.

As sad as that is all I can do is laugh at that comment.
Posted By: MarkO_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 04:41 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
......They don't know their place. ......

Their place ?? Where's that ??
Posted By: daenku32_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 04:59 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Birth Control destroyed the need to keep sex in the marriage bed and allowed sex to become a free for all.

I must inform you that married people are just as interested in birth control than non-married people. You honestly expect people to have sex only a few times in their lifetime?
Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:05 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
I hate gay people. Maybe I have just dealt with dumb mother fcukers but idk. They don't know their place. It's not ignorance at all.

Of course it isn't. Next time you go to a family function (aunts/uncles, cousins, whatever) take a look around. I'll bet you 10 grand one of those people that you probably love and respect is gay. Think about that for a minute, kid.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:10 PM
Originally posted by BoostedA4:
Alright well i am probably gonna get alot of thrashing for this but heres my opinion..

I have been openly bi since i was 17 years old. And what got me lately is that my own friends forgot that i am. So i've been hearing alot of people making jokes and poking fun and trying to involve me in the debate... then i say.. what about me? "oh crap" "we forgot!!" "your different" is the response i get, and they totally change the tune after they realize. I hang out at alot of auto events... i even met some of you in person and had a great time (you guys had no idea). The point is alot of people are criticizing based on a stereotypical image.. i am not queer eye for the straight guy. I am your average 21 yr old guy that creates monsters that go fast in the 1/4 mile. Im not the type to cry or whine about this subject but i do wish that we get the same opportunities as everyone else because after all.. we only live once, and to fight all of my life just for happiness isn't worth it. I respect everyone's opinion because as well as them i have my own. I find it awesome for the support alot of you guys have given... and if we can't get our rights.. hey? can i have my taxes back?

In the meantime i'll be in my garage squeezing a bigger turbo into my car...

Politically incorrect statement of the day to follow:
You drive and Audi! No surprise! LOL!

Nothing personal, I couldn't help it.

Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:10 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Birth Control destroyed the need to keep sex in the marriage bed and allowed sex to become a free for all.

Someone's not getting laid on a regular basis

But seriously, sex is a very natural and social activity. Only in America is Sex a shame. There is much more to sex than procreation. And we are not the only species to have sex for pleasure.

What's better, have a whole bunch of abortions or overpopulate the planet? Sex will continue to occur regardless of birth control.

Sex is independent of marriage, unless you're Catholic, and even then I can count on 1 finger the number of Catholic's I met that did not have sex before marriage. (I couldn't believe I met one!) And she is socially inept! (Her huband can't say the same).
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:13 PM
Originally posted by JVT:
Originally posted by MarkO:
So far I have yet to hear one valid argument on the web, on TV or in a newspaper on why I should even care if gays get married.


By all means let them get married, won't affect me any.

Let them have all the benefits of a married heterosexual couple too for all I care.


Agreed, I simply argue for it because our gov't wasting way too much time on it.

Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:21 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
I hate gay people. Maybe I have just dealt with dumb mother fcukers but idk. They don't know their place. It's not ignorance at all. I have formed my opinions through experience. No smiley here, I was just tired last night and not typing very proper.

LOL! You are one the reasons our society has so many problems. You've had experiences, let hear them. If my mind set were a narrowed are yours nased on my multiple encouters with all colors and creeds, I should hate everyone including my own. AIDS is rampant in DC and it's not gays, it's stupid teenagers having multiple partners and unprotected sex.

The gay community has cleaned up their act because it destroyed public opinion of them. Granted they are still seeing the effects of the original epidemic because it was to late for many. But they are careful that straight people who still think they are somehow immune.

Posted By: BoostedA4 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:23 PM
Audi is fun hehe... i was going to get a contour.. but what's the point? when you have Dean with his mystique around the corner? Damn that car lol. Until i get one, i will just work with him on bringing that car to the next level.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:45 PM
Originally posted by 00SVT:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
I hate gay people. Maybe I have just dealt with dumb mother fcukers but idk. They don't know their place. It's not ignorance at all.

Of course it isn't. Next time you go to a family function (aunts/uncles, cousins, whatever) take a look around. I'll bet you 10 grand one of those people that you probably love and respect is gay. Think about that for a minute, kid.

Ok, 1st off don't call me a kid. Second, if you dealt with the [censored] I went through you would have a hatred for them too. And the HIV thing was supposed to be funny. So yeah. I just think it would be wonderful if the whole gay community was underground or nonexistent.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Andy W.:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
I hate gay people. Maybe I have just dealt with dumb mother fcukers but idk. They don't know their place. It's not ignorance at all. I have formed my opinions through experience. No smiley here, I was just tired last night and not typing very proper.

LOL! You are one the reasons our society has so many problems. You've had experiences, let hear them. If my mind set were a narrowed are yours nased on my multiple encouters with all colors and creeds, I should hate everyone including my own. AIDS is rampant in DC and it's not gays, it's stupid teenagers having multiple partners and unprotected sex.

The gay community has cleaned up their act because it destroyed public opinion of them. Granted they are still seeing the effects of the original epidemic because it was to late for many. But they are careful that straight people who still think they are somehow immune.


Ok. In HS a gay kid had a thing for me. I had no clue he was gay, and I was nice to him. Even offered up my vast knowledge of snowboarding and autos. A person I would befriend. Well, he started telling people I was gay and that he was gonna date me and [censored]. I had a gf at the time. Then I get a long ass love letter from him about how we're supposed to be together and sh!t. It sickens me to think of it even today. If I could watch him die and piss on his grave I WOULD!

Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 05:51 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Ok, 1st off don't call me a kid. Second, if you dealt with the [censored] I went through you would have a hatred for them too. And the HIV thing was supposed to be funny. So yeah. I just think it would be wonderful if the whole gay community was underground or nonexistent.

You keep saying "What you've been thru" If it's so horrible you should want to share it blast the gay community. I think your BSing it.

Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 06:02 PM
So your bad experience with ONE confused highschooler has ruined you on gay people.

Thru four years of high school I was often the only white boy in my 30+ person classes. I was constantly harrassed by the ignorant fools. Fights, name calling, teasing, you name it. But, I met many awesome black people, and realized that it wasn't blacks that were bad but ignorant fools afraid of different people. And I think that description fits you to a T.

Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 06:04 PM
Sobeit. I've had others, one involving an old man when I was bagging grocieries at 14. And a few others, still, that was simply the worst. I have met many gay men, and I cannot say that I have met a gay man I could tolerate.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 06:10 PM
LOL! Sorry but they probably antagonized you because you are such a homophobe.

Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 06:22 PM

Ok, 1st off don't call me a kid.

Just reading your nonsense tells me that you can't be very old. Your immaturity spews out like a volcano eruption. Truth hurts, apparently.


Second, if you dealt with the [censored] I went through you would have a hatred for them too. And the HIV thing was supposed to be funny. So yeah. I just think it would be wonderful if the whole gay community was underground or nonexistent.

Yawn... You know what they say about the aggressive and full-blown homophobes and what they might be surpressing, don't you??
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 06:23 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:

Ok. In HS a gay kid had a thing for me. I had no clue he was gay, and I was nice to him. Even offered up my vast knowledge of snowboarding and autos. A person I would befriend. Well, he started telling people I was gay and that he was gonna date me and [censored]. I had a gf at the time. Then I get a long ass love letter from him about how we're supposed to be together and sh!t. It sickens me to think of it even today. If I could watch him die and piss on his grave I WOULD!

Man, you had it rough!

What's the difference between this and some ugly chick doing the same thing? Or, what if a chick did it to a gay guy? Seriously, grow up and get some tolerance. Stop acting like a kid and we'll stop calling you one. I haven't seen one valid reason for you to hate people. Maybe someone else is a little confused, hence the hostility.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 06:31 PM
Originally posted by zgendron:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:

Ok. In HS a gay kid had a thing for me. I had no clue he was gay, and I was nice to him. Even offered up my vast knowledge of snowboarding and autos. A person I would befriend. Well, he started telling people I was gay and that he was gonna date me and [censored]. I had a gf at the time. Then I get a long ass love letter from him about how we're supposed to be together and sh!t. It sickens me to think of it even today. If I could watch him die and piss on his grave I WOULD!

Man, you had it rough!

What's the difference between this and some ugly chick doing the same thing? Or, what if a chick did it to a gay guy? Seriously, grow up and get some tolerance. Stop acting like a kid and we'll stop calling you one. I haven't seen one valid reason for you to hate people. Maybe someone else is a little confused, hence the hostility.

Excuse me? I have hostility because even after all that [censored] he didn't stop. And I have tried. I met a gay guy recently I was nice to him and all, even tolerant, until he started to talk to me about his 'gayness' I didn't want to hear about it, I have valid reasons for myself, and I felt like sharing them, it's my opinion based on my experiences and NO ONE has the right to call me stupid for thinking that way. I say I hate, but I am not going out and doing any physical harm to anyone. Let me hate.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 06:34 PM
Originally posted by 00SVT:

Ok, 1st off don't call me a kid.

Just reading your nonsense tells me that you can't be very old. Your immaturity spews out like a volcano eruption. Truth hurts, apparently.


Second, if you dealt with the [censored] I went through you would have a hatred for them too. And the HIV thing was supposed to be funny. So yeah. I just think it would be wonderful if the whole gay community was underground or nonexistent.

Yawn... You know what they say about the aggressive and full-blown homophobes and what they might be surpressing, don't you??

Fcuk you for implying that a$$hole.
Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 06:43 PM
I could see if you two had gotten drunk together and he had done something to you to make you feel this way. If he was just pissing you off and spreading rumors a visit from your right fist to the side of his face would have probably been better. Hey, hes not a girl, you can fight guys. Were talking about highschoolers and that is going to happen so noone flame me for promoting violence.

With how firmly you are standing your ground, this wont be the last time that you hear that homophobic wink wink comment either.
Posted By: mbRentalEnvoy Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 07:15 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Fcuk you for implying that a$$hole.

You know, I had a gay guy running around telling my gf and many other people that we hooked up, did all this stuff, and that I was gay. Know what? It pissed me off. Does that make me hate all gays? No! That's preposterous. I hate that kid, sure, just like I'd hate any other person who crossed me. I don't hate all white people because of the guy who pissed me off last week, do i? Your opinion is not necessarily the bad part of this, just your application of that to the whole group and your resulting feelings towards all... stereotyping is NOT a good thing.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...
Originally posted by Rule #3:
Posts containing vulgar, profane, abusive, racist or hateful language or expressions, epithets or slurs, text, photographs or illustrations in poor taste, inflammatory attacks of a personal, racial or religious nature will be deleted and actions may be taken against the originator. Attempts to defeat the built-in censor will be met harshly.

Sure I've done it before, but RELAX, will ya?
Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 07:23 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Fcuk you for implying that a$$hole.

Go away, little boy... keep carrying that hate and ignorance and see what happens out in the real world when that gay guy pounds the ever-loving sh*t out of you for acting like an idiot. Or you find out someone in your family is gay. Or you eventually bust the closet door down yourself and stop the surpression...
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 09:15 PM
Originally posted by 00SVT:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Fcuk you for implying that a$$hole.

Go away, little boy... keep carrying that hate and ignorance and see what happens out in the real world when that gay guy pounds the ever-loving sh*t out of you for acting like an idiot. Or you find out someone in your family is gay. Or you eventually bust the closet door down yourself and stop the surpression...

What are you? Some kind of anal loving [censored] a$$? I mean wtf is this [censored]? Because I hate gay people I am labeled as gay myself? That is fcuking hilarious. I have anger because I couldn't beat this kid's ass. I mean I could have, but there would have been repercussions I didn't want to deal with mainly because there was all the [censored] going on with the guys out in Washington that killed that gay kid. Someone please lock this goddamn thread.

"I may disagree with everything you say sir, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
- Voltaire (?)

I have my right to believe this and you have yours to believe whatever you please. I wasn't hostile until you starting acting like a prick and implied various things. So in closing FCUK YOU!

Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 09:40 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:

What are you? Some kind of anal loving [censored] a$$? I mean wtf is this [censored]?

Nope. I'm just a person who finds it hysterical that your buttons can so easily be pushed by something as trivial as who someone might sleep with... Get a grip.

Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:

Because I hate gay people I am labeled as gay myself? That is fcuking hilarious.

Just another way to push buttons. You obviously are more offended by somebody thinking you might be gay than anything else in the world. It's hysterical.

Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:

Someone please lock this goddamn thread.

And give you the last word?? No thanks.

Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:

"I may disagree with everything you say sir, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
- Voltaire (?)

That's fine. You can say what you like, just don't get angry when someone calls you out on your ignorance and stupidity.

Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:

I wasn't hostile until you starting acting like a prick and implied various things. So in closing FCUK YOU!

So your first post in this thread where you stated,
"I don't care if they get married, but it shouldn't be all public and sh!t. And no benefits for them, they spread HIV like wildfire.

Ya know, fcuk gay people."
WASN'T hostile??? Give me a break.

I'll close by saying it's been a pleasure getting you riled up this afternoon. You've made it all too easy. Now go f*** yourself.
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 09:42 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Someone please lock this goddamn thread.

"I may disagree with everything you say sir, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
- Voltaire (?)

Interesting how these 2 sentences followed eachother.

In addition, there is only one person being incredibly hostile here, and no one else has really been on your case.

What is your view of gay people? That they are all sexual preditors? Also, do you associate gay as strictly men? Do you view lesbians with the same hostility?

I'd be interested to know.

When you throw out carpet bombing statements like "I hate all gays", it really pisses people off. Some people on this board are probably gay. Its just incredibly ignorant. I'm sure most of us wouldn't have a problem with you being pissed at one or 2 gay people you've encountered, but you're judging a whole group by the actions of a few. Just think about it. Has this EVER been the solution to anything?
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 09:53 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Because I hate gay people...

I'd think twice about spewing such blatant hate towards any particular group of people. I don't know what experiences you've had with those that live an alternative lifestyle, but the few that I've known are law-obiding, just and kind people that simply have a different view of sexual attraction than I do.

It's certainly nothing to hate someone over, unless I'm gravely mistaken...
Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 09:56 PM
Originally posted by zgendron:
When you throw out carpet bombing statements like "I hate all gays", it really pisses people off. Some people on this board are probably gay. Its just incredibly ignorant.

This is the thing I had the most problem with. At least one person posting in the thread is openly gay. Why would you say that kind of stuff knowing that to be true??? I can all but guarantee you'd never say this stuff face to face. How do you know that somebody reading this isn't a guy you might run into at a local meet or Spring Zing who is gay??

You're young so you might not know how ignorant you sound, but you're going to deal with gay people EVERY SINGLE DAY for the rest of your life whether you know it or not. Why paint them with the same brush?? I can find people that piss me off from probably every ethnicity or sexual preference or whatever... doesn't mean I hate all of them. Christ, my neighbor's dog annoys the sh*t out of me. Doesn't make me like my dog any less.
Posted By: TaurusKev Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 10:00 PM
Holy [censored]...
Over 160 posts within a couple days....
Is this a record?
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 10:09 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
I spread HIV like wildfire.

Ya know, I fcuk gay people.

Too much info
Posted By: MysticFreak Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 10:11 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:

Ok. In HS a gay kid had a thing for me. I had no clue he was gay, and I was nice to him. Even offered up my vast knowledge of snowboarding and autos. A person I would befriend. Well, he started telling people I was gay and that he was gonna date me and [censored]. I had a gf at the time. Then I get a long ass love letter from him about how we're supposed to be together and sh!t. It sickens me to think of it even today. If I could watch him die and piss on his grave I WOULD!

Easy, dude, easy.......I realize that was a very uncomfortable experience but he was just one person! That's no excuse to hate all homosexuals! What if you had a bad experience with a girlfriend? Does that mean you are gonna hate all women?
As for the gay kid....let it go. You don't need to be angry at him or anyone else about that anymore. It's water under the bridge. And try to see things from his point of view....unrequited love can be hell on earth. That poor kid was miserable because he couldn't be with you. Even though his advances were unwanted and inappropriate you still gotta cut him some slack! I know straight guys that get hit on by gay guys all the happens! You don't need to feel angry or sick about it.
You gotta let go of all this anger man. It's not good for you.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 10:13 PM
Originally posted by freakshow:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
I spread HIV like wildfire.

Ya know, I fcuk gay people.

Too much info

Originally posted by freakshow:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
And no benefits for them, they spread HIV like wildfire.

As sad as that is all I can do is laugh at that comment.

Bravo pal.
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 10:30 PM
Originally posted by daenku32:
You honestly expect people to have sex only a few times in their lifetime?

If that's a rhetorical question, you apparently have never met my wife.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 10:40 PM
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Originally posted by daenku32:
You honestly expect people to have sex only a few times in their lifetime?

If that's a rhetorical question, you apparently have never met my wife.

Sorry but you have bigger problems to worry about than gays getting married. All I can say is ouch!

Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/11/04 11:41 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

As crude as it is, "D for Chicks" is how we were created. I don't like the phrase, but that's the way it is. Deal with it.

I'm not sorry, becuase JESUS CHRIST offers everybody forgiveness if they ask and will turn from their sins.

Yeah, you're following his teachings of tolerance and love for your fellow man, alright, you hypocritcal moron. Homosexuality is against YOUR morals, make that distinction. My morals are FAR removed from yours, and frankly, if there came a time where you and I were candidates for the pearly gates, they'd welcome me in there before you, chuckles. Sleep on that one.

Remember, the bible was written when the earth was still flat and people were polytheists... if polytheism (practiced by the two of the most important societies the world will ever see) was "proven" wrong by Christianity, who's to say that Christianity won't be "proven" wrong by someone else in the future?

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Overindulgence in everything which includes sex, eating, material belongings, etc, homosexuality was becoming the norm, not the exception, they were killing their future generations (either through some form of abortion or infancticide or both), sex was not sacred anymore, greed, money, the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer, and on and on and on and on and on it goes.

You neglect to mention the rampant inbreeding by the straight couples to keep the "family lineage" through marriage. Yeah, being married and being able to reproduce is REAL helpful there, right? Shot yourself in the foot with that.

Yeah, I really shot myself in the foot . It actually doesn't change the argument at all. It adds to what is happening and could happen in America. (For all we know, it's probably happening right now) It may give a reason to stop it all now. Do you not realize how blessed this country has been and fruitful this country has been? Coincidence?

I know I won't be able to change your mind, and I know I look "hypocritical" to you, but in all reality, I'm speaking with love and truth from the Bible. The Bible states that homosexuality is a sin, just like all the other sexual acts out there (sex with sister/brother/father/ mother, adultery etc) and when I speak I speak with the attitude that they can turn from their sins just like all of us can and need to.

Do I treat those in the midst of homosexuality any different than I would anybody else? No, in fact I have several friends who are or were homosexuals. SIMPLE AS THAT.

In other words, I'm not hypocritical, and I believe sin is sin, regardless of that sin, and one day all of us, including you, will have to stand before a right and just God to account for what you have done on Earth. I know that the "pearly gates" will be opened for me becuase I trust in JESUS CHRIST as my savior and am looking forward to glory with Him.

Originally posted by bishop375:
And, yeah, I reposted my own quotes, but, that's because nobody can argue the point. I've also known a few couples who got married because they loved each other, and never wanted children. Does that mean they shouldn't have been allowed to marry each other? NO. Who cares what their opinion on children is? Does it affect you? No, it doesn't. Your life will ALWAYS be your own life. Live it the way you want to. But do NOT take away the rights of others while you do it... THAT is what this country is about, NOT preventing gays from marrying.

I know a lot of couples who got married with no intention to have children. This country is not ABOUT individualistic freedoms and rights. In fact, this country was all about freedom from the oppressive state and that states religious oppressions. They founders and followers came here to get away from the state CHURCH so they could worship the God of the Bible with freedom. They didn't come here to give sinners free reign, and to give justification to sinners where justification doesn't exist.

What I just quoted from you shows that if I want to murder, I can murder, if I want to have sex with animals, I could, I suppose if I want to torture my children I could, I suppose if I want to do something, ANYTHING, i could because nothing is wrong anymore, it's all up to me, and if it's what I want then it is what I want. As long as it doesn't affect anybody else. Is this kind of like the guys who are watching porn in their cars? They can do it, as long as it doesn't affect anybody else right? Well, they are sitting in jail right now because you CAN'T DO ANYTHING YOU WANT BECUASE IT WILL ALWAYS AFFECT SOMEBODY ELSE!!!!

This rampant individualistic attitude must go. Every action has a reaction and everything you do affects everybody else around you. You are not the only person on this earth. If you took a dump in a remote part of the forest, do you not think it would affect anybody else? Hey guess what, it is going to affect the wildlife. If you are married and you begin looking at other women, and lusting after them, and partaking in pornography, do you really not believe it won't affect anybody around you? It's a "victimless crime" right? NO! It is going to affect everything about your marriage.

In other words, homomarriage is going to affect us in more ways that I want to even imagine. Simple as that...
Posted By: BoostedA4 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 12:45 AM
For some reason i am not getting as grossly offended as i thought i would. what is sad though is that an experience like that has changed someones' view so dramatically that there is "hate". I think "ALL" of us have been "Through this" or "Been through what you have been through"... i know i have when people kept constantly making fun of me in Highschool for declaring myself an individual.. but.. i don't hate anyone, and if i did i would dislike that particular person. I have noticed though that the extremely homophobic ones are indeed the ones that have underlying issues that are repressed. Through my early adult years i have yet to see someone come up to me with me that much anger.. and i am part of a carclub.. i mean that has to be one of the hardest places to be accepted. hmmm.......... crrrraazzyyyyyy

Interesting thread though.....
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 01:24 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
The Bible states that homosexuality is a sin, just like all the other sexual acts out there (sex with sister/brother/father/ mother, adultery etc) and when I speak I speak with the attitude that they can turn from their sins just like all of us can and need to.

Do I treat those in the midst of homosexuality any different than I would anybody else? No, in fact I have several friends who are or were homosexuals. SIMPLE AS THAT.

Do you truly believe the homosexuality is a sin?

If so, do you believe that slavery is not a sin? I'm sure you've heard this argument before, but I have yet to understand how some people accept parts of the bible, but dismiss others. I know this arguement has been used on both sides of the discussion. But seriously, do you believe that Slavery is not a sin?

In addition, do you ever work on the Sabbath? The bible clearly states this is a day for rest and that those who work should be put to death. How do you feel about emergency and police crews that work then. Or anyone else that works on the Sabbath? I won't go quoting any more passages as I think you get my point. What do you think?

I think you've been one of the cooler heads during this conversation that can allow for a healthy debate.
Posted By: BoostedA4 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 01:48 AM
I can't believe i am being so outspoken about this.. (moms gonna know for sure) lol..
Homosexuality a sin? has anyone seen what goes on behind most peoples bedroom doors!!! haha (surely those sex shops exist for a reason). If its a sin then im the anti-christ himself.. oh btw, I live in New Paltz and i know Jason West. He's been talking about this for a Loooong time (and yes hes a media queen). NP is a very liberal town sort of woodstock like. I was at the marches and the marriages it was definitely an awesome sight.. so much emotion involved.. and we will continue the weddings every week without west.

Now if they could only stop giving me the "im str8 but dont h8" signs to carry.. excuse me while i get my Hair did' and nails done.
Posted By: daenku32_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 01:52 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
In other words, homomarriage is going to affect us in more ways that I want to even imagine. Simple as that...

I'm trying my hardest to imagine, but don't see it. I would ask you to elaborate but since most of your posts are religiously based, they don't mean anything to me. So no need to waste your time.
Posted By: MysticFreak Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 02:10 AM
Originally posted by zgendron:
If so, do you believe that slavery is not a sin? I'm sure you've heard this argument before, but I have yet to understand how some people accept parts of the bible, but dismiss others. I know this arguement has been used on both sides of the discussion. But seriously, do you believe that Slavery is not a sin?

In addition, do you ever work on the Sabbath? The bible clearly states this is a day for rest and that those who work should be put to death. How do you feel about emergency and police crews that work then. Or anyone else that works on the Sabbath? I won't go quoting any more passages as I think you get my point. What do you think?

Slavery in Biblical times was entirely different. People would sell themselves into slavery for periods of 3-5 years to pay off their debts. There was none of this marching into Africa and grabbing people bullsh!t. In my opinion, slavery, especially the kind America and Europe were guilty of violates several Biblical principles.

As for working on the Sabbath, Jesus said something about how its OK to go help your animals if they fall into a pit on the Sabbath and how there can be exceptions to the no working on Sabbath rule. He healed people on the Sabbath and when people gave him attitude about it he said it was OK to do that. So, according to my interpretation, emergency and police crews who work on Sabbath are not violating any Biblical principles.
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 02:16 AM

In other words, homomarriage is going to affect us in more ways that I want to even imagine. Simple as that...

So you compare "homomarriage" with other "rampant individualistic actions" such as beastiality, murder, and molestation...

Do you tell your homosexual "friends" that? I guarantee you they wouldn't be your friends very long.

I just wanna know how homomarriage (God, I hate that word) is going to affect "us in more ways than I want to even imagine". We've had this discussion before, and you've never been able to successsfully answer that, you just keep saying it's going to totally change our lives.

And how is homosexual marriage any more "individualistic" than your own marriage -- seeing that the vast majority of people get married for no other reason than their inate desire to do so.
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 03:09 AM
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Originally posted by Contouraholic:
So now the question becomes: "What's in our water?"

For one thing, not as much arsenic as the Bush Adminstration would like.

Bush and his buddies in the chemical industry are also doing their damndest to make sure we all get our minimum daily requirements of MTBEs.

Well, Arsenic can have its benefits... Victorian men used arsenic as a precursor to Viagra and women used it to enhance their complexions (paler skin and rosier cheeks). It was frequently distilled by boiling flypapers.

My aunt has a candy recipe that calls for arsenic. When she could no longer get it, the candy wasn't ever right after that.

I am not actually supporting the consumption of arsenic, but a few odd factoids I remember.
Posted By: PackRat_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 03:21 AM
Originally posted by ContourKev:
Holy [censored]...
Over 160 posts within a couple days....
Is this a record?

Hows that compare to Moser Gill Blow me? <---CEG veterans will remember that one.
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 03:55 AM
This is the end result of being settled by Puritains.

On adoption. I am an advocate of open adoption where the mother chooses the parents of her child and maintains a relationship with the child. After the father waives paternal rights, the mother would have the right to choose the parent(s) she feels is/are best for her child, after passing screening requirements which do not include gender.

Many of our nations founder's were in favor of the rights of the indiviual. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Thomas Paine to name a few. Paine was one of many who lobbied AGAINST the Constitution because I gave too many powers to the federal government. James Madison wrote the Bill or Rights to try to appease the individualists.

Our nation has always been built on the rule of the majority, while maintaining the rights of the minority. The place of government is to protect people from actions they do not or cannot consent to, to provide defense, and to provide infrastructure for defense and interstate commerce. That's really about it.
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 04:35 AM
Originally posted by Mystery98:
As for working on the Sabbath, Jesus said something about how its OK to go help your animals if they fall into a pit on the Sabbath and how there can be exceptions to the no working on Sabbath rule. He healed people on the Sabbath and when people gave him attitude about it he said it was OK to do that. So, according to my interpretation, emergency and police crews who work on Sabbath are not violating any Biblical principles.

Fair enough, but what about every other job that we've now had in our society. I mean, where do I start.

Gas Station Attendents (would suck not to have that option)
Retail People (can't shop anymore)
TV Personnel (no Football!)

I could go on and on. Do you think these people, and anyone else that works on the Sabbath is a sinner? You addressed the emergency personnel, but haven't talked about anyone else.
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 04:59 AM
Read your Bible much closer and without your pastor's verbage on the particular passage. Verses that pertain to homosexuality are taken out of context, especially those in Paul. The most common examples that have been blown out of proportion are to be found in Paul's sermons to the Corinthians and the story of Sodom in the Old Testament. While evil is the main topic of discussion in reference of Sodom and Paul addressing prostitution and orgy cults in the Roman empire at the time, these are totally washed away by a reckless notion to concentrate ONLY on homosexuality, which doesn't even make up 1/10th of the discourse in either Genesis or Corinthians.

In short, it's like opening the Bible up to Isaiah and basing the entire message of the Good Book off of some of the bloody and disturbing passages within that single chapter...

I'm not saying that homosexuality is normal; in terms of population on this planet, it most certainly isn't. Moral? I fail to see how sexual preference that certain people are predisposed towards from birth is a matter of religious morality.

Food for thought: Where to hermaphrodites (i.e., those with male and female genetialia) fit into God's plan and the Christian definition of sexual morality? It's a very different topic, but one that is parallel to the argument that homosexuals face from intolerant and condemning Christians. I've yet to have ANYONE of the cloth or otherwise give a cohesive and logical explaination behind this one, but feel free to give it a shot as I do enjoy watching people dig metaphorical holes in the ground...

Posted By: MysticFreak Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 05:13 AM
Originally posted by zgendron:
Originally posted by Mystery98:
As for working on the Sabbath, Jesus said something about how its OK to go help your animals if they fall into a pit on the Sabbath and how there can be exceptions to the no working on Sabbath rule. He healed people on the Sabbath and when people gave him attitude about it he said it was OK to do that. So, according to my interpretation, emergency and police crews who work on Sabbath are not violating any Biblical principles.

Fair enough, but what about every other job that we've now had in our society. I mean, where do I start.

Gas Station Attendents (would suck not to have that option)
Retail People (can't shop anymore)
TV Personnel (no Football!)

I could go on and on. Do you think these people, and anyone else that works on the Sabbath is a sinner? You addressed the emergency personnel, but haven't talked about anyone else.

Someone asked specifically about emergency personnel earlier and I was answering their question. No, I didn't mean to imply that anyone else who works on the Sabbath is a sinner. I've had to work Sundays before....a lot of people don't have a choice. In Biblical times a lot more people were self-employed so they could choose to not work on that day. My interpretation of that rule for the modern world is that we need to take time for rest and contemplation. Beyond that I don't have an answer.
Posted By: ssmumich00_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 05:15 AM
Originally posted by BoostedA4:
I can't believe i am being so outspoken about this.. (moms gonna know for sure) lol..
Homosexuality a sin? has anyone seen what goes on behind most peoples bedroom doors!!! haha (surely those sex shops exist for a reason). If its a sin then im the anti-christ himself.. oh btw, I live in New Paltz and i know Jason West. He's been talking about this for a Loooong time (and yes hes a media queen). NP is a very liberal town sort of woodstock like. I was at the marches and the marriages it was definitely an awesome sight.. so much emotion involved.. and we will continue the weddings every week without west.

Now if they could only stop giving me the "im str8 but dont h8" signs to carry.. excuse me while i get my Hair did' and nails done.

are u coming out to us?

As far as I'm concerned, civil unions don't matter to me, I think that's where this is headed anyways. . .as for this whole gay=bad, can't be gay because the bible said so, etc. Honestly, the bible was WRITTEN by man, NOT GOD, so there's room for interpretation, it frankly pisses me off when people go around saying that. . .

Now if they used logic and science, that's another thing. Genetically speaking, if being gay is heritable, then it is a deleterious, fatal trait because it has ZERO fitness, a gay couple doesn't lead to offspring. Period. The survival is null, the population of gay people will eventually extinguish because the heritable trait isn't passed on. . .simple enough.

So until I see real evidence that there is a genetic predisposition for it, then I'm going to ASSUME it's a social phenomenom, which means I don't really think it can be recognized by the State or Country at the same level as a heterosexual couple is recognized. . .recognizing them under civil union is another thing, but it's really splitting hairs here. . .
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 05:44 AM
Originally posted by ssmumich00:
Originally posted by BoostedA4:
I can't believe i am being so outspoken about this.. (moms gonna know for sure) lol..
Homosexuality a sin? has anyone seen what goes on behind most peoples bedroom doors!!! haha (surely those sex shops exist for a reason). If its a sin then im the anti-christ himself.. oh btw, I live in New Paltz and i know Jason West. He's been talking about this for a Loooong time (and yes hes a media queen). NP is a very liberal town sort of woodstock like. I was at the marches and the marriages it was definitely an awesome sight.. so much emotion involved.. and we will continue the weddings every week without west.

Now if they could only stop giving me the "im str8 but dont h8" signs to carry.. excuse me while i get my Hair did' and nails done.

are u coming out to us?

As far as I'm concerned, civil unions don't matter to me, I think that's where this is headed anyways. . .as for this whole gay=bad, can't be gay because the bible said so, etc. Honestly, the bible was WRITTEN by man, NOT GOD, so there's room for interpretation, it frankly pisses me off when people go around saying that. . .

Now if they used logic and science, that's another thing. Genetically speaking, if being gay is heritable, then it is a deleterious, fatal trait because it has ZERO fitness, a gay couple doesn't lead to offspring. Period. The survival is null, the population of gay people will eventually extinguish because the heritable trait isn't passed on. . .simple enough.

So until I see real evidence that there is a genetic predisposition for it, then I'm going to ASSUME it's a social phenomenom, which means I don't really think it can be recognized by the State or Country at the same level as a heterosexual couple is recognized. . .recognizing them under civil union is another thing, but it's really splitting hairs here. . .

I said I wasn't going to post again, but that was incredibly inteligent. Hats off.
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 05:57 AM
Just because something is genetic doesn't mean that it's heritable, so that argument is rather mute. I can name countless genetic traits, "abnormalities" if you will, that aren't necessarily passed from one generation to the next.

Down's Syndrome is a genetic abnormality that arises rather randomly as a simple genetic 'fault' and has occured for, as far as science can tell, as long as man has existed, and will continue to exist whether it's necessarily in your genetic heritage or not. It's purely a random thing; and some genetic features or more random than others.

Even if homosexuality was a purely heritable trait, being genetically homosexual does not predispose one to not bearing children, as many homosexuals have children, whom may or may not be homosexual.
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 01:27 PM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Originally posted by ssmumich00:
Originally posted by BoostedA4:
I can't believe i am being so outspoken about this.. (moms gonna know for sure) lol..
Homosexuality a sin? has anyone seen what goes on behind most peoples bedroom doors!!! haha (surely those sex shops exist for a reason). If its a sin then im the anti-christ himself.. oh btw, I live in New Paltz and i know Jason West. He's been talking about this for a Loooong time (and yes hes a media queen). NP is a very liberal town sort of woodstock like. I was at the marches and the marriages it was definitely an awesome sight.. so much emotion involved.. and we will continue the weddings every week without west.

Now if they could only stop giving me the "im str8 but dont h8" signs to carry.. excuse me while i get my Hair did' and nails done.

are u coming out to us?

As far as I'm concerned, civil unions don't matter to me, I think that's where this is headed anyways. . .as for this whole gay=bad, can't be gay because the bible said so, etc. Honestly, the bible was WRITTEN by man, NOT GOD, so there's room for interpretation, it frankly pisses me off when people go around saying that. . .

Now if they used logic and science, that's another thing. Genetically speaking, if being gay is heritable, then it is a deleterious, fatal trait because it has ZERO fitness, a gay couple doesn't lead to offspring. Period. The survival is null, the population of gay people will eventually extinguish because the heritable trait isn't passed on. . .simple enough.

So until I see real evidence that there is a genetic predisposition for it, then I'm going to ASSUME it's a social phenomenom, which means I don't really think it can be recognized by the State or Country at the same level as a heterosexual couple is recognized. . .recognizing them under civil union is another thing, but it's really splitting hairs here. . .

I said I wasn't going to post again, but that was incredibly inteligent. Hats off.

No, it really wasn't. Someone should go back to Middle School and study genetics again. Even at that basic level you should know about dominant and Recessive traits.

Genetics 101

In addition, as Sigma stated:

Originally posted by Sigma:
Just because something is genetic doesn't mean that it's heritable, so that argument is rather mute. I can name countless genetic traits, "abnormalities" if you will, that aren't necessarily passed from one generation to the next.

Posted By: BoostedA4 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 02:32 PM
Originally posted by ssmumich00:
Originally posted by BoostedA4:
I can't believe i am being so outspoken about this.. (moms gonna know for sure) lol..
Homosexuality a sin? has anyone seen what goes on behind most peoples bedroom doors!!! haha (surely those sex shops exist for a reason). If its a sin then im the anti-christ himself.. oh btw, I live in New Paltz and i know Jason West. He's been talking about this for a Loooong time (and yes hes a media queen). NP is a very liberal town sort of woodstock like. I was at the marches and the marriages it was definitely an awesome sight.. so much emotion involved.. and we will continue the weddings every week without west.

Now if they could only stop giving me the "im str8 but dont h8" signs to carry.. excuse me while i get my Hair did' and nails done.

are u coming out to us?

As far as I'm concerned, civil unions don't matter to me, I think that's where this is headed anyways. . .as for this whole gay=bad, can't be gay because the bible said so, etc. Honestly, the bible was WRITTEN by man, NOT GOD, so there's room for interpretation, it frankly pisses me off when people go around saying that. . .

Now if they used logic and science, that's another thing. Genetically speaking, if being gay is heritable, then it is a deleterious, fatal trait because it has ZERO fitness, a gay couple doesn't lead to offspring. Period. The survival is null, the population of gay people will eventually extinguish because the heritable trait isn't passed on. . .simple enough.

So until I see real evidence that there is a genetic predisposition for it, then I'm going to ASSUME it's a social phenomenom, which means I don't really think it can be recognized by the State or Country at the same level as a heterosexual couple is recognized. . .recognizing them under civil union is another thing, but it's really splitting hairs here. . .

No i've been out for 5 years.. i was just trying to lighten the subject a little bit. I was talking about the car club i was part of in New York.
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 03:05 PM
Originally posted by sigma:

In other words, homomarriage is going to affect us in more ways that I want to even imagine. Simple as that...

So you compare "homomarriage" with other "rampant individualistic actions" such as beastiality, murder, and molestation...

Do you tell your homosexual "friends" that? I guarantee you they wouldn't be your friends very long.

I just wanna know how homomarriage (God, I hate that word) is going to affect "us in more ways than I want to even imagine". We've had this discussion before, and you've never been able to successsfully answer that, you just keep saying it's going to totally change our lives.

Homosexuality is a sin, just like all the others metioned above, so yes, I do tell my friends.Anybody that is my friend will understand that if they don't already. I in fact worked with a VERY VERY outward homosexual who knew how I felt about the whole situation because we spent hours after the restaurant closed discussing such topics. He was never less than a friend because I loved him, as a friend and he knew it.

And I believe I have actually successfully answered the question about how it will affect us. I have said it will destroy the children (not that the rampant divorce rate etc hasn't already), it will tear at the fabric of what we know to be right and true, it will give justification and rights to a sinful and destructive life pattern, it makes what was once wrong right, and to be completely honest with you, it will confuse future generations on what is right and wrong. I have shown, quite briefly, that Rome fell becuase just like the U.S., it over indulged itself in everything under the sun. Another example would be Sodom and Gomorrah. Homosexuals were rampant there and other indulgences in every pleasure known to man were replacing what was known to be right. That city was destroyed for its sins.

And for those who ask me to take the Bible out, then you might as well change our timeline that we use, might as well get rid of America because it is based on Biblical principles, get rid of the church which has basically kept the country together in times of need and most important, you might as well rip the soul out of everybody and allow us all to walk around as individualistic monsters who know nothing of our neighbor. You can also take out all the laws we have because without the Bible, without the truth in the Bible, our laws mean nothing. Why is it wrong to murder? Because in the beginning God said so. Why is it wrong to steal? Because in the beginning God said so. So, NO, I will not remove my "religion" from my discussion as the religion is the foundational truth behind our country, our laws, and our families.


And how is homosexual marriage any more "individualistic" than your own marriage -- seeing that the vast majority of people get married for no other reason than their inate desire to do so.

I got married not because of my innate desire to do so (although it was there and I did want to get married). Rather, I got married because I met my wife, fell in love, and wanted to raise a family with her. I got married to have a mate, somebody to fill me in, smooth my rough spots etc etc etc. She was that person.

To keep the personal information level to a low, my wife and I do not use any form of birth control because we want our marriage to have a lasting impact on society. Divorce does not exist in our vocabulary and we got married young enough to possibly see our 75th wedding anniversary (which we are looking forward to). Our foundation is Jesus Christ, whose teachings we will follow and who will hold us together through the rough times. We didn't get married because of sex, we didn't get married to get married, heck, we didn't even get married to show off (although she is gorgeous). We got married because the Bible says that is what is supposed to happen and we have children with more on the way because God said that is what a marriage is for. Our marriage is based in God, based on Biblical principles, which if followed, will hold us together. Marriage is not easy in today's society, and it is scary at times, but Karen and I look forward to living each and everyday out together until one of us is taken from this earth.

Now for the real kicker, my marriage is hopefully a example of how God described his relationship to us. Jesus was the groom and we are the Bride. This is a whole other topic and should not be discussed here, but to put it quickly, God brought Karen and I together and only God, in taking us to His glory, will take us apart. My marriage is that important.
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 03:38 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

I got married not because of my innate desire to do so (although it was there and I did want to get married). Rather, I got married because I met my wife, fell in love, and wanted to raise a family with her. I got married to have a mate, somebody to fill me in, smooth my rough spots etc etc etc. She was that person.

And why is it so difficult to believe that this is all the gay community wants too?

Is adopted childen not raising a family (if so desired). By this logic, do you believe that people who are incapable of bearing children should not be married?

Posted By: ssmumich00_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 04:36 PM
Originally posted by zgendron:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Originally posted by ssmumich00:
Originally posted by BoostedA4:
I can't believe i am being so outspoken about this.. (moms gonna know for sure) lol..
Homosexuality a sin? has anyone seen what goes on behind most peoples bedroom doors!!! haha (surely those sex shops exist for a reason). If its a sin then im the anti-christ himself.. oh btw, I live in New Paltz and i know Jason West. He's been talking about this for a Loooong time (and yes hes a media queen). NP is a very liberal town sort of woodstock like. I was at the marches and the marriages it was definitely an awesome sight.. so much emotion involved.. and we will continue the weddings every week without west.

Now if they could only stop giving me the "im str8 but dont h8" signs to carry.. excuse me while i get my Hair did' and nails done.

are u coming out to us?

As far as I'm concerned, civil unions don't matter to me, I think that's where this is headed anyways. . .as for this whole gay=bad, can't be gay because the bible said so, etc. Honestly, the bible was WRITTEN by man, NOT GOD, so there's room for interpretation, it frankly pisses me off when people go around saying that. . .

Now if they used logic and science, that's another thing. Genetically speaking, if being gay is heritable, then it is a deleterious, fatal trait because it has ZERO fitness, a gay couple doesn't lead to offspring. Period. The survival is null, the population of gay people will eventually extinguish because the heritable trait isn't passed on. . .simple enough.

So until I see real evidence that there is a genetic predisposition for it, then I'm going to ASSUME it's a social phenomenom, which means I don't really think it can be recognized by the State or Country at the same level as a heterosexual couple is recognized. . .recognizing them under civil union is another thing, but it's really splitting hairs here. . .

I said I wasn't going to post again, but that was incredibly inteligent. Hats off.

No, it really wasn't. Someone should go back to Middle School and study genetics again. Even at that basic level you should know about dominant and Recessive traits.

Genetics 101

In addition, as Sigma stated:

Originally posted by Sigma:
Just because something is genetic doesn't mean that it's heritable, so that argument is rather mute. I can name countless genetic traits, "abnormalities" if you will, that aren't necessarily passed from one generation to the next.

I don't need to, I know enough about genetics, trust me , I'm telling you MY view point. . .Down's is a genetic disorder that occurs because of abnormal chromosome segregation, a faulty meiotic event, . . .it can occur idiopathically because of a poor prenatal environment, etc. I'm no Down's expert, but yes it isn't genetic BECAUSE it is not observed to be genetically transmissable. That is, a person with Down's syndrome does not pass it to their children.

I was using the term genetic loosely, but for your consumption I'll just say that most abnormalities have a genetic basis, granted diversification because of meiotic recombination due to mutations is what makes human heterogeneiity and vigor ESSENTIAL to the propigation of our species, BUT my point is that IF being gay is due to a smaller Amygdila or Hypothalmus, THAT would be a trait that is controlled by genes because those tissues are PROTEINS which are directly regulated by genetic control (either cis, trans, post transcriptionally, translationally, etc. the points of regulation are myriad, BUT that's for another post). . .AND if it is seen across ALL probands, THEN one would logically think that this trait is heritable SINCE SO MANY PEOPLE ARE GAY. Face it, a small mutation that dies with the proband is ONE thing, but millions of gay people, that's another story. . .

oh yeah, sigma, this isn't a Dominant/Recessive thing, if it has a genetic basis, it clearly is a complex "disorder" with multiple gene interactions. . .not meaing it's a DISORDER like a disease, but for sake of terming the alternate allele a certain desgination. . .
Posted By: daenku32_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 04:52 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
And for those who ask me to take the Bible out, then you might as well change our timeline that we use, might as well get rid of America because it is based on Biblical principles, get rid of the church which has basically kept the country together in times of need and most important, you might as well rip the soul out of everybody and allow us all to walk around as individualistic monsters who know nothing of our neighbor. You can also take out all the laws we have because without the Bible, without the truth in the Bible, our laws mean nothing. Why is it wrong to murder? Because in the beginning God said so. Why is it wrong to steal? Because in the beginning God said so. So, NO, I will not remove my "religion" from my discussion as the religion is the foundational truth behind our country, our laws, and our families.

I disagree. Our Constitution overrides Bible. If there is a disagree between the two (ie. Atheism, Constitution says it's OK, Bible say it's wrong.), Constitution wins. Always.

I don't need a God to tell me what is wrong. Stealing and Murder are pretty obvious. But of course that's why you used them as an examples for biblical morality. Not something that is limited to the religion alone.

If you are attempting to convince us otherwise, you need something that consists of things we BOTH already consider as facts. Otherwise your points are lost.

What is Right is treating people equal. Homosexuals are not criminals. No matter WHAT your Bible might say.
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 04:52 PM
Originally posted by zgendron:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

I got married not because of my innate desire to do so (although it was there and I did want to get married). Rather, I got married because I met my wife, fell in love, and wanted to raise a family with her. I got married to have a mate, somebody to fill me in, smooth my rough spots etc etc etc. She was that person.

And why is it so difficult to believe that this is all the gay community wants too?

Is adopted childen not raising a family (if so desired). By this logic, do you believe that people who are incapable of bearing children should not be married?

Man, you brought up a lot of topics here.

People who are inadequate or cannot bear children have no, or should have no knowledge of this fact until they are married, and then there are all sorts of ways to work around that. Adoption of course is probably the best because there is a great need out there.

Homosexuals on the other hand are living a life of sin. They have chosen to specifically pick and choose verses from the Bible. There are those here that say that it isn't mentioned much, that it's just a small thing, 10% or less, but the point is, is that the Bible mentions it specifically as being a sin. It is unnatural, for 1)obvious reasons and 2) because God said so.

On top of that, the "gay" community may want to be in love too, but guess what, there are absolute truths, and one of those is that homosexuality is a sin. I don't care what anybody else says, it's not a matter of opinion, it's pure and simple fact, it is a sin. There are truths in this world, and those truths expand to cover all human existence.

Our country started out on the right foot. Most higher education schools were started to raise ministers. The constitution and Bill of Rights were based on truths set in stone in scripture, the Bible. Our founding fathers made it clear that without God and without the truths in the Bible, our country would be indeed going down the downward spiral to a deep dark grave. (I'm searching for the quotes that I have heard and read, hopefully I'll be able to find them, if not, sorry, skip that particular segment of my argument). Anyway, our country began to decline as everybody came in and thought the country was there's and nobody elses. As education rose and material wealth rose, individualism sprung, and it has led to it being said that there are absolutely no absolute truths (hmmmm, ponder that for a while). So, of course without the truths to back the laws and boundaries up, everything goes crazy, as we can see. We have men going after children, we have adultery taking over marriage, swing parties, divorce, child abuse, destruction of our families, pornography being portrayed not only in R rated movies anymore, but also on TV, etc etc etc. Our world has lost the notion that boundaries in our lives need to exist and have come to the conclusion that there are no ultimate truths.

Homosexuals are one of those groups, and after this what comes next? Will we okay NAMBLA? Search on it if you don't know what it is. Will we okay incest? Will rape be okayed? What will be allowed next?

By allowing the state to justify homosexual marriage, we are asking that equal "rights" be spread to all the other sex acts. It begs the question, if I can't stop it with homosexuals, who am I to stop a man from getting a Marriage License with his Dog, or polygamy from becoming the next big thing. Where does it end? Somebody must draw the line, and that's what I see happening, today. California said STOP and Massachusetts said CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT a possibility and the President and other areas of government are saying NO MORE to homosexual marriage. Unfortunately they are giving an inch with the civil unions, and what comes if you give someobody an inch, they take a mile.

All I'm saying is that homosexuals can act any way they want to, they can do whatever they want. Comparing it to women's rights or civil rights are like comparing apples and oranges. Every human has the right to vote, and every human has the right to be a human, but...

...everybody does not have the right to do as they please and expect the government to give them their justification they so desperately long for.

That's right, that's exactly what I said. Everybody does not have the right to do exactly what they want, and everybody does not have the right to get justification from the government. Women's lib way back when was on the right track, women deserve the right to vote, it's not a way of life, it's who they are. Civil rights, the blacks are no different than the white people! Right on!! It sure did take long enough!! Homosexuals, though, are completely different. They are living in sin and cannot expect my government to justify it just so they can say YEAH, LOOK WE ARE quote in quote "LEGAL". Again, I say that the government is not who I would be worrying about justifying what I'm doing if I was them. There is a higher power that we have all forgotten about. End of story.
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 05:03 PM
Originally posted by daenku32:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
And for those who ask me to take the Bible out, then you might as well change our timeline that we use, might as well get rid of America because it is based on Biblical principles, get rid of the church which has basically kept the country together in times of need and most important, you might as well rip the soul out of everybody and allow us all to walk around as individualistic monsters who know nothing of our neighbor. You can also take out all the laws we have because without the Bible, without the truth in the Bible, our laws mean nothing. Why is it wrong to murder? Because in the beginning God said so. Why is it wrong to steal? Because in the beginning God said so. So, NO, I will not remove my "religion" from my discussion as the religion is the foundational truth behind our country, our laws, and our families.

I disagree. Our Constitution overrides Bible. If there is a disagree between the two (ie. Atheism, Constitution says it's OK, Bible say it's wrong.), Constitution wins. Always.

I don't need a God to tell me what is wrong. Stealing and Murder are pretty obvious. But of course that's why you used them as an examples for biblical morality. Not something that is limited to the religion alone.

Wow, the constitution overrides what it is based on. So what you are saying is that society is progressive, kind of Darwinian in theory I suppose. As we go on, we get smarter and are able to override God? I don't think so. God wrote the Bible through very faithful men, and that has been proven over and over again. Constitution unfortunately does not win every time. God is right, man is fallible.

Stealing and murder, let's step away from them. Incest? Wrong or not? NAMBLA, boys and men, right or wrong? Pronography, lust, adultery etc? Right or wrong. How about disrespect of parents? Infancticide? Abortion? I could go on and on, but the simple fact is, is that it is all wrong, and all immoral, including homosexuality. How about lying? IMMORAL. How about cheating? Same thing, and the list goes on and on and on and on and on. They are all in the Bible. The truths we live by are found in the Bible, why? BECAUSE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES WORK!! That's why, regardless of a "Constitution" or "Bill of Rights." As I wrote just a second ago, our government is not our final judge, like most would like to forget.

Originally posted by daenku32:
If you are attempting to convince us otherwise, you need something that consists of things we BOTH already consider as facts. Otherwise your points are lost.

What is Right is treating people equal. Homosexuals are not criminals. No matter WHAT your Bible might say.

No, homosexuals are very nice people, and are in fact very good dressers, and they are very stylish. We can treat people equal without justifying their sins. We should treat all people, including the criminals as humans. Homosexuals fall in the "all" people category. What we should not do, is give them justification, or the ability to believe they are doing the right thing, because they aren't. There might be a reason why history is the way it is.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 05:10 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Originally posted by daenku32:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
And for those who ask me to take the Bible out, then you might as well change our timeline that we use, might as well get rid of America because it is based on Biblical principles, get rid of the church which has basically kept the country together in times of need and most important, you might as well rip the soul out of everybody and allow us all to walk around as individualistic monsters who know nothing of our neighbor. You can also take out all the laws we have because without the Bible, without the truth in the Bible, our laws mean nothing. Why is it wrong to murder? Because in the beginning God said so. Why is it wrong to steal? Because in the beginning God said so. So, NO, I will not remove my "religion" from my discussion as the religion is the foundational truth behind our country, our laws, and our families.

I disagree. Our Constitution overrides Bible. If there is a disagree between the two (ie. Atheism, Constitution says it's OK, Bible say it's wrong.), Constitution wins. Always.

I don't need a God to tell me what is wrong. Stealing and Murder are pretty obvious. But of course that's why you used them as an examples for biblical morality. Not something that is limited to the religion alone.

Wow, the constitution overrides what it is based on. So what you are saying is that society is progressive, kind of Darwinian in theory I suppose. As we go on, we get smarter and are able to override God? I don't think so. God wrote the Bible through very faithful men, and that has been proven over and over again. Constitution unfortunately does not win every time. God is right, man is fallible.

Stealing and murder, let's step away from them. Incest? Wrong or not? NAMBLA, boys and men, right or wrong? Pronography, lust, adultery etc? Right or wrong. How about disrespect of parents? Infancticide? Abortion? I could go on and on, but the simple fact is, is that it is all wrong, and all immoral, including homosexuality. How about lying? IMMORAL. How about cheating? Same thing, and the list goes on and on and on and on and on. They are all in the Bible. The truths we live by are found in the Bible, why? BECAUSE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES WORK!! That's why, regardless of a "Constitution" or "Bill of Rights." As I wrote just a second ago, our government is not our final judge, like most would like to forget.

Originally posted by daenku32:
If you are attempting to convince us otherwise, you need something that consists of things we BOTH already consider as facts. Otherwise your points are lost.

What is Right is treating people equal. Homosexuals are not criminals. No matter WHAT your Bible might say.

No, homosexuals are very nice people, and are in fact very good dressers, and they are very stylish. We can treat people equal without justifying their sins. We should treat all people, including the criminals as humans. Homosexuals fall in the "all" people category. What we should not do, is give them justification, or the ability to believe they are doing the right thing, because they aren't. There might be a reason why history is the way it is.

Plano's not far from Waco is it!

To believe the Constitution was built on the bible is just plain ludicrous.

So many of your "facts" are opinions it's sick. Here's a real fact for you, science has proven homosexual tendencies in other species. See as humans are the only one's with the ability to make choices and your strong belief in God, he created them with those tendencies.

Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 05:15 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
They have chosen to specifically pick and choose verses from the Bible.

Boy, that sounds familiar. Ask 10 people about their interpretation of the Bible, and you'll get 10 different answers. The bottom line IMO is this: why should these people be denied the same rights as others have? I still haven't seen anyone give a solid reason other than "My God says it's a sin" and "because it's wrong"...
Posted By: BoostedA4 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 06:00 PM
Wow im in the same category as a criminal.. haha. As for having kids i think i would be a damn good parent one day.. i'll just learn from my str8 parents mistakes. It's funny how some people on here are talking about us like we aren't here? and .. stating what they think is right for us and how we became who we are?... social influence did not make me choose.. my mom wasn't saying BE GAY.. i knew what i wanted as soon as i was aware of my sexual desires. The only way you can know how it's like is if you are... oh well

where is there an all wheel drive dyno in ny?

All this talk is making me feel like whooping contour (wait let me censor myself) BLEEP! hahaha.
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 06:22 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

...Homosexuals on the other hand are living a life of sin. They have chosen to specifically pick and choose verses from the Bible. There are those here that say that it isn't mentioned much, that it's just a small thing, 10% or less, but the point is, is that the Bible mentions it specifically as being a sin. It is unnatural, for 1)obvious reasons and 2) because God said so...

Again, you have to understand the complete tone and topic discussed in each book, not just take pieces of it and run with it. In that case, Eqyptians would still be a damned people...and no, the Bible doesn't unequivocally state homosexuality is a sin. It's been up for lively debate for quite some time, as have a number of other topics that the Bible is about as clear as mud on...

All of this has me asking if you are familiar with how the Bible came into existance. How oral stories were finally transcribed into Old and New Testament books and how many other works were left out and why they were left out? How it took centuries for this process to take place and how that many of the books that were left out contradicted some of the edicts and history in the New Testament? How councils were set up by the Church to decide what particular "brand" of written scripture would be spilt forth among the masses, thereby omitting any documents or writings contradictory towards their wishes?

The Bible wasn't faxed to us from Heaven. It was written by divinely inspired men, fallable and imperfect and compiled by a religious and political force in the very first part of the millenia through a process that took centuries.

I have and do keep the faith, but somewhere along the line wisdom and common sense has to kick in as well. I'm fairly certain God didn't give the human race these gifts for us to simply turn them off in the face of religious bigotry, self-righteous zeal and intolerance that seems to border on the absurd.

Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 06:50 PM
Originally posted by svtcarboy:
Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Originally posted by Contouraholic:
So now the question becomes: "What's in our water?"

For one thing, not as much arsenic as the Bush Adminstration would like.

Bush and his buddies in the chemical industry are also doing their damndest to make sure we all get our minimum daily requirements of MTBEs.

Well, Arsenic can have its benefits... Victorian men used arsenic as a precursor to Viagra and women used it to enhance their complexions (paler skin and rosier cheeks). It was frequently distilled by boiling flypapers.

My aunt has a candy recipe that calls for arsenic. When she could no longer get it, the candy wasn't ever right after that...

Did you get that from the EPA website?
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 07:12 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
The constitution and Bill of Rights were based on truths set in stone in scripture, the Bible. Our founding fathers made it clear that without God and without the truths in the Bible, our country would be indeed going down the downward spiral to a deep dark grave. (

OK, I'm guessing that you've never actually read our Constitution.

Again, I ask you to explain why our very religious founding fathers, in drafting what they knew was to be one of the most important documents in the history of the planet, did not include ANY reference to Jesus or Christianity. The only two references to religion in the entire constitution are a prohibition on requiring federal offices from requiring religious oaths and the prohibition on the establishment of a national religion in the 1st amendment.

And please tell me from what scripture did our founding fathers get the idea of a bicameral legislature?

What scripture gives us the principal of checks and balances between three parts of government - one to make the laws, one to interpret the laws and one to enforce the laws? Is this analagous to the holy trinity? Does The Father have veto power over The Son and The Holy Ghost? Can the latter two override The Father's veto by a Two-Thirds majority?

Where does it say in any scripture that slaves should count as 3/5 of a person to appease slave states?

How about the idea of a compromise between small states and large states in which one house of the bi-cameral legislature would be based upon population and the other house would give equality to each state in the union. Is this a biblical principal?

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Homosexuals are one of those groups, and after this what comes next? Will we okay NAMBLA? Search on it if you don't know what it is. Will we okay incest? Will rape be okayed? What will be allowed next?

It seems pretty simple to me. How about we draw the line at allowing consenting adults have whatever other interaction they want with other consenting adults - as long as nobody else is hurt in the process.
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 07:13 PM

It is unnatural, for 1)obvious reasons and 2) because God said so...

What are these "obvious reasons" that you speak of? Doesn't seem all that obvious to me.

And God said this was wrong? HOLY [censored], MAN! You can speak to God Himself?!

.... I think you mean someone said that is what God said. Obviously you are no so ignorant so as to believe everything someone tells you.

I can stand on a street corner with a sandwich board too and yell a bunch of nonsense about what God told me -- maybe a thousand years from now someone will write that down and everyone will mindlessly believe everything that I said in my crazy stupors.


Wow, the constitution overrides what it is based on.

1> WTF are you smoking to think that the Constitution is based on the Bible? Last time I checked, nowhere in the Constitution did it say "See Genesis 1:2 for clarification of this amendment."

2> Let us say that it was based on the Bible... then of course it over-rides the Bible. If they wanted it to read exactly the same as the Bible we'd have made the 13 colonies ratify the New Testament. If it the Constituion were "based" on the Bible, then it would follow that the Constitution was an improvement (from a government perspective) on it.


Stealing and murder, let's step away from them. Incest? Wrong or not? NAMBLA, boys and men, right or wrong? Pronography, lust, adultery etc? Right or wrong. How about disrespect of parents? Infancticide? Abortion? I could go on and on, but the simple fact is, is that it is all wrong, and all immoral, including homosexuality. How about lying? IMMORAL. How about cheating?

Stealing -- Hurts someone else -- Gov't Involvement
Murder -- Hurts someone else -- Gov't Involvement
Incest -- Hurts someoene else -- Gov't Involvement
Pornography -- Doesn't hurt anyone -- Gov't Stays Out (except in cases where it does -- minors)
Lust -- Doesn't hurt anyone -- Gov't Stays Out
Adultery -- Hurts someone else -- Gov't Involvement
Disrespect of Parents -- Doesn't hurt anyone -- Gov't Stays Out
Infanticide -- Hurts someone else -- Gov't Involvement
Abortion -- Hurts someone else -- Gov't Involvement (generally)

Are you starting to notice the pattern here....

And, of course, last but not least:

Homosexuality -- Doesn't hurt anyone -- Gov't Stays Out


That's why, regardless of a "Constitution" or "Bill of Rights." As I wrote just a second ago, our government is not our final judge, like most would like to forget.

You're exactly right. And that's why they shouldn't try to act like they are -- which is exactly what you want them to do. Let the damned government do what it's supposed to do -- work for the will of the majority of the people, and let "our final judge" take care of His part of things later on.

You live your life for you, let someone else live their life for theirs, and we'll see how it comes out in the end. Bet my place in Heaven that you'll be surprised how many gay people you're sharing Heaven with.
Posted By: Bullet Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 07:16 PM
I wish a mod or admin would step in and lock this damn thread.
Posted By: BoostedA4 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Bullet:
I wish a mod or admin would step in and lock this damn thread.

You might want to add the word "Bush" between or and admin..

That's exactly what everyones trying to do with this issue..! throw it on the back burner. If another case arose that involved your life, you would want it taken care of asap!
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 11:23 PM
It's really sad that the world has come to this. Years ago the Bible was the authority, now it's the spit upon.

I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will change you and create in you a heart willing to change, rather than one bent on taking everything and twisting it to mean what you want it to.

It's a fantasy world your living in when you believe that everything that everybody does is their personal business and that it won't affect the City, State, Country, World as a whole. I hope you guys wake up before you are the ones running our country.

Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 11:34 PM

It's a fantasy world your living in when you believe that everything that everybody does is their personal business and that it won't affect the City, State, Country, World as a whole.

And yet you STILL have never said how gays actually affect you, let alone the City, State, Country or World.

We've had this conversation 10 times now, and everytime you bow out when you start losing, praying that we'll all eventually be 'saved'. You don't even argue the theology let alone the common sense.

Just wait until your judgemental ass is before Him and we'll see how things turn out for you. Espouse all you want; but it's obvious that many of us "sinners" live a more Christian ideological life than you yourself do.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/12/04 11:57 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
It's really sad that the world has come to this. Years ago the Bible was the authority, now it's the spit upon.

I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will change you and create in you a heart willing to change, rather than one bent on taking everything and twisting it to mean what you want it to.

It's a fantasy world your living in when you believe that everything that everybody does is their personal business and that it won't affect the City, State, Country, World as a whole. I hope you guys wake up before you are the ones running our country.

You believe in your god, that is fine. He/She/It has nothign to do with the civil government of this country. God = church. Anything outside that church = not god's business.
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 12:17 AM
Hey what if I believe in Buddha or something other than your "god" and my "god" says I can have 800 wives and 15 husbands? Who determines who's "god" gets to decide the laws and morals in the U.S.?

Celebrity deathmatch maybe?

"My god can kick your god's ass!"
Posted By: myfastse_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 12:21 AM
Try this on for size.

My GF company allows "life partners" to put their significant others on thier insurance. Really nice company huh?

But you know what, they won't let us be on the same policy because we are of the opposite sex and they don't consider us "life partners".
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 12:24 AM
Yeah, that's kinda messed-up.

Their intent is good, but unless they have some really good way of determining what a "life partner" is, it's not exactly fair.
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 12:49 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
It's really sad that the world has come to this. Years ago the Bible was the authority, now it's the spit upon.

Yes, let's go back to the days of the Inquisition and Crusades, when the Bible and those representing it were THE authority on this planet. Things were so much better when a sizeable segment of Christianity was marching in lockstep, much like the SS throughout Poland during WWII...

Show me where I've spit upon the Bible, if you indeed are addressing anything I've brought up. Interpretations and differences of opinion on certain passages in the Good Book book does NOT a pagan or heretic make, especially if the core of the message of love, hope and peace is preserved and followed.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will change you and create in you a heart willing to change, rather than one bent on taking everything and twisting it to mean what you want it to.

And I sincerely hope and pray that the Holy Spirit would give you the insight and courage to not digest everything that organized religion shoves down your throat, and to keep in mind the CORE messages of the Bible when looking at certain passages and pieces of it. Studying the Bible from a historical perspective and looking into the politics of Christianity from the earliest of days and how religion, power, control and politics intermingled and still do to this day is an eye-opener beyond compare.

It's not easy as it takes time, effort and WILL cast doubt upon doubt towards your faith. It can make a more aware and stronger Christian, though, if one will let it.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
It's a fantasy world your living in when you believe that everything that everybody does is their personal business and that it won't affect the City, State, Country, World as a whole. I hope you guys wake up before you are the ones running our country.

Last thought: When religion and it's teachings become a tool of condemnation and persecution, I've always believed it's time to CLOSELY examine not only the message itself but those that are delivering it. In other words (and to bastardize a famous quote), the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, so be careful what you base your foundations upon...
Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 01:01 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
It's really sad that the world has come to this. Years ago the Bible was the authority, now it's the spit upon.

I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will change you and create in you a heart willing to change, rather than one bent on taking everything and twisting it to mean what you want it to.

It's a fantasy world your living in when you believe that everything that everybody does is their personal business and that it won't affect the City, State, Country, World as a whole. I hope you guys wake up before you are the ones running our country.

you sound brainwashed.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 03:17 AM
Ok, Religion is a bit of my forte. One of my reasons for leaving the church was a gay religion teacher...mainly because he was really scary, but it was so terribly twisted. This was a few years before the whole Catholic church sandal. I think the bible is up to interpretation, I also think it is outdated. It is not the word of God written by god, it was written by man. I don't care who you are you are a sinner, no doubt. If you waited til marriage, didn't beat off, and what not; then hats off to you. I know what the bible says about homosexuality, but if and only if you can say you didn't do those things mentioned a sentence ealier, then you are being hypoctitical. What I said earlier in this post has nothing to do with how I feel on religion, so let's not bring that into the picture at this point. This is about the morals/ethics of it. JMHO
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 03:22 AM
Just a thought... does anyone believe that God's involvement with humankind really stopped 1900+ years ago? That he left the Bible as an sort of Chilton's manual to life and no longer guides us through our consciences and gut instincts?

The Constituition is only 200 years old, created when differences in religion generally meant Catholic vs. Protestant. However, the genius behind the fabric made it so it can adapt to changing times and changing circumstances.

I agree with the thought that the government should only step in to protect those who do not or cannot consent to an action. The Bible may coincidentally share some of these tenets with our legal system, but that's as far as it should go.

On arsenic... no, I did not read it from the EPA website... I love historical biographies and documentaries and retain all sorts of odd information from them.

I have yet to have heard an argument which says the restrictions on same sex marriage are anything but artificial in a purely civil context. Religious arguments state why a church would choose not to do it, but no further.
Posted By: 96RedSE5Sp_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 04:14 AM
Originally posted by svtcarboy:
The Constituition is only 200 years old, created when differences in religion generally meant Catholic vs. Protestant.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but when we finally and formally broke away from England, didn't the US, have the only secular government on earth? Didn't everyont else have divine right kings/queens/emperors?
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 04:23 AM
Britain was FAR from Divine Right by the Hanover Era. Part of the laws made when William and Mary ascended the throne after the Glorious Revolution stripped their power down a level of mostly reigning rather than ruling. After Queen Anne (Mary's sister), the Hanovers were elevated to the throne, happy to allow Parliament and the Cabinet run the Empire. The big issue was that colonies could not elect representatives to the House of Commons... where the power really was.

France was in the dying days of the Bourbon Dynasty... gasping on to the idea of Divine Right. Spain was old, tired, and weak. The monarchy existed, but in no glamor. Russia believed in absolute power, but nothing Divine about it. The Habsburgs (Austria-Hungary) were a monarchal empire, but again, not ruling by Divine right. Other monarchies were not powerful enough over the state of the world to be worth mentioning.
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 04:12 PM
Originally posted by sigma:

It's a fantasy world your living in when you believe that everything that everybody does is their personal business and that it won't affect the City, State, Country, World as a whole.

And yet you STILL have never said how gays actually affect you, let alone the City, State, Country or World.

We've had this conversation 10 times now, and everytime you bow out when you start losing, praying that we'll all eventually be 'saved'. You don't even argue the theology let alone the common sense.

Just wait until your judgemental ass is before Him and we'll see how things turn out for you. Espouse all you want; but it's obvious that many of us "sinners" live a more Christian ideological life than you yourself do.

Well Sigma, once again, you are wrong, as you have been this whole time. Here is a replay of my "bowing out". The only reason I leave now is because nobody here seems to have an open mind about the whole thing. You don't want to hear what I have to say, and unless the Holy Spirit actually opens up your mind, you'll be lost forever. Our world is going down the drain quickly, and unfortunately, as has been seen in other nations/countries/whatever, homosexuality when approved as a whole is one of those signs that something is wrong in the country. If you are too blind to the truth then you will never see and there's no point in my continuing to say the same things over and over and over again. I've actually given other evidences in other discussions that nobody wanted to listen to, well, sorry, but if the truth hurts, the truth hurts and most people, such as yourself, do not like the truth. Here's a replay of how I "didn't answer the problem here.

Oh and by the way, homosexual marriages will affect me because I have to sit here and watch the morals and the decency of America slip into the drain and somehow figure out how to describe to my children why it is happening. I also must figure out a way to keep my children from getting sucked into the materialistic indencency of this society and find a way to protect them from the predators (pedophiles) of this world. You think it doesn't affect me? Have you turned on the news? It makes me sick to see the images I see everyday, to watch as laws are broken and morals are stomped on. And it also affects me because I sit here and watch the country slowly slip into moral depravation as all sorts of horrible sins are justified by the government. Did it start with homosexuals? No, that's just one step in the chain. It started a long time ago when sin was introduced into the world. Every nation slowly slips into this pattern that the United States seems to be feeding right now, and all it does is AFFECT ME and YOU!! There fore, back off, face the truth, and deal with it. Homosexuals are living in sin, as I am in different areas of my life, and all I want is somebody that could hold me accountable and POINT THESE AREAS OUT TO ME SO THAT I CAN CHANGE.

And by the way, prove to me the Bible is wrong. Give me emperical evidence all you who say it's wrong. Do an in depth study, show me where I am wrong, write a book, oh, wait, somebody already has, in fact many people already have, but you do it yourself. But do the research right, because it will take a long time, and I think in the end, if you are ready for what you will find, you will find that the Bible has a lot more to stand on than what you are giving it credit for.

Now, Sigma, I bow out, not because I can't answer the question, but rather because all anybody wants here is to hear people say "I kind of agree, I sort of agree, but I have this problem." I'm out.

Now for the replay:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Here's a quick answer, without too much Biblical "interference." I think you'll be able to tell which side of the wall I would fall on....

And I know half of you won't read it, but I still had to add it in and for those that ask why I couldn't answer in my own words? WHY should I when these guys hit the nail on the head....

Originally posted by</font><hr>Is Marriage in Jeopardy?
August 27, 2003

by Glenn T. Stanton

Are you confused about what â??marriageâ? really means today?

Many people, even Christians, are confused by the arguments they are hearing today on the subject of homosexual marriage. Superficially, what the advocates are saying may seem fair and logical. Scratch the surface, however, and youâ??ll find that their assertions donâ??t hold up.

This article contains some of the frequently asked questions and often-heard statements about this important issue, along with the answers that will help you in the debate. This is a cataclysmic social battle, and it will be with us for some time to come. No Christian, no citizen, can afford to sit this one out on the sidelines.

Click here for the PDF version of this FAQ.


Q: Shouldnâ??t two people who love each other be allowed to commit themselves to one another?

A: Absolutely, and people do that all the time. But we donâ??t call it marriage. There are lots of loving commitments that are not marriage. Friends are committed to each other, a parent is committed to a child, grandparents to their grandchildren, and people are committed to their pets. All of these are forms of love. All of them result in commitments. None of them is marriage.

Q: Whatâ??s wrong with letting homosexuals marry?

A: No human societyâ??not oneâ??has ever tolerated â??marriageâ? between members of the same sex as a norm for family life. And that is what is at stake here, making â??marriageâ? between two men or two women as normal as between one man and one woman. It is saying that neither arrangement is any better than the other. As Dr. Dobson writes, only until the last few â??millisecondsâ? of history and experience (i.e. Canada and some European nations) have we arrogantly believed we can improve upon this ancient and universal institution.

This public meaning of marriage is not something that each new generation is free to redefine. Marriage is defined by the God of nature and natureâ??s Godâ??and a wise society will protect marriage as it has always been understood. Marriage is the way our culture promotes monogamy, provides a way for males and females to build a life together, and assures every child has a mother and father.

Q: Homosexuals canâ??t have children, but many other couples canâ??t as well. Why do we let them marry?

A: This is the exception and not the rule. Many of these childless couples adopt, and their adoptive children receive the benefits of both father and mother this way. It is impossible for a homosexual couple to bestow that benefitâ??the presence of a father and a motherâ?? on any child, even if that couple adopts or uses artificial insemination.

Q: Isnâ??t it true that what kids need most are loving parents, regardless of whether itâ??s a mother or father?

A: No. A child needs a loving mother and father. A wealth of research over the past 30 years has shown us this. (However, same-sex marriage and parenting intentionally deprive children of a mother or father.) The most loving mother in the world cannot teach a little boy how to be a man. Likewise, the most loving man cannot teach a little girl how to be a woman. A gay man cannot teach his son how to love and care for a woman. A lesbian cannot teach her daughter how to love a man or know what to look for in a good husband. Is love enough to help two gay dads guide their daughter through her first menstrual cycle? Like a mom, they cannot comfort her by sharing their first experience. Little boys and girls need the loving daily influence of both male and female parents to become who they are meant to be.

Q: Isnâ??t that cruel?

A: Thatâ??s only because of the times in which we live. Our society prizes what seems fair, more than what is true. Children truly need both a mom and a dad. It is cruel to intentionally deny them this. The research supporting this is both substantial and unequivocal!

Q: What about people who are too old to have children, even adopted ones? We let them marry.

A: Yes, of course we allow older folks to marry. Having babies is not a requirement of marriage. The reason for supporting the institution of marriage is not rooted only in childrearing. Man and woman were made for each other, and the State has a compelling interest in supporting itâ?? with or without children.

Q: But isnâ??t it better for a child to grow up with two loving same-sex parents than to live in an abusive home or be bounced around in foster care?

A: Youâ??re comparing the worst of one situation (abusive heterosexual parenting) with the best of another (loving same-sex parenting). Thatâ??s apples and oranges.

Actually, research reveals that child abuse is at its lowest when children live with both biological parents compared with higher rates for children who live with at least one nonbiological parent or caregiver.1 Same-sex parenting situations make it impossible for a child to live with both biological parents, thus increasing their risk of abuse.

Those who want homosexual marriage are not asking to take the children living in the most difficult situations, so itâ??s intellectually dishonest to preface the argument with that claim. They are asking for the same thing all parents desire: healthy, happy children they can call their own. So let us dispense with the idea that same-sex couples will serve some high social good by only taking children in the most difficult situations. They have never asked for this.

Q: Apart from the issue of children, donâ??t gays have the same legal right to marry that heterosexuals do?

A: All people have the same right to marry, as long as they abide by the law. You cannot marry if youâ??re already married, you cannot marry a close relative, an adult cannot marry a child, you cannot marry your pet, and you cannot marry someone of the same sex. Letâ??s be clear, everyone has access to marriage as long as they meet the requirements. This is not about access to marriage. Itâ??s about redefining marriage to be something it has never been.

Q: But heterosexuals can marry according to their sexual orientation. Why shouldnâ??t homosexuals be allowed to marry according to their orientation?

A: No U.S. court has ever recognized, nor has any scientific study ever established, that homosexuality is rooted in nature and therefore is the same as heterosexuality. Scientists understand that homosexuality is rooted in a collection of biological, psychological and social factors. We cannot treat them as the same thing.

Q: But I thought homosexuals couldnâ??t help it? This seems intolerant.

A: Then nature itself is intolerant. Marriage has not been â??imposedâ? upon culture by some religious institution or government power from which it needs to be â??set free.â? It was established by God, is enforced by the nature which God bestowed upon mankind, and we tamper with it at our own peril.

Hereâ??s what is intolerant. Same-sex â??marriageâ? is being forced upon us by a small, but elite, group of individuals dressed in black robesâ??judgesâ??who say that thousands of years of human history have simply been wrong. That is a very arrogant notion that will bring great harm to our culture.

Q: Isnâ??t banning gay marriage just like banning interracial marriage?

A: Not at all! Being black or white, Hispanic or Asian is not like being homosexual. Again, no academic institution in the world nor any U.S. court has ever established that homosexuality is unchangeable, as are race, nationality or gender.

But this assertion really implies that opponents to same-sex marriage are bigots and that is not true. They simply believe marriage is between men and women for good reason.

Q: But havenâ??t we seen all kinds of family diversity in various civilizations throughout history?

A: No. Anthropologists tell us that every human society is established by males and females joining in permanent unions to build a life together and bear and raise their children. The differences we see in family from culture to culture are primarily variations on this model: how long the male and female stay together, how many spouses either can have and how the labor is divided. Some cultures make greater use of extended family than others. Family diversity is largely confined to these differences. But there has never been a culture or society that made homosexual marriage part of its family model.

Q: But how does someoneâ??s homosexual â??marriageâ? threaten everyone elseâ??s families?

A: Gay activists are not asking for just one homosexual marriage, even though they often personalize it by saying, â??Donâ??t you interfere with my family and I wonâ??t interfere with yours.â? What the activists want is a new national policy saying that no longer is a mom and a dad any better than two moms or two dads. That policy would turn some very important principles upside down:

Marriage would become merely an emotional relationship that is flexible enough to include any grouping of loving adults. If it is fair for two men or two women to marry, why not three, or five, or 17? The terms â??husbandâ? and â??wifeâ? would become merely words with no meaning.

Parenthood would consist of any number of emotionally attached people who care for kids. â??Motherâ? and â??fatherâ? would become only words.

Gender would become nothing. The same-sex proposition cannot tolerate the idea that any real, deep and necessary differences exist between the sexes. It must rest on a â??Mister Potato Head theoryâ? of gender difference (same core, just interchangeable body parts). If real differences did exist, then men would need women and women would need men. Our children would learn that sexual differences are like mere personality types. Wait until your kids start bringing those papers home from school.

Q: But doesnâ??t expanding marriage to include homosexuals actually help strengthen marriage?

A: Just the opposite. There is recent evidence from the Netherlands, arguably the most â??gay-friendlyâ? culture on earth, that homosexual men have a very difficult time honoring the ideal of marriage. Even though same-sex â??marriageâ? is legal there, a British medical journal reports male homosexual relationships last, on average, 1.5 years, and gay men have an average of eight partners a year outside of their supposedly â??committedâ? relationships.

Contrast that with the fact that 67 percent of first marriages in the United States last 10 years, and more than threequarters of heterosexual married couples report being faithful to their vows.2

No. Watering down the definition of marriage does not help strengthen marriage.

Q: Even so, traditional marriage isnâ??t doing all that well, with so many divorces.

A: Youâ??re right. Marriage isnâ??t working well, so what should we do? Erase the marriage laws? Look at it this way. We have laws against murder, but people still commit murder, so what should we do? Erase the murder laws? Of course not. When laws arenâ??t working, legislators try to fix them. We should strengthen marriage, and many are beginning to do just that.

As a matter of fact, the evidence favoring marriage is so overwhelming that the federal government has begun to encourage the inclusion of a marriage training component in all state welfare plans.

Q: But doesnâ??t our culture benefit from trying new things?

A: New does not always mean better. â??Newâ? and â??improvedâ? have only become synonymous in our consumer age. Anything that departs from specific instruction in the Scriptures is a bad idea, inevitably.

Thirty years ago, our nation entered a dramatic social experiment on the family called â??no-fault divorce,â? thinking this would improve family life. The research that examined the next 30 years of experience, however, has judged this experiment a massive failure. Children and their parents have been hurt far more deeplyâ??and for much longerâ?? than we ever imagined.

The revolutionaries of the no-fault divorce movement claimed that the â??til death do us partâ? portion of marriage wasnâ??t that important. They were wrong. The same-sex proposition claims the â??husbandâ? and â??wifeâ? portion doesnâ??t matter. Here we go again.

Q: Surely, though, homosexuals need marriage to feel like full members of society, donâ??t they?

A: Need marriage? No. What we are talking about here is self-esteem and it is not the place of government to bestow self-esteem on any individual or group.

Q: Why do you have to be so narrow in your definition of marriage?

A: Nature is narrow in its definition and for very good reason. Research over the last 100 years consistently shows us that marriage provides a treasure chest of good things for adults, children and society.

Q: What benefits does marriage provide?

A: Research consistently shows that married adults do better in virtually every measure of well-being. Married people live longer, happier lives. They enjoy higher levels of physical and mental health, they recover from illness quicker, earn and save more money, are more reliable employees, suffer less stress, and are less likely to become victims of any kind of violence. They find the job of parenting more successful and enjoyable and they have more satisfying and fulfilling sex lives. These benefits are largely equal for men and women.3

Compared with children in any other situation, children with married parents need to visit doctors less often for physical or emotional problems, and they do better in all measures of intellectual and academic development. They are more sympathetic toward others and much less likely to be in trouble at school, at home or with the police. They are much less likely to use drugs and be involved in violent behavior or premarital sexual activity and childbearing. It is uncommon for kids who live with married parents to live in poverty or be victims of physical or sexual abuse.4 Research is clear: marriage makes a substantial, positive difference in peopleâ??s lives.

Q: So wouldnâ??t opening marriage to same-sex couples mean more people benefit from marriage?

A: Just the opposite. Marriage is more than an emotional, committed relationship. It is the permanent union of the two complementary parts of humanity who complete each other in their differences. This is why marriage provides good things for adults and children, which same-sex relationships, by definition, cannot provide.

The ultimate result of expanding the definition of marriage is that marriage would mean everythingâ??and nothing. The goal of most influential gay leaders who are spearheading this movement is not to broaden the benefits of marriage, but to strip it of any meaning. They see redefining marriage in this way as the first step toward abolishing marriage and the family altogether thus eliminating the benefits of marriage for everyone.

Q: But isnâ??t same-sex marriage all that is being argued for?

A: Yes, gay marriage is viewed by many as a civil right. But, if such a right is established, then on what basis can marriage be denied to any coupling or group? In a remarkably sobering article in The Weekly Standard writer Stanley Kurtz explains that polygamy is getting more widespread endorsement than ever before, with friendly commentary in several major newspapers recently. Kurtz predicts the ACLU will soon rise as its foremost defender.

And it wonâ??t stop there. Kurtz reports further on the coming popularity of something called polyamory, which is a $10 word for group marriage. Already polyamory is on the cutting edge in family law, and is promoted by professors at some of our nationâ??s leading universities. Kurtz explains that this â??group marriageâ? movement is marching down the same trail blazed by the same-sex proponents.5

For all the other problems this will cause, government and industry would be forced to provide health and legal benefits for any grouping of people who declare themselves to be â??marriedâ? under these laws, or more likely, court decisions. Could your business afford health-care benefits for 5 or 9 people in a group marriage? In fact, in this brave new world, what would keep two heterosexual single momsâ??or even six of themâ??from â??marryingâ? simply so they can receive family health, tax and social security benefits together? The increased cost to business and government would be crippling.

Marriage is not just a private affair. Every marriage is a public virtue in that it responsibly regulates human sexuality, brings the two parts of humanity together in a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship and it delivers mothers and fathers to children. Society benefits from the well-being of marriage; nearly every dollar spent by our government on social welfare is in reaction to a marriage breaking down or failing to form. Good things happen when we honor what marriage is. Bad things happen when we try to change it.

Ultimately and inevitably, the future and the health of humanity rests upon the health and future of marriage.

To see how same-sex marriage is harmful to children click here. (SEE BELOW)

To sign an electronic petition in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment, click here and you will be taken to the American Family Association's Web site.

Developed by Glenn T. Stanton; Also by Pete Winn, associate editor of CitizenLink at Focus on the Family.

Glenn T. Stanton is Director of Social Research and Cultural Affairs and Senior Analyst for Marriage and Sexuality at Focus on the Family. He is also author of Why Marriage Matters: Reasons to Believe in Marriage in Postmodern Society (Pinon Press).

1Catherine Malkin and Michael Lamb, â??Child Maltreatment: A Test of the Sociobiological Theory,â? Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 25 (1994): 121-133; David Popenoe, Life Without Father, (New York: The Free Press, 1996).
2Maria Xiridou, et al., â??The Contributions of Steady and Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV Infection Among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam,â? AIDS, 17 (2003): 1029.38.
3Glenn T. Stanton, Why Marriage Matters: Reasons to Believe in Marriage in Postmodern Society, (Colorado Springs, Pinon Press, 1997); Linda Waite and Maggie Gallagher, The Case for Marriage: Why Married People Are Happier, Healthier and Better Off Financially, (New York: Doubleday, 2000); Robert Coombs, â??Marital Status and Personal Well-Being: A Literature Review,â? Family Relations 40 (1991) 97-102; Lois Verbrugge and Donald Balaban, â??Patterns of Change, Disability and Well-Being,â? Medical Care 27 (1989): S128- S147; I.M. Joung, et al., â??Differences in Self-Reported Morbidity by Marital Status and by Living Arrangement,â? International Journal of Epidemiology 23 (1994): 91-97; Linda Waite, â??Does Marriage Matter?â? Demography 32 (1995): 483-507; Harold Morowitz, â??Hiding in the Hammond Report,â? Hospital Practice (August 1975), p. 39; James Goodwin, et al., â??The Effect of Marital Status on Stage, Treatment, and Survival of Cancer Patients,â? Journal of the American Medical Association, 258 (1987): 3152-3130; Benjamin Malzberg, â??Marital Status in Relation to the Prevalence of Mental Disease,â? Psychiatric Quarterly 10 (1936): 245-261; David Williams, et al., â??Marital Status and Psychiatric Disorders Among Blacks and Whites,â? Journal of Health and Social Behavior 33 (1992): 140-157; Steven Stack and J. Ross Eshleman, â??Marital Status and Happiness: A 17-Nation Study,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60 (1998): 527-536; Robert T. Michael, et al., Sex in America: A Definitive Survey, (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1994), p. 124-129; Randy Page and Galen Cole, â??Demographic Predictors of Self-Reported Loneliness in Adults,â? Psychological Reports 68 (1991): 939-945; Jan Stets, â??Cohabiting and Marital Aggression: The Role of Social Isolation,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family 53 (1991): 669-680; â??Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1992,â? U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, (March 1994), p. 31, NCJ-145125; Ronald Angel and Jacqueline Angel, Painful Inheritance: Health and the New Generation of Fatherless Families, (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1993), pp. 139, 148; Richard Rogers, â??Marriage, Sex, and Mortality,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family 57 (1995): 515-526.
4David Popenoe, Life Without Father: Compelling Evidence that Fatherhood and Marriage Are Indispensible for the Good of Children, (New York, The Free Press, 1997); Glenn T. Stanton Why Marriage Matters: Reasons to Believe in Marriage in Postmodern Society, (Colorado Springs, Pinon Press, 1997); Sara McLanahan and Gary Sandefur, Growing Up with a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994); Deborah Dawson, â??Family Structure and Childrenâ??s Health and Well-Being: Data from the 1988 National Health Interview Survey on Child Health,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family 53 (1991): 573-584; Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi, A General Theory of Crime, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990), p. 103; Richard Koestner, et al., â??The Family Origins of Empathic Concern: A Twenty-Six Year Longitudinal Study,â? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 58 (1990): 709-717; E. Mavis Hetherington, â??Effects of Father Absence on Personality Development in Adolescent Daughters,â? Developmental Psychology 7 (1972): 313 â??326; Irwin Garfinkel and Sara McLanahan, Single Mothers and Their Children: A New American Dilemma (Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute Press, 1986), pp. 30-31; David Ellwood, Poor Support: Poverty in the American Family (New York: Basic Books, 1988), p. 46; Ronald J. Angel and Jacqueline Worobey, â??Single Motherhood and Childrenâ??s Health,â? Journal of Health and Social Behavior 29 (1988): 38-52; L. Remez, â??Children Who Donâ??t Live with Both Parents Face Behavioral Problems,â? Family Planning Perspectives, January/February 1992; Judith Wallerstein and Sandra Blakeslee, Second Chances: Men and Women a Decade After Divorce, (New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1990); Judith Wallerstein, et al., The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 Year Landmark Study, (New York: Hyperion, 2000); Nicholas Zill, Donna Morrison, and Mary Jo Coiro, â??Long-Term Effects of Parental Divorce on Parent-Child Relationships, Adjustment, and Achievement in Young Adulthood,â? Journal of Family Psychology, 7 (1993): 91-103.
5Stanley Kurtz, â??Beyond Gay Marriage,â? The Weekly Standard, August 4-11, 2003, p. 26-33.


Originally posted by</font><hr> Why Children Need Father-Love and Mother-Love
August 29, 2003

by Glenn T. Stanton

To be concerned with proper child development is to be concerned about making sure that children have daily access to the different and complementary ways mothers and fathers parent.
If Heather is being raised by two mommies and Brandon is being raised by Daddy and his new husband-roommate, Heather and Brandon might have two adults in their lives, but they are being deprived of the benefits found in the unique influences found in a mother and fatherâ??s differing parenting styles. Much of the value mothers and fathers bring to their children is due to the fact that mothers and fathers are different. And by cooperating together and complementing each other in their differences, they provide these good things that same-sex caregivers cannot. The important value of these gender-based differences in healthy child-development will be explored here.

The fathering difference is explained by fathering scholar Dr. Kyle Pruett of Yale Medical School in his book Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child. Pruett says dads matter simply because â??fathers do not mother.â?1 Psychology Today explains, â??fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children.â?2 A father, as a male parent, brings unique contributions to the job of parenting that a mother cannot.

Likewise, a mother, as a female parent, uniquely impacts the life and development of her child, as Dr. Brenda Hunter explains in her book, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child.3 Erik Erikson explained that father love and mother love are qualitatively different kinds of love. Fathers â??love more dangerouslyâ? because their love is more â??expectant, more instrumentalâ? than a motherâ??s love.4

The following are some of the most compelling ways mother and father involvement make a positive difference in a childâ??s life. The first benefit is the difference itself.


â??Children need mom's softness as well as dadâ??s roughhousing.â?


Mothers and Fathers Parent Differently
This difference provides an important diversity of experiences for children. Dr. Pruett explains that fathers have a distinct style of communication and interaction with children. Infants, by 8 weeks, can tell the difference between a male or female interacting with them. Stanford psychologist Eleanor Maccoby, in her book The Two Sexes, explains mothers and fathers respond differently to infants. Mothers are more likely to provide warm, nurturing care for a crying infant.5 This diversity in itself provides children with a broader, richer experience of contrasting relational interactions â??more so than for children who are raised by only one gender. Whether they realize it or not, children are learning at earliest age, by sheer experience, that men and women are different and have different ways of dealing with life, other adults and their children.

Mothers and Fathers Play Differently
Fathers tend to play with, and mothers tend to care for, children. While both mothers and fathers are physical, fathers are physical in different ways.

Fathers tickle more, they wrestle, and they throw their children in the air. Fathers chase their children, sometimes as playful, scary â??monsters.â? Fathers are louder at play, while mothers are quieter. Mothers cuddle babies, and fathers bounce them. Fathers roughhouse while mothers are gentle. One study found that 70 percent of father-infant games were more physical and action oriented while only 4 percent of mother-infant play was like this.6 Fathers encourage competition; mothers encourage equity. One style encourages independence while the other encourages security.

Fathering expert John Snarey explains that children who roughhouse with their fathers learn that biting, kicking and other forms of physical violence are not acceptable. They learn self-control by being told when â??enough is enoughâ? and when to â??settle down.â?7 Girls and boys both learn a healthy balance between timidity and aggression. Children need mom's softness as well as dadâ??s roughhousing. Both provide security and confidence in their own ways by communicating love and physical intimacy.

Fathers Push Limits; Mothers Encourage Security
Go to any playground and listen to the parents. Who is encouraging their kids to swing or climb just a little higher, ride their bike just a little faster, throw just a little harder? Who is yelling, â??slow down, not so high, not so hard!â? Of course, fathers encourage children to take chances and push limits and mothers protect and are more cautious. And this difference can cause disagreement between mom and dad on what is best for the child.

But the difference is essential for children. Either of these parenting styles by themselves can be unhealthy. One can tend toward encouraging risk without consideration of consequences. The other tends to avoid risk, which can fail to build independence, confidence and progress. Joined together, they keep each other in balance and help children remain safe while expanding their experiences and confidence.

Mothers and Fathers Communicate Differently
A major study showed that when speaking to children, mothers and fathers are different. Mothers will simplify their words and speak on the childâ??s level. Men are not as inclined to modify their language for the child.8

Motherâ??s way facilitates immediate communication. Fatherâ??s way challenges the child to expand her vocabulary and linguistic skills, an important building block of academic success.

Fatherâ??s talk tends to be more brief, directive, and to the point. It also makes greater use of subtle body language and facial expressions. Mothers tend to be more descriptive, personal and verbally encouraging. Children who do not have daily exposure to both will not learn how to understand and use both styles of conversation as they grow. These boys and girls will be at a disadvantage because they will experience these different ways of communicating in relationships with teachers, bosses and other authority figures.

Mothers and Fathers Discipline Differently
Educational psychologist Carol Gilligan tells us that fathers stress justice, fairness and duty (based on rules), while mothers stress sympathy, care and help (based on relationships). Fathers tend to observe and enforce rules systematically and sternly, which teach children the objectivity and consequences of right and wrong. Mothers tend toward grace and sympathy in the midst of disobedience, which provide a sense of hopefulness. Again, either of these by themselves is not good, but together, they create a healthy, proper balance.

Fathers and Mothers Prepare Children for Life Differently
Dads tend to see their child in relation to the rest of the world. Mothers tend to see the rest of the world in relation to their child. Think about it.

What motivates most mothers as parents? They are motivated primarily by things from the outside world that could hurt their child (i.e., lightning, accidents, disease, strange people, dogs or cats, etc.). Fathers, while not unconcerned with these things, tend to focus on how their children will or will not be prepared for something they might encounter in the world (i.e., a bully, being nervous around the opposite sex, baseball or soccer tryouts, etc.)

Fathers help children see that particular attitudes and behaviors have certain consequences. For instance, fathers are more likely to tell their children that if they are not nice to others, kids will not want to play with them. Or, if they donâ??t do well in school, they will not get into a good college or job. Fathers help children prepare for the reality and harshness of the real world, and mothers help protect against it. Both are necessary as children grow into adulthood.


â??To be concerned with proper child development is to be concerned about making sure that children have daily access to the different and complimentary ways mothers and fathers parent.â?


Fathers Provide A Look at the World of Men; Mothers, the World of Women
Men and women are different. They eat differently. They dress differently. They smell different. They groom themselves differently. They cope with life differently. Fathers do â??man thingsâ? and women do â??lady things.â? Mothers and fathers both help little girls and little boys learn how to grow to be women and men. Anthropologist Suzanne Frayser explains this is constant in all human societies, â??Each process complements the other. The boy can look at his father and see what he should do to be a male; he can look at his mother and see what he should not do to be a male.â? Frayser continues, â??The importance of contrasts in gender roles and specification of gender identity may be clues to the psychological importance of sexual differentiation in all societies.â?9

Girls and boys who grow up with a father are more familiar and secure with the curious world of men. Girls with involved, married fathers are more likely to have healthier relationships with boys in adolescence and men in adulthood because they learn from their fathers how proper men act toward women. They also know which behaviors are inappropriate. They also have a healthy familiarity with the world of men. They donâ??t wonder how a manâ??s facial stubble feels or what it's like to be hugged or held by strong arms. This knowledge builds emotional security, and safety from the exploitation of predatory males. They also learn from mom how to live in a womanâ??s world. This is especially important as they approach adolescence and all the changes that life-stage brings.

Boys who grow up with dads are much less likely to be violent. They have their masculinity affirmed and learn from their fathers how to channel their masculinity and strength in positive ways. Fathers help children understand proper male sexuality, hygiene, and behavior in age appropriate ways. Mothers help boys understand the female world and develop a sensitivity toward women. They also help boys know how to relate and communicate with women.

Fathers and Mothers Teach Respect for the Opposite Sex
FACT: A married father is substantially less likely to abuse his wife or children than men in any other category.10 This means that boys and girls with fathers learn, by observation, how men should treat women.

Girls with involved fathers, therefore, are more likely to select for themselves good suitors and husbands because they have a proper standard by which to judge all candidates. Fathers themselves also help weed out bad candidates. Boys raised with fathers are more likely to be good husbands because they can emulate their fathers' successes and learn from their failures.

The American Journal of Sociology finds that, â??Societies with father-present patterns of child socialization produce men who are less inclined to exclude women from public activities than their counterparts in father-absent societies.â?11

Girls and boys with married mothers learn from their mothers what a healthy respectful female relationship with men looks like. Girls who observe their mothers confidently and lovingly interacting with their fathers learn how to interact confidently with men.

Fathers Connect Children with Job Markets
A crucial point in life is the transition from financial dependence to independence. This is usually a slow process spanning the years from about 16 to 22 years of age. Fathers help connect their children, (especially boys) to job markets as they enter adulthood. This is because fathers, more than mothers, are likely to have the kinds of diverse community connections needed to help young adults get their first jobs. They are also more likely have the motivation to make sure their children make these connections. When dad is not around, boys are not likely to have the connections necessary to land a summer job at the tire store or warehouse.

As Dr. David Popenoe warns,

We should disavow the notion that â??mommies can make good daddies,â?? just as we should disavow the popular notion of radical feminists that â??daddies can make good mommies.â?? â?ŚThe two sexes are different to the core, and each is necessary â?? culturally and biologically â?? for the optimal development of a human being.12


To be concerned with proper children development is to be concerned about making sure that children have daily access to the different and complementary ways mothers and fathers parent. The same-sex marriage and parenting proposition says this doesnâ??t really matter. They are wrong and their lack of understanding will hurt children. It will rob children of the necessary and different experiences mothers and fathers expose children to. As a result, children growing up in mother-only or father-only homes will suffer deeply in terms of lack of confidence, independence, and security. Boys and girls will be at greater risk for gender confusion, abuse and exploitation from other men. They are less likely to have a healthy respect for both women and men as they grow into adulthood.

Glenn T. Stanton is Director of Social Research and Cultural Affairs and Senior Analyst for Marriage and Sexuality at Focus on the Family. He is also author of Why Marriage Matters: Reasons to Believe in Marriage in Postmodern Society (Pinon Press).

1Kyle D. Pruett, Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, (New York: The Free Press, 2000), pp. 17-34.
2â??Shuttle Diplomacy,â? Psychology Today, July/August 1993, p. 15.
3Brenda Hunter, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child, (Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Press, 1997).
4As cited in Kyle D. Pruett, The Nurturing Father, (New York: Warner Books, 1987), p. 49.
5Eleanor E. Maccoby, The Two Sexes: Growing Up Apart; Coming Together, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999), p. 261.
6Maccoby, 1999, p. 266.
7As cited in David Popenoe, Life Without Father: Compelling New Evidence That Fatherhood and Marriage are Indispensable of the Good of Children and Society, (New York: The Free Press, 1996), p. 144.
8Maccoby, 1999, p. 269.
9Suzanne G. Frayser, Varieties of Sexual Experience: Anthropological Perspective on Human Seuxality, (New York: Human Relations Area File Press, 1985), p. 86.
10Jan Stets and Murray A. Strauss, â??The Marriage License as a Hitting License: A Comparison of Assaults in Dating, Cohabiting, and Married Couples,â? Journal of Family Violence 4 (1989): 161-180; Jan Stets, â??Cohabiting and Marital Aggression: the Role of Social Isolation,â? Journal of Marriage and the Family 53 (1991): 669-680; Michael Gordon, â??The Family Environment of Sexual Abuse: A Comparison of Natal and Stepfather Abuse,â? Child Abuse and Neglect, 13 (1985): 121-130.
11Scott Coltrane, â??Father-Child Relationships and the Status of Women: A Cross-Cultural Study,â? American Journal of Sociology, (1988) 93:1088.
12David Popenoe, Life Without Father: Compelling New Evidence That Fatherhood and Marriage are Indispensable of the Good of Children and Society, (New York: The Free Press, 1996), p. 197.

Those are perfectly good reasons. If you happened to read them.


Anybody take a second to compare our society to the great and might FALLEN Roman Empire from ages past? Anybody? Anybody?

What was going on before the fall? What was rampant before they lost everything and were no longer?

Overindulgence in everything which includes sex, eating, material belongings, etc, homosexuality was becoming the norm, not the exception, they were killing their future generations (either through some form of abortion or infancticide or both), sex was not sacred anymore, greed, money, the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer, and on and on and on and on and on it goes.

Does this sound at ALL like our country? Hmmm, yep. That's one reason why it's so IMPORTANT to keep homosexuals without rights to marriage. But a more important reason is that HOMOSEXUALITY IS JUST MORALLY WRONG!!

As crude as it is, "D for Chicks" is how we were created. I don't like the phrase, but that's the way it is. Deal with it.

Marriage is for procreation and to fulfill a man's need and woman's need. We are all different, and each of us (as in my earlier post) have different things we add to the marriage and the children that are a product of the marriage. Birth Control destroyed the need to keep sex in the marriage bed and allowed sex to become a free for all. Homosexuality is one of the abnormal ways to have sex and connect to others in society as our society slowly goes down the downward spiral. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but then again, I'm not sorry, becuase JESUS CHRIST offers everybody forgiveness if they ask and will turn from their sins.


Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

As crude as it is, "D for Chicks" is how we were created. I don't like the phrase, but that's the way it is. Deal with it.

I'm not sorry, becuase JESUS CHRIST offers everybody forgiveness if they ask and will turn from their sins.

Yeah, you're following his teachings of tolerance and love for your fellow man, alright, you hypocritcal moron. Homosexuality is against YOUR morals, make that distinction. My morals are FAR removed from yours, and frankly, if there came a time where you and I were candidates for the pearly gates, they'd welcome me in there before you, chuckles. Sleep on that one.

Remember, the bible was written when the earth was still flat and people were polytheists... if polytheism (practiced by the two of the most important societies the world will ever see) was "proven" wrong by Christianity, who's to say that Christianity won't be "proven" wrong by someone else in the future?

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Overindulgence in everything which includes sex, eating, material belongings, etc, homosexuality was becoming the norm, not the exception, they were killing their future generations (either through some form of abortion or infancticide or both), sex was not sacred anymore, greed, money, the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer, and on and on and on and on and on it goes.

You neglect to mention the rampant inbreeding by the straight couples to keep the "family lineage" through marriage. Yeah, being married and being able to reproduce is REAL helpful there, right? Shot yourself in the foot with that.

Yeah, I really shot myself in the foot . It actually doesn't change the argument at all. It adds to what is happening and could happen in America. (For all we know, it's probably happening right now) It may give a reason to stop it all now. Do you not realize how blessed this country has been and fruitful this country has been? Coincidence?

I know I won't be able to change your mind, and I know I look "hypocritical" to you, but in all reality, I'm speaking with love and truth from the Bible. The Bible states that homosexuality is a sin, just like all the other sexual acts out there (sex with sister/brother/father/ mother, adultery etc) and when I speak I speak with the attitude that they can turn from their sins just like all of us can and need to.

Do I treat those in the midst of homosexuality any different than I would anybody else? No, in fact I have several friends who are or were homosexuals. SIMPLE AS THAT.

In other words, I'm not hypocritical, and I believe sin is sin, regardless of that sin, and one day all of us, including you, will have to stand before a right and just God to account for what you have done on Earth. I know that the "pearly gates" will be opened for me becuase I trust in JESUS CHRIST as my savior and am looking forward to glory with Him.

Originally posted by bishop375:
And, yeah, I reposted my own quotes, but, that's because nobody can argue the point. I've also known a few couples who got married because they loved each other, and never wanted children. Does that mean they shouldn't have been allowed to marry each other? NO. Who cares what their opinion on children is? Does it affect you? No, it doesn't. Your life will ALWAYS be your own life. Live it the way you want to. But do NOT take away the rights of others while you do it... THAT is what this country is about, NOT preventing gays from marrying.

I know a lot of couples who got married with no intention to have children. This country is not ABOUT individualistic freedoms and rights. In fact, this country was all about freedom from the oppressive state and that states religious oppressions. They founders and followers came here to get away from the state CHURCH so they could worship the God of the Bible with freedom. They didn't come here to give sinners free reign, and to give justification to sinners where justification doesn't exist.

What I just quoted from you shows that if I want to murder, I can murder, if I want to have sex with animals, I could, I suppose if I want to torture my children I could, I suppose if I want to do something, ANYTHING, i could because nothing is wrong anymore, it's all up to me, and if it's what I want then it is what I want. As long as it doesn't affect anybody else. Is this kind of like the guys who are watching porn in their cars? They can do it, as long as it doesn't affect anybody else right? Well, they are sitting in jail right now because you CAN'T DO ANYTHING YOU WANT BECUASE IT WILL ALWAYS AFFECT SOMEBODY ELSE!!!!

This rampant individualistic attitude must go. Every action has a reaction and everything you do affects everybody else around you. You are not the only person on this earth. If you took a dump in a remote part of the forest, do you not think it would affect anybody else? Hey guess what, it is going to affect the wildlife. If you are married and you begin looking at other women, and lusting after them, and partaking in pornography, do you really not believe it won't affect anybody around you? It's a "victimless crime" right? NO! It is going to affect everything about your marriage.

In other words, homomarriage is going to affect us in more ways that I want to even imagine. Simple as that...


Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Originally posted by sigma:

In other words, homomarriage is going to affect us in more ways that I want to even imagine. Simple as that...

So you compare "homomarriage" with other "rampant individualistic actions" such as beastiality, murder, and molestation...

Do you tell your homosexual "friends" that? I guarantee you they wouldn't be your friends very long.

I just wanna know how homomarriage (God, I hate that word) is going to affect "us in more ways than I want to even imagine". We've had this discussion before, and you've never been able to successsfully answer that, you just keep saying it's going to totally change our lives.

Homosexuality is a sin, just like all the others metioned above, so yes, I do tell my friends.Anybody that is my friend will understand that if they don't already. I in fact worked with a VERY VERY outward homosexual who knew how I felt about the whole situation because we spent hours after the restaurant closed discussing such topics. He was never less than a friend because I loved him, as a friend and he knew it.

And I believe I have actually successfully answered the question about how it will affect us. I have said it will destroy the children (not that the rampant divorce rate etc hasn't already), it will tear at the fabric of what we know to be right and true, it will give justification and rights to a sinful and destructive life pattern, it makes what was once wrong right, and to be completely honest with you, it will confuse future generations on what is right and wrong. I have shown, quite briefly, that Rome fell becuase just like the U.S., it over indulged itself in everything under the sun. Another example would be Sodom and Gomorrah. Homosexuals were rampant there and other indulgences in every pleasure known to man were replacing what was known to be right. That city was destroyed for its sins.

And for those who ask me to take the Bible out, then you might as well change our timeline that we use, might as well get rid of America because it is based on Biblical principles, get rid of the church which has basically kept the country together in times of need and most important, you might as well rip the soul out of everybody and allow us all to walk around as individualistic monsters who know nothing of our neighbor. You can also take out all the laws we have because without the Bible, without the truth in the Bible, our laws mean nothing. Why is it wrong to murder? Because in the beginning God said so. Why is it wrong to steal? Because in the beginning God said so. So, NO, I will not remove my "religion" from my discussion as the religion is the foundational truth behind our country, our laws, and our families.


And how is homosexual marriage any more "individualistic" than your own marriage -- seeing that the vast majority of people get married for no other reason than their inate desire to do so.

I got married not because of my innate desire to do so (although it was there and I did want to get married). Rather, I got married because I met my wife, fell in love, and wanted to raise a family with her. I got married to have a mate, somebody to fill me in, smooth my rough spots etc etc etc. She was that person.

To keep the personal information level to a low, my wife and I do not use any form of birth control because we want our marriage to have a lasting impact on society. Divorce does not exist in our vocabulary and we got married young enough to possibly see our 75th wedding anniversary (which we are looking forward to). Our foundation is Jesus Christ, whose teachings we will follow and who will hold us together through the rough times. We didn't get married because of sex, we didn't get married to get married, heck, we didn't even get married to show off (although she is gorgeous). We got married because the Bible says that is what is supposed to happen and we have children with more on the way because God said that is what a marriage is for. Our marriage is based in God, based on Biblical principles, which if followed, will hold us together. Marriage is not easy in today's society, and it is scary at times, but Karen and I look forward to living each and everyday out together until one of us is taken from this earth.

Now for the real kicker, my marriage is hopefully a example of how God described his relationship to us. Jesus was the groom and we are the Bride. This is a whole other topic and should not be discussed here, but to put it quickly, God brought Karen and I together and only God, in taking us to His glory, will take us apart. My marriage is that important.


Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Originally posted by daenku32:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
And for those who ask me to take the Bible out, then you might as well change our timeline that we use, might as well get rid of America because it is based on Biblical principles, get rid of the church which has basically kept the country together in times of need and most important, you might as well rip the soul out of everybody and allow us all to walk around as individualistic monsters who know nothing of our neighbor. You can also take out all the laws we have because without the Bible, without the truth in the Bible, our laws mean nothing. Why is it wrong to murder? Because in the beginning God said so. Why is it wrong to steal? Because in the beginning God said so. So, NO, I will not remove my "religion" from my discussion as the religion is the foundational truth behind our country, our laws, and our families.

I disagree. Our Constitution overrides Bible. If there is a disagree between the two (ie. Atheism, Constitution says it's OK, Bible say it's wrong.), Constitution wins. Always.

I don't need a God to tell me what is wrong. Stealing and Murder are pretty obvious. But of course that's why you used them as an examples for biblical morality. Not something that is limited to the religion alone.

Wow, the constitution overrides what it is based on. So what you are saying is that society is progressive, kind of Darwinian in theory I suppose. As we go on, we get smarter and are able to override God? I don't think so. God wrote the Bible through very faithful men, and that has been proven over and over again. Constitution unfortunately does not win every time. God is right, man is fallible.

Stealing and murder, let's step away from them. Incest? Wrong or not? NAMBLA, boys and men, right or wrong? Pronography, lust, adultery etc? Right or wrong. How about disrespect of parents? Infancticide? Abortion? I could go on and on, but the simple fact is, is that it is all wrong, and all immoral, including homosexuality. How about lying? IMMORAL. How about cheating? Same thing, and the list goes on and on and on and on and on. They are all in the Bible. The truths we live by are found in the Bible, why? BECAUSE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES WORK!! That's why, regardless of a "Constitution" or "Bill of Rights." As I wrote just a second ago, our government is not our final judge, like most would like to forget.

Originally posted by daenku32:
If you are attempting to convince us otherwise, you need something that consists of things we BOTH already consider as facts. Otherwise your points are lost.

What is Right is treating people equal. Homosexuals are not criminals. No matter WHAT your Bible might say.

No, homosexuals are very nice people, and are in fact very good dressers, and they are very stylish. We can treat people equal without justifying their sins. We should treat all people, including the criminals as humans. Homosexuals fall in the "all" people category. What we should not do, is give them justification, or the ability to believe they are doing the right thing, because they aren't. There might be a reason why history is the way it is.

Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 04:18 PM
the question and answer article you just posted is possibly the most biased thing i've ever read. and the funny thing is, it doesnt really ANSWER anything, it dodges the question, and ASSUMES things.

for instance, the article says that homosexuality is something that is not like heterosexuality, and science has proved it.
show me what "science" PROVES that. and if homosexuality is the result of social factors, then why are there homosexual animals in nature? because the origin of homosexuality is NOT (at least 100%) from social factors.

open your mind and become more accepting, my friend, and you will find that there is a whole new world out there...and you'll also change for the better. stop feeding us [censored] that you've absorbed from various articles you've read, and learn to develop your OWN opinions. sure, its great to read articles, etc to become more knowledgeable about things and to learn certain viewpoints, but the fact of the matter is, once you're done reading what's been spoonfed to you, you need to make your own decisions and opinions. don't just spout off articles that you've found on the internet, and dont just spout off what's been fed to you in church for who knows how many years.
think for yourself.
Posted By: SVTcontourSVT Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 04:43 PM
Posted By: BoostedA4 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 08:38 PM
Originally posted by SVTcontourSVT:

Yay! if it wasn't for Richard i wouldn't have lost my 463 lbs in 5 days! woohoo..! <-insert lisp here
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Nate S:
the question and answer article you just posted is possibly the most biased thing i've ever read. and the funny thing is, it doesnt really ANSWER anything, it dodges the question, and ASSUMES things.

Why is it biased? Because it discusses the issues from the side you don't agree with? This article assumes nothing seeing as how the people who wrote it have done extensive research on the topic. This group is a trustworthy group, worthy of more respect than you are giving them. They care very much about the future of America, including your future, though you obviously could care less.

It doesn't dodge any question, it specifically discusses, with footnotes I might add, the issue at hand and why homosexuality is bad if justified by government.


for instance, the article says that homosexuality is something that is not like heterosexuality, and science has proved it.
show me what "science" PROVES that. and if homosexuality is the result of social factors, then why are there homosexual animals in nature? because the origin of homosexuality is NOT (at least 100%) from social factors.

If you saw they said biological, psychological and social factors, not only social factors. There is a lot that creates a homosexual, not just social factors.

As for animals having "homosexual" tendencies? Have you ever thought that maybe it's an animal, not a human and all it is doing is fulfilling its need at the time with whatever may be right there? I've seen animals hump a leg if they needed it. Don't compare humans to animals, you degrade everybody.


open your mind and become more accepting, my friend, and you will find that there is a whole new world out there...and you'll also change for the better. stop feeding us [censored] that you've absorbed from various articles you've read, and learn to develop your OWN opinions. sure, its great to read articles, etc to become more knowledgeable about things and to learn certain viewpoints, but the fact of the matter is, once you're done reading what's been spoonfed to you, you need to make your own decisions and opinions. don't just spout off articles that you've found on the internet, and dont just spout off what's been fed to you in church for who knows how many years.
think for yourself.

As for thinking for myself? I do, I just know what I have chosen to base my thoughts on. Simple as that...

Let me ask you, what would "homosexual marriage" bring to our country? Give me evidence. If you believe in it, why do you believe in it? Seriously, what is your basis for your argument?
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 10:37 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Oh and by the way, homosexual marriages will affect me because I have to sit here and watch the morals and the decency of America slip into the drain and somehow figure out how to describe to my children why it is happening.

So what happens when one of your kids realizes they're gay? I hope it happens so you'll have to deal with your rediculously outdated morals.
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 10:46 PM

Let me ask you, what would "homosexual marriage" bring to our country?

Let me ask you, what does heterosexual marriage bring to our country?

Not a damn thing more than homosexual marriage would, I'd say.

It doesn't have to bring anything to the country to be made legal; it just has to not take something away. And taking away moralistic integrity from your point-of-view does not count, because it's exactly that -- yours.
Posted By: 99SVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/13/04 11:16 PM
Well everyone else has said how they feel so I'll give my 2 cents:

It's not even an issue. Why would I care? If two males or two females want to get married and commit themselves to each other that's AWESOME, just like any straight marriage, and hopeuflly it works out.

As for the purpose of marriage is to have children...I never heard anything in any wedding vows about children. And furthermore gay people can have all the babies they want...just not with each other. And speaking of sex, why do people always bring up the anal sex? Many gay males don't like and don't engage in it just like straight couples. And speaking of which...LOTS of straight couples have anal sex, this is not some gay phenomena. and still on the topic of sex...a condsiderable percentage of "straight" people have had homosexual experiences, point is homosexual sex is actually quite common on a whole, just not talked about.

Ok, I kinda went off there...but here it is plain and simple:

They love each other.

End of story.

What if you couldn't marry the one you loved? Quit worrying about what other people are doing.

Thanks for listening.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/15/04 08:13 PM
Originally posted by 99SVT:
Well everyone else has said how they feel so I'll give my 2 cents:

It's not even an issue. Why would I care? If two males or two females want to get married and commit themselves to each other that's AWESOME, just like any straight marriage, and hopeuflly it works out.

As for the purpose of marriage is to have children...I never heard anything in any wedding vows about children. And furthermore gay people can have all the babies they want...just not with each other. And speaking of sex, why do people always bring up the anal sex? Many gay males don't like and don't engage in it just like straight couples. And speaking of which...LOTS of straight couples have anal sex, this is not some gay phenomena. and still on the topic of sex...a condsiderable percentage of "straight" people have had homosexual experiences, point is homosexual sex is actually quite common on a whole, just not talked about.

Ok, I kinda went off there...but here it is plain and simple:

They love each other.

End of story.

What if you couldn't marry the one you loved? Quit worrying about what other people are doing.

Thanks for listening.

Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/15/04 10:08 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Don't compare humans to animals, you degrade everybody.

humans ARE animals, buddy.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/15/04 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Nate S:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Don't compare humans to animals, you degrade everybody.

humans ARE animals, buddy.

He means lower forms of animals. Like people from Michigan.

Posted By: Static Re: Gay marriages? - 03/15/04 10:23 PM
all I have to say is

Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/15/04 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Beowulf:
Originally posted by Nate S:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Don't compare humans to animals, you degrade everybody.

humans ARE animals, buddy.

He means lower forms of animals. Like people from Michigan.

oh, now i understand!!
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/15/04 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Nate S:
Originally posted by Beowulf:
Originally posted by Nate S:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Don't compare humans to animals, you degrade everybody.

humans ARE animals, buddy.

He means lower forms of animals. Like people from Michigan.

oh, now i understand!!

My GFU's anti-Michigan bias (she is from Massalion, OH) must be rubbing off on me.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/15/04 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Big Poppa:
all I have to say is

The 700 Club, Pat Robertson and CBN can also keep thier nose out of MY GOVERNMENT.

CBN = Christian Bigot Network
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/15/04 11:57 PM
Still haven't answered my question....
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 12:09 AM
Please state your question again. I must have missed it buried in the Xtian rhetoric.
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 12:17 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Let me ask you, what would "homosexual marriage" bring to our country? Give me evidence. If you believe in it, why do you believe in it? Seriously, what is your basis for your argument?

Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 12:21 AM
I already answered it, 99SESport.

I want to know what your heterosexual marriage brings to this nation that a homosexual marriage does not.

But that really is beside the point because it doesn't have to bring something to the nation to be made legal, it simply has to not take something away, as that is the cornerstone of something being illegal -- it has to take something away from someone.

That is the cornerstone of my argument, as you say.

And as I said before, taking away the moralistic integrity of the nation from your point of view does not count because that's only your point of view. It does count, however, if it is the opinion of the majority; that's the beauty of a democratic system rather than secular government that ignores the wants of its' people and rules by something written 2000 years ago.

Now, aside from your feelings being hurt because 2 gays are allowed to marry, what is your argument? You can't use the "degradation of morality" argument, because it's moot. Laws aren't based on morals, and certainly not on the Bible; they're made on the wants of the majority. Now you could have a problem with that, but that's a seperate subject entirely.

You can preach on and on all you want about how the Bible says it's not right, how Christianity says it's not right, how your Pastor says it's not right. But you haven't said a damn thing about where in the Constitution it says that it's not right.

Claim all you want about how the forefathers had Christianity in mind when they did this and did that, but they also had the Church discrimination of individuals in mind when they explicitly set up a seperation of Church and State to prevent exactly the kind of discrimation that you want to occur.

If the Government made laws based on morals and laws from biblical times, we'd be cutting off people's hands on street corners, not working on Sundays, not drinking alcohol, the list goes and on. And some people, like yourself, would probably prefer that. But that's not how this country works. We makes laws based on the desires of the majority as long as someone is not physically or significantly mentally harmed by the results of those laws.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 12:30 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Let me ask you, what would "homosexual marriage" bring to our country? Give me evidence. If you believe in it, why do you believe in it? Seriously, what is your basis for your argument?

What does it bring? Happiness for a long-oppressed minority. We all have a right to that, don't we? Evidence? What evidence can there be when it is not allowed by law? Might have well asked blacks why they needed the right to vote, or women for that matter. Has the black minority or suffrage really changed this nation? Probably not in the big picture of things, but that would be hard to prove. What it has done is moved the Constitution closer to perfection in that MORE Americans were guaranteed the right to vote. In enabling homosexual Americans to join in a legal union such as marriage, it is an acknowledgment that they are indeed citizens with the same rights and privileges that a heterosexual American can and does enjoy. Equal rights and protection under law is what ALL Americans are entitled to.

Oh, and I already answered "why" in the previous paragraph.

You have not been able to demonstrate WHY homosexual marriage is detrimental to this nation other than fuzzy references to "moral degradation" and "sin". Concepts that particularly personal in nature.

And quoting is a typical move of a Christian. I don't mean this in a demeaning way, it is just that is a blatantly conservative Christian site. It is the same as the arguments by Christians against homosexuality. Your argument that homosexuality is wrong because it says so in the Bible holds no water for someone that does not believe in the Bible as a "divinely inspired" book. Especially when the person you are trying to convince thinks that the Bible is pretty much a document that twisted historical facts, called them "miracles" and used the alleged divine source as a method of mind and behavioral control.

Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 12:39 AM
Originally posted by sigma:

If the Government made laws based on morals and laws from biblical times, we'd be cutting off people's hands on street corners, not working on Sundays, not drinking alcohol, the list goes and on. And some people, like yourself, would probably prefer that. But that's not how this country works. We makes laws based on the desires of the majority as long as someone is not physically or significantly mentally harmed by the results of those laws.

I think he was upset becuase I didnt answer a question targeted at me.

I answered him now, but that will not satisfy him.

P.S. The bible doesn't prohibit alcohol. Jesus turned water into wine for his first miracle, partook of wine during the last supper, and a later letter by Paul said "A little wine is good for the stomach". However, there are scriptures that strongly argue agaisnt drunkeness, with the principle being that it is the overindulgence that is sinful. Later interpretations such as the movement in the 30's that successfully resulted in a Constitutional amendment to ban alcohol except for...wait for it...religious purposes, were the sole creation of teetotaling busybodies.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 12:50 AM
Since we are tossing out links to article that support our views, here is a link that challenges the "common conception" of marriage as being only between a man and woman.


The primary organization representing American anthropologists criticized President Bush's proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage Thursday and gave a failing grade to the president's understanding of human cultures.

"The results of more than a century of anthropological research on households, kinship relationships and families, across cultures and through time, provide no support whatsoever for the view that either civilization or viable social orders depend upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution," said the executive board of the 11,000-member American Anthropological Association.

Bush has cast the union between male and female as the only proper form of marriage, or what he called in his State of the Union address "one of the most fundamental, enduring institutions of our civilization."

American anthropologists say he's wrong.

"Rather, anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies," the association's statement said, adding that the executive board "strongly opposes a constitutional amendment limiting marriage to heterosexual couples."

The statement was proposed by Dan Segal, a professor of anthropology and history from Pitzer College in Claremont (Los Angeles County), who called Bush's conception of the history of marriage "patently false."

"If he were to take even the first semester of anthropology, he would know that's not true," said Segal, a member of the anthropological association's Executive Committee.

Ghita Levine, communications director for the association, said the issue struck a nerve in the profession.

"They feel strongly about it because they are the people who study the culture through time and across the world," she said. "They are the people who know what cultures consist of."

Segal pointed to "sanctified same-sex unions in the fourth century in Christianity" and to the Greeks and Romans applying the concept of marriage to same-sex couples, not to mention the Native American berdache tradition in which males married males.

UC Berkeley anthropologist Laura Nader, an expert in anthropology and the law who played no role in drawing up the association's statement, called it a "correct assessment."

Nader, who is an association member, said Bush's proposal "serves the views of the religious right, and that has to do with getting votes."

Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 12:54 AM
Of course, I don't know why I said alcohol. I was thinking drunkenness.

It dawned on me though, and I was trying to say this in what I said, but it didn't come out right, and perhaps I can say it better now....

We don't make things legal in our country. Meaning there's not a big book full of every little thing that you are allowed to do.

We make things illegal. And we make them illegal because they hurt someone or something either physically, mentally, or monetarily. We don't make something illegal because it makes some people uncomfortable.

So, in order to claim that someone should be or should remain illegal, you have to prove that it does one of the above. And, quite frankly, I don't see how you could do that with gay marriage.
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 12:57 AM
Oh, come on now, Beowulf, you should know that a good Christian would never heed a paper that has the term "Anthropology" in it.

Not to mention that the paper says the Romans practiced same-sex marriages... and if you read 99SESport's posts he often mentions that as the reason the Roman Empire fell.

Of course anyone with any concept of history could tell you that probably the most significant impact on the fall of the Roman Empire was not loads of anal sex orgies, but, ironically enough, the rise of Christianity and its' influence on the leaders and citizenry that caused the fall of the greatest empire the World has seen.

Now what was it you were saying about "If we don't learn from History we're doomed to repeat it," 99SESport?
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 01:01 AM
And just because I am in the mood now, here is a little historical precedent


More than a half-century ago, the California Supreme Court became the first in the nation to overturn a law banning interracial marriage, a prohibition that was then widespread and had strong public support.

The current battle over same-sex marriage, now before the state's high court, may depend on how the court compares present-day, opposite-sex-only marriage laws with the racially discriminatory laws of an earlier day. It's a point on which the opposing sides disagree sharply.

The ban on interracial marriage was based on the asserted "superiority of the white race,'' said attorney Jon Davidson of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, which has joined in the defense of same-sex weddings in San Francisco. At the heart of the current marriage prohibition, he said, is "an attempt to keep gay people inferior.''

John Eastman, a professor at Chapman University School of Law in the city of Orange, countered that the case against same-sex marriage "is grounded in human nature,'' the recognition "that men and women are different genders.'' The old racial laws, he said, derived from "a failure to recognize the equal humanity of blacks and whites.''

But during most of the nation's history, defenders of laws against interracial marriage also offered arguments based on human nature: that certain races were physically and mentally inferior, that mixed-race couples and their children would arouse antagonism and social tension, and that only the "dregs of society,'' as lawyers in the California case put it, were likely to marry outside their race.

Some version of those arguments prevailed in every court until 1948, when the California Supreme Court considered the case of Perez vs. Sharp.

Andrea Perez, a Latina, and Sylvester Davis, an African American, sued Los Angeles County Clerk W.G. Sharp after they were denied a marriage license based on a state law that prohibited "the marriage of a white person with a Negro, mulatto, Mongolian or member of the Malay race.'' The law dated from 1933, but similar laws had existed in California since 1850 and in other states since colonial times and were on the books in 30 of the 48 states in 1948.

The court acknowledged a long line of cases upholding race-based laws, including a widely cited 1869 Georgia ruling saying mixed-race procreation "is not only unnatural, but is always productive of deplorable results.'' But in a 4-3 ruling, the California court said such viewpoints, and the laws they supported, were discredited by science and were contrary to basic concepts of equality.

Marriage is "a fundamental right of free men,'' wrote Justice Roger Traynor in the rhetorical style of the day. "Legislation infringing such rights must be based on more than prejudice. ... By restricting the individual's right to marry on the basis of race alone, (the prohibitions) violate the equal protection of the laws.''

The ruling, though unprecedented, can be linked to other events at the dawn of the modern civil rights movement. Earlier in 1948, the U.S. Supreme Court had struck down racial restrictions on housing deeds, and President Harry Truman had ordered integration of the armed forces; a year earlier, Jackie Robinson had broken the color line in baseball.

It was nevertheless a daring court decision. Racial segregation was still legal and would not be outlawed by the nation's high court until 1954; laws against interracial marriage would not be ruled unconstitutional nationwide until 1967, when 16 states still had such laws.

The U.S. Supreme Court's unanimous 1967 ruling -- which declared that "the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the state'' -- was written by Chief Justice Earl Warren, whose grandson, San Francisco Superior Court Judge James Warren, refused last week to halt same-sex weddings.

There are other parallels between past and present marriage prohibitions -- and some differences.

Laws against same-sex marriage are even more widespread than the former racial laws and enjoy equally strong public and political support. The same- sex bans are mostly newer -- California's statute was passed by the Legislature in 1977 and reinforced by the voters in 2000 -- but they're based on much older policies that were rarely if ever challenged. Most important, both types of prohibitions were imposed on politically weak minorities with a history of persecution, the grounds traditionally cited by U. S. courts for intervening to curb oppression by the majority.

"Gays and lesbians do have to deal with discrimination in employment, discrimination in the military, in (child) custody ... the feelings of inferiority, the feelings of second-class citizenship, the feeling that somebody is going to beat you, shoot you ... based on how you look,'' said Bobbie Wilson, a lawyer for San Francisco in the same-sex marriage case.

"It's hard to compare discriminations,'' said Lambda Legal's Davidson. "The heritage of slavery is something that gay people, other than gay people who are black, don't share. But the reality is that gay people have a history of being under attack in this country.''

What's more, he said, many of the arguments against interracial marriage in 1948 are being used today, "arguments based on tradition, based on the impact upon children, what it would mean to our social fabric'' if marriage rights were expanded.

On the other hand, state and federal courts in civil rights cases have examined the nature and severity of discrimination faced by different groups and concluded -- at least up to now -- that sexual minorities do not require the same level of constitutional protection as racial minorities.

When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned state sodomy laws last year, the justices relied on the right to privacy, not freedom from discrimination, and said they were not ruling on marriage. Even the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court's ruling legalizing same-sex marriage under the state constitution stopped short of equating sexual orientation with race.

"You don't base a constitutional protection upon the sex partners that somebody may choose,'' said attorney Benjamin Bull of the Alliance Defense Fund, which has asked the state Supreme Court to halt San Francisco's same-sex weddings. "We fought a Civil War in which hundreds of thousands of Americans died to end race discrimination, to end slavery.'' By contrast, he said, "gays as a class ... have incredible freedom and rights. They have the same rights that I or any other heterosexual has. They can even get married. They just cannot marry a same-gender person.''

As a great great great grandchild of a legally married interracial couple in Connecticut, I believe that the rights of homosexuals to marry is exactly the same as the issue of interracial marriage was in 1948.
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 02:09 AM
Originally posted by Beowulf:
Since we are tossing out links to article that support our views, here is a link that challenges the "common conception" of marriage as being only between a man and woman.


The primary organization representing American anthropologists criticized President Bush's proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage Thursday and gave a failing grade to the president's understanding of human cultures.

"The results of more than a century of anthropological research on households, kinship relationships and families, across cultures and through time, provide no support whatsoever for the view that either civilization or viable social orders depend upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution," said the executive board of the 11,000-member American Anthropological Association.

Bush has cast the union between male and female as the only proper form of marriage, or what he called in his State of the Union address "one of the most fundamental, enduring institutions of our civilization."

American anthropologists say he's wrong.

"Rather, anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies," the association's statement said, adding that the executive board "strongly opposes a constitutional amendment limiting marriage to heterosexual couples."

The statement was proposed by Dan Segal, a professor of anthropology and history from Pitzer College in Claremont (Los Angeles County), who called Bush's conception of the history of marriage "patently false."

"If he were to take even the first semester of anthropology, he would know that's not true," said Segal, a member of the anthropological association's Executive Committee.

Ghita Levine, communications director for the association, said the issue struck a nerve in the profession.

"They feel strongly about it because they are the people who study the culture through time and across the world," she said. "They are the people who know what cultures consist of."

Segal pointed to "sanctified same-sex unions in the fourth century in Christianity" and to the Greeks and Romans applying the concept of marriage to same-sex couples, not to mention the Native American berdache tradition in which males married males.

UC Berkeley anthropologist Laura Nader, an expert in anthropology and the law who played no role in drawing up the association's statement, called it a "correct assessment."

Nader, who is an association member, said Bush's proposal "serves the views of the religious right, and that has to do with getting votes."

The author is twisting word usage to the breaking point here and pulling one HELL of a bait and switch. I HAVE taken Anthropology courses back in college and studied the Greek and Roman empires quite a bit (the Roman empire well enough to have a department head check his notes on a particular topic during an argument).

There is NO common and widespread connection or evidence that exists that shows a long-standing social/religious ceremony that strictly bonds a same-sex couple together to the exclusion of all others.

True, the practice of homosexuality was widespread among Roman and Greek elites and there were certain rituals developed around the practice, though I've yet to see ANY documentation or research that points to a WIDESPREAD and COMMON ceremony that was both held sarcosanct by the MAJORITY of the religious and secular populations in any meaningfully developed civilization that has lived on this planet.

Key word being MAJORITY.

Grabbing a few examples out of the past doesn't change the common definition of marriage that has lasted and survived millenia of social and religious change throughout any number of civilizations. That is a cold, hard FACT. Pagan AND Christian values/norms as well as human nature itself has defined marriage throughout the ages. Also pointing to Roman emperors condoning the practice should IMMEDIATELY set alarm bells off, as some of the beliefs and practices of the emperors and thier decrees were often the polar opposite of commonly-held social and religious norms held at the time.

I'm smelling a large load of BS with that article.

Don't get me wrong; I have absolutely no issue with gays and wish that the US would come to grips with this and offer civil unions as the solution. Marriage throughout all common religions of today (pick your poison: Christianity, Islam, Shintoism, Bhuddism, etc., etc.) and most societies involve (1) man and (1) woman, though.

I think civil unions should have an elevated status that equates marriage and all of the benefits thereof, reflecting a joining of same-sex couples; marriage should reflect man and wife, as it has done throughout the ages in 99.999% of the time.

It is splitting hairs to an extent (as a concept and defition of that concept is being argued here), but for the same reason most societies split hairs over other long-held religious and social practices.
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Beowulf:
Since we are tossing out links to article that support our views, here is a link that challenges the "common conception" of marriage as being only between a man and woman.

1) You are being a hypocrite. First you slam my link to, then you link to, errr, I mean

2) One of the articles I listed simply states that the study linking genetics to homosexuality was wrong, and it gave facts supporting the article. There was no bias to it. Since homosexuality is NOT genetic, then the gay activists have no basis for marriage.

3) The other article I linked to gives specific examples of how homosexuality is social, not genetic. Yes, the title may turn a you away, but the arguments in the article are real.

4) In your article, it lists specific instances of same sex marriages. I'm sorry, but it is not a "sanctified" or "Christian" marriage if it is same-sex. I don't care what the anthropologist says. The second example is hardly a good one, either. Are the Romans around today? I didn't think so. Why aren't they? They became obsessed with overindulgence.
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 02:20 AM
JaTo, I always enjoy our discussions, but I want to clarify something:

You are considering a "civil union" and a "marriage" to be equal as far as rights and benefits go, so when I read that, I only read a simple change of vernacular.

And actually, the only real difference that I can see between the two terms, is the religious observance. Being that a 'marriage' is what is "traditionally" observed by religion and a "civil union" is the same thing, just observed by the government.

So, being that there is a seperation of Church and State, and being that we don't want to discriminate against anyone, shouldn't the government label your union as a "Civil Union", rather than a marriage, no matter what sex you and your partner are and leave the term "marriage" for the churches and the common vernacular (because it's just easier to say -- what's the past tense of "civil union")
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 02:26 AM

1) You are being a hypocrite. First you slam my link to, then you link to, errr, I mean

That was, quite obviously, his point.


2) One of the articles I listed simply states that the study linking genetics to homosexuality was wrong, and it gave facts supporting the article. There was no bias to it. Since homosexuality is NOT genetic, then the gay activists have no basis for marriage.

It's not?

According to whom?

Oh yeah, "". A wholly biased website. Meanwhile the majority of modern scientists (whom are largely heterosexual mind you) believe it is genetic.

Again, that was his point.


3) The other article I linked to gives specific examples of how homosexuality is social, not genetic. Yes, the title may turn a you away, but the arguments in the article are real.

Again, a very biased source.

And what exactly is a "real" argument? I mean, what I'm saying now is real isn't it. My argument is real.

Hell, I could write an article and give it to and you'd mindlessly believe that one too, wouldn't you?


4) In your article, it lists specific instances of same sex marriages. I'm sorry, but it is not a "sanctified" or "Christian" marriage if it is same-sex. I don't care what the anthropologist says. The second example is hardly a good one, either. Are the Romans around today? I didn't think so. Why aren't they? They became obsessed with overindulgence.

All I've got to say is Go read a history book if you really think that's what caused the fall of the Roman Empire.

A combination of internal problems caused by Christianity (that's ironic, isn't it) and external problems caused by enemies caused the downfall of the Roman Empire. Not Orgies.

EDIT: And just to give you an idea, of how biased is, my web filter at work BLOCKS IT on the pretenses of "Discriminatory Content" -- and the railroad is a pretty damn conservative workplace.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 02:32 AM
marriage is a trait of society, so therefore it should not be codified into law.

What? There is no genetic predisposition towards marriage?


Oh, and <sarcasm>
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 02:48 AM
Ok, slamming the article/website won't make its points any less valid. Quoted from the article:


Science (the magazine) revisited the topic this year, publishing two articles questioning supposed links to a gay gene. Both articles reference an independent genetic study conducted in Canada in 1989 with research continuing today by four researchers from the University of Western Ontario and Stanford Medical School. This study used 52 pairs of gay siblings from 48 families ĂŚHamerâ??s research used 40 homosexual brother pairs. The study concluded, â??It is unclear why our results are so discrepant from Hamerâ??s original study. Because our study was larger than that of Hamer et al., we certainly had adequate power to detect a genetic effect as large as was reported in that study. Nonetheless, our data do not support the presence of a gene of large effect influencing sexual orientation at position Xq28.â?


What can we conclude about the biology of homosexuality? Consider a comprehensive review article, â??Human Sexual Orientation: The Biological Theories Reappraised,â? written by William Byne and Bruce Parsons from Columbia University in 1993.

The article reviews 135 research studies, prior reviews, academic summaries, books, and chapters of booksâ??in essence the entire literature on homosexuality, of which only a small portion is actual research. The abstract summarized in its findings that there is no evidence at present to substantiate that biological factors are the primary basis for sexual orientation.

Whatever genetic contribution to homosexuality exists, it probably contributes not to homosexuality per se, but rather to some other trait that makes the homosexual â??optionâ? more readily available to some than others.

So if y'all have any scientific proof THAT IS VALID, please provide it.

The point is this: if homosexuality isn't genetic, then marriage is out of the question. The government should not allow marriage based on a deviant behavior.
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 03:09 AM

Ok, slamming the article/website won't make its points any less valid.

Of course it does!

I can provide you with an article saying whatever the hell I want it to say if you don't think that where it came from is valid.

Come on now, your profile says you're an Engineer. We're not talking brain surgery here. That's basic high-school education stuff there -- Check your source.

If your source is blocked by a web filter, it's pretty safe to assume that it's pretty damned biased.


The point is this: if homosexuality isn't genetic, then marriage is out of the question.

Why is that the point?

My point is this: Marriage is an agreement (the terms of which are your vows) between 2 consenting individuals.

Of course there's more to it than that; but those are more religious/belief details and aren't of any concern of the goverment.

If what you say is the point, is indeed the point, then what about Hermaphrodites? They're not born genetically man nor woman, yet are allowed to claim themselves to be one or the other and legally marry as such.


So if y'all have any scientific proof THAT IS VALID, please provide it.

I can't provide valid proof, because no such proof exists. Scientists have determined that homosexuality is likely determined by markers on the X chromosome, but a specific gene has not yet been found, with the exception of Xq28, which seems to be only valid within male homosexuals. That sort of research takes a very long time to conclude so we won't see a final conclusion on what gene causes what behaviors for likely decades.

But if you want some actual valid sources, i can provide that for you? Try things like

The American Journal of Psychiatry:
Bailey, J. M. and D. S. Benishay (1993). "Familial Aggregation of Female Sexual Orientation." American Journal of Psychiatry 150(2): 272-277

Or maybe something a little more "popular" like Science:
LeVay, S. (1991). "A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men." Science 253: 1034-1037.

Or maybe you want something from overseas, in case only American scientists want to prove Gays are born that way
British Medical Journal
Baron, M. "Genetic Linkage and Male Homosexual Orientation", British Medical Journal , August 7, 1993.

And, if you really want a web-link, here's a link for the NCBI, probably the single best source for information on genetics research.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 03:14 AM

The point is this: if homosexuality isn't genetic, then marriage is out of the question. The government should not allow marriage based on a deviant behavior.

Deviant? Deviant? DEVIANT?

Says who? You? If you found that splitting your Oreo's in half was deviant, does that mean anything?

You are making a MORAL judgement based upon your own moral code. I don't find homosexuality deviant in any way and I am insulted by this idiotic regression into whether or not homosexuality is a genetic or learned behavior.

What does it matter anyway? Marriage is a societal custom. I was being sarcastic before, but let me ask you seriously a few questions. Why do we have any legal protections for the societal custom of marriage? Is there a genetic predisposition towards marriage in the human genome? Where in the human genome does it specify man + woman = marriage?

If we want to look at this from a physological standpoint, the human male is genetically equipped for bigamy and polyandry. Scientific studies have shown that male ejaculatory fluid aggresively creates a environment detrimental to any other semen in the female body. Or let us discuss that the uncircumcised male penis acts as a suctioning devide to remove any already deposited semen from the female. of course, this is not to fit some moral code, this is just to propigate the males's DNA to another generation.

Shall we move on how women are equiped by nature to handle multiple male parters in a short time so as to increase the chances of impregnation?
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 03:18 AM

Or let us discuss that the uncircumcised male penis acts as a suctioning devide to remove any already deposited semen from the female.

Learn something new everyday.... disgusting.... but new.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 03:38 AM
It is just nature. Sure, a little shocking you aren't prepared for it, but I am more disgusted by the rampant homophobia and judgements being lain down by those who consider themselves morally superior.
Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 03:43 AM
Originally posted by cpurser:

2) One of the articles I listed simply states that the study linking genetics to homosexuality was wrong, and it gave facts supporting the article. There was no bias to it. Since homosexuality is NOT genetic, then the gay activists have no basis for marriage.

right, and i can link you to ANOTHER article that states that homosexuality IS genetic. the point is that you can't make any positive conclusions, but from common sense, its pretty obvious that there are not JUST social factors involved in the homo/hetero sexuality of someone. and, assuming homosexuality is not genetic, which is HIGHLY doubtful, why do gay activists have no basis for marriage? you guys against gay marriage are all over the place.
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 03:54 AM
Originally posted by Beowulf:

The point is this: if homosexuality isn't genetic, then marriage is out of the question. The government should not allow marriage based on a deviant behavior.

Deviant? Deviant? DEVIANT?

Says who? You? If you found that splitting your Oreo's in half was deviant, does that mean anything?


Originally posted by
Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society.

One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

Originally posted by Beowulf:
Where in the human genome does it specify man + woman = marriage?

That's a good question (even though it was loaded). I don't know, but men and women have been getting married for millenia, in all societies. I wonder why that is?

Originally posted by Beowulf:
If we want to look at this from a physological standpoint, the human male is genetically equipped for bigamy and polyandry. Scientific studies have shown that male ejaculatory fluid aggresively creates a environment detrimental to any other semen in the female body. Or let us discuss that the uncircumcised male penis acts as a suctioning devide to remove any already deposited semen from the female. of course, this is not to fit some moral code, this is just to propigate the males's DNA to another generation.

Shall we move on how women are equiped by nature to handle multiple male parters in a short time so as to increase the chances of impregnation?

All your points lend themselves to heterosexuality. Interesting.....
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:00 AM
Originally posted by sigma:
Scientists have determined that homosexuality is likely determined by markers on the X chromosome, but a specific gene has not yet been found, with the exception of Xq28, which seems to be only valid within male homosexuals.

Uhmm, the Xq28 is the study that my article was disputing. INVALID STUDY!

Originally posted by sigma:
But if you want some actual valid sources, i can provide that for you? Try things like

The American Journal of Psychiatry:
Bailey, J. M. and D. S. Benishay (1993). "Familial Aggregation of Female Sexual Orientation." American Journal of Psychiatry 150(2): 272-277

Or maybe something a little more "popular" like Science:
LeVay, S. (1991). "A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men." Science 253: 1034-1037.

Or maybe you want something from overseas, in case only American scientists want to prove Gays are born that way
British Medical Journal
Baron, M. "Genetic Linkage and Male Homosexual Orientation", British Medical Journal , August 7, 1993.

And, if you really want a web-link, here's a link for the NCBI, probably the single best source for information on genetics research.

Thanks, I'll look into them.
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:03 AM
Originally posted by sigma:
JaTo, I always enjoy our discussions, but I want to clarify something:

You are considering a "civil union" and a "marriage" to be equal as far as rights and benefits go, so when I read that, I only read a simple change of vernacular.

For all intents and purposes that I can see, yes.

Originally posted by sigma:
And actually, the only real difference that I can see between the two terms, is the religious observance. Being that a 'marriage' is what is "traditionally" observed by religion and a "civil union" is the same thing, just observed by the government.

Somewhat. Redefining a religious and secular union whose very definition that has withstood millenia of change is messing something that has been commonly held by religions and secular/religions/pagan governments of the world throughout time. In short, marriage is religious and could be considered secular as well (not all that are married observe any religious practice or notion); it doesn't change the fact that the very definition of "marriage" has been known to be (1) man and (1) woman in secular, pagan or the most religiously-devout Christian civilizations that have existed on this planet.

I don't think the definition of marriage is necessarily tied to religious principle solely, nor do I think it totally in the secular domain, given it's pagan roots:

It's akin to changing definitions of nature; a 70-degree day in Summer doesn't constitute a name-change of the entire season of Summer to Winter...

In short, let's call something different than marriage, well, something different than marriage and give it the same status and rights as observed by law, i.e, civil unions, joinings, bonding, pairing, whatever, just call it something different because it is.

Originally posted by sigma:
So, being that there is a seperation of Church and State, and being that we don't want to discriminate against anyone, shouldn't the government label your union as a "Civil Union", rather than a marriage, no matter what sex you and your partner are and leave the term "marriage" for the churches and the common vernacular (because it's just easier to say -- what's the past tense of "civil union")

For the most part. Any sociologist worth his salt will tell you there are a MASSIVE number of norms, both religious and secular in nature, that are associated with marriage. The concept/definition of marriage and the religious nature of it are extraordinarily difficult to seperate in most any culture that I'm aware of, so any government involvement of changing or "opening" up the nature of marriage to include anything past what it has for millenia has a LOT of homework ahead of them and SERIOUS discourse over the matter.

I totally agree that under current US law, gays and lesbians are discriminated against. I think this can be easily fixed without destroying/changing an institution that has ages of heritage behind it and alienating those with strongly-held religious beliefs.

Just call it something different than marriage and offer up the same rights, protection and punishment under law. I'm repeating myself here; let me know if I've misunderstood or misrepresented any point you were trying to make.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:07 AM
So seperating your Oreo to lick out the white center is deviant?

Why is being deviant ground for descrimination? Don't deviants have rights too?

Great job marginalizing homosexuals. David Duke would be SO proud. let's put those darkies back in their place while we are at it.


I don't know, but men and women have been getting married for millenia, in all societies. I wonder why that is?

Men have been marrying more than one woman at a time throughout the millenia, let's bring that back too. I am serious. Let people define for themselves who and how many people they want to marry. Break the chains of discrimination.


All your points lend themselves to heterosexuality. Interesting.....

Yeah, they also lead to multiple sexual partners, what does your precious bible say about that? Oh yeah...Paul told an early Christian church that it's memebers were to be men of good standing with one wife and women were [censored].
Posted By: mmars_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:15 AM
I think the question we all should ask is why our government and the media seem to be making this topic more important than others like "Why our tech jobs being shipped overseas?". I could care less if two gays get married. It doesn't really affect me. One of my older brothers is gay. Do I love him less? No. Does it bother me that he is gay? No Do I think it's morally wrong to be gay? No. If he wants to get married to another man, would I protest? No! I have more important things to worry about.


Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:21 AM
Originally posted by cpurser:

1) You are being a hypocrite. First you slam my link to, then you link to, errr, I mean

No, i was making a point that sources are like statistics. Remember your Samuel Clemens. "There are lies, damn lies and statistics".

Originally posted by cpurser:

2) One of the articles I listed simply states that the study linking genetics to homosexuality was wrong, and it gave facts supporting the article. There was no bias to it. Since homosexuality is NOT genetic, then the gay activists have no basis for marriage.

Genetics has little to do with a marriage that by choice or medical issues cannot issue offsrping. The only part genetics plays in marriage is if offspring result.

Originally posted by cpurser:

3) The other article I linked to gives specific examples of how homosexuality is social, not genetic. Yes, the title may turn a you away, but the arguments in the article are real.

The source of homosexuality is not what I care about, i care about the rights of ALL AMERICANS, including homosexuals.

Originally posted by cpurser:

4) In your article, it lists specific instances of same sex marriages. I'm sorry, but it is not a "sanctified" or "Christian" marriage if it is same-sex. I don't care what the anthropologist says. The second example is hardly a good one, either. Are the Romans around today? I didn't think so. Why aren't they? They became obsessed with overindulgence.

I don't give a rat's bunghole about whether or not a marriage is "sanctified". That is an issue that needs to be resolved between the intended couple and the flavor, I mean religion of thier choice. The Romans sold out the defense of their country to mercenaries. Where is the solid NON BIASED evidence that sucking a little cock led to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire? Hey, didn't the Gauls/Goths/other "barbarians" have something to do with it?

Posted By: mmars_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:24 AM
BEWARE!!!!! The Locusts are coming this year!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:29 AM
Originally posted by JaTo:
The author is twisting word usage to the breaking point here and pulling one HELL of a bait and switch. I HAVE taken Anthropology courses back in college and studied the Greek and Roman empires quite a bit (the Roman empire well enough to have a department head check his notes on a particular topic during an argument).

There is NO common and widespread connection or evidence that exists that shows a long-standing social/religious ceremony that strictly bonds a same-sex couple together to the exclusion of all others.

True, the practice of homosexuality was widespread among Roman and Greek elites and there were certain rituals developed around the practice, though I've yet to see ANY documentation or research that points to a WIDESPREAD and COMMON ceremony that was both held sarcosanct by the MAJORITY of the religious and secular populations in any meaningfully developed civilization that has lived on this planet.

Key word being MAJORITY.

Grabbing a few examples out of the past doesn't change the common definition of marriage that has lasted and survived millenia of social and religious change throughout any number of civilizations. That is a cold, hard FACT. Pagan AND Christian values/norms as well as human nature itself has defined marriage throughout the ages. Also pointing to Roman emperors condoning the practice should IMMEDIATELY set alarm bells off, as some of the beliefs and practices of the emperors and thier decrees were often the polar opposite of commonly-held social and religious norms held at the time.

I'm smelling a large load of BS with that article.

Don't get me wrong; I have absolutely no issue with gays and wish that the US would come to grips with this and offer civil unions as the solution. Marriage throughout all common religions of today (pick your poison: Christianity, Islam, Shintoism, Bhuddism, etc., etc.) and most societies involve (1) man and (1) woman, though.

I think civil unions should have an elevated status that equates marriage and all of the benefits thereof, reflecting a joining of same-sex couples; marriage should reflect man and wife, as it has done throughout the ages in 99.999% of the time.

It is splitting hairs to an extent (as a concept and defition of that concept is being argued here), but for the same reason most societies split hairs over other long-held religious and social practices.

Wasn't there a Roman legion that consisted entirely of male couples? And are you currently an anthropoligist? Have you made it your lifestime study to understand the daily lives of civilizations and cultures all over the world? I am sure that the author of the article and the anthropologists that are disagreeing with the President's assertion that marriage is only to be between male and female used the Greeks and Romans as examples (even though the examples might be weak) becuase the average American has heard of the Greeks and Romans by watching Gladiator and The Clash of the Titans.
Posted By: Shane27 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:39 AM
how can a guy want to stick another guy in his assss????? you sick fuucckks!!!
how could you even condone it unless your a faggot wanting to come out of the closet.
faggot loving bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: Nate S Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:40 AM
Originally posted by Shane27:
how can a guy want to stick another guy in his assss????? you sick fuucckks!!!
how could you even condone it unless your a faggot wanting to come out of the closet.
faggot loving bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow, real mature. what are we in, 6th grade?
Posted By: mmars_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:44 AM
Originally posted by Shane27:
how can a guy want to stick another guy in his assss????? you sick fuucckks!!!
how could you even condone it unless your a faggot wanting to come out of the closet.
faggot loving bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That has to be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.

Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:46 AM

Uhmm, the Xq28 is the study that my article was disputing. INVALID STUDY!

First of all, there are many studies that reach the common conclusion of the Xq28 chromosome having some bearing on male homosexuality. This is not just a single study.

Secondly, the research done by hundreds of psychiatrists and behavioral geneticists is not made moot because a couple of theologians disagree with them.
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:02 AM
Originally posted by Beowulf:
Wasn't there a Roman legion that consisted entirely of male couples?

And there was also a Roman emperor rumoured to have had a vagina surgically implanted on him. Your point? You really DON'T want to base the topic of homosexual unions off of the whimsy of the Roman edicts, behavior of the Emperors and try to use it as proof. There is ample evidence of both it's acceptance and persecution in the Roman empire during varying periods of time.

Originally posted by Beowulf:
And are you currently an anthropoligist?

A better one than the author of that article and anyone who buys into the notion that it inferrs that marriage really has no "set" base meaning in societies...

Originally posted by Beowulf:
Have you made it your lifestime study to understand the daily lives of civilizations and cultures all over the world?

Did the author of that article? Have you?

I will say that a decade and a half of reading about the Romans, Byzantines, Greeks and Minoans from varying perspectives gives me some insight on the topic...

Originally posted by Beowulf:
I am sure that the author of the article and the anthropologists that are disagreeing with the President's assertion that marriage is only to be between male and female used the Greeks and Romans as examples (even though the examples might be weak) becuase the average American has heard of the Greeks and Romans by watching Gladiator and The Clash of the Titans.

I'm fully aware there are tribes and groups (especially among Native Americans and African tribes) that held some sort of symbolic and ritualistic meaning/understanding of homosexual relationships.

I'll BET you dollars to dimes those relationships had a CERTAIN word that was different than what was commonly used for a traditional pairing of (1) man and (1) woman.

That's all I'm advocating here; just call it something different than marriage, like just about EVERY other society has that is being pulled in from the past to prop up arguments here.

What's so bad about that?
Posted By: auiotour Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:03 AM
First off, I am anti-gay marriage. Here is why, short and simple. Who ever your god may be. Did he make us A-Sexual like wormds? I think not. If god wanted us to mate with the same sex, he would have made us a-sexual. But he didn't, because god doesn't believe in homosexuals. God forgives you for being gay. The human impulse is strong. Stronger then Gods word. Yes its hard to believe but its true. A human will do what feels right, and good. Doesn't matter what people say. People turn gay for many reasons. People aren't born, straight, nore gay. Its something that you are shapped into, by your family, friends, and different influences in your life. Something God, never expected, and couldn't have. Personally, I don't think its right, nore do I like to see it. I hate watching it in movies, seeing it on the streets, frankly even talking about it. It makes me sick. I have friends are gay, and the thought makes me sick, but they are still my friends, and they know how I feel, and they don't talk about it, nore have me meet their partnet. I don't need corruption in my life. The world is going to hell fast. I am only 20, and I can see that, so can everyone else. Gay marriages should not exist. They just shouldn't.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:05 AM
Originally posted by mmars:
I think the question we all should ask is why our government and the media seem to be making this topic more important than others like "Why our tech jobs being shipped overseas?". I could care less if two gays get married. It doesn't really affect me. One of my older brothers is gay. Do I love him less? No. Does it bother me that he is gay? No Do I think it's morally wrong to be gay? No. If he wants to get married to another man, would I protest? No! I have more important things to worry about.


The exportation of jobs pisses me off too, as well as my company's habit of importing workers to do jobs that they could have found a domestic worker to do.

What makes this an important issue is the suggestion that a Constitutional Amendment is needed to prohibit such a union when in fact, states should be encouraged to settle the issue just as the issue of interracial marriages was settled in the early 50's for the most part. Oh yeah, a constitutional amendment was required to bring the last 19 states in line. The amendment that has been proposed does not specify anything about gay marriages. In fact, the way the proposed amendment is written it would hamper the court system in it's mandate to rule whether or not a law is unconstitutional. If this amendment had been in place prior to 1948, interracial marriages would probably still be in place as the California Supreme Court would not have been allowed to rule the California law against interracial marriage unconstitutional.

Wait, has anyone other than me READ the proposed amendment?
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:06 AM
Originally posted by Shane27:
how can a guy want to stick another guy in his assss????? you sick fuucckks!!!
how could you even condone it unless your a faggot wanting to come out of the closet.
faggot loving bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I see the mental institution in Dumba$$, USA got it's dialup account finally working again...

Do the world a favor have a labotomy performed. It can only help your ability to help and function in life, given the sewage you are spilling here.
Posted By: Shane27 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:07 AM
perfectly said!
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:15 AM
Originally posted by auiotour:
First off, I am anti-gay marriage. Here is why, short and simple. Who ever your god may be. Did he make us A-Sexual like wormds? I think not. If god wanted us to mate with the same sex, he would have made us a-sexual. But he didn't, because god doesn't believe in homosexuals. God forgives you for being gay. The human impulse is strong. Stronger then Gods word. Yes its hard to believe but its true. A human will do what feels right, and good. Doesn't matter what people say. People turn gay for many reasons. People aren't born, straight, nore gay. Its something that you are shapped into, by your family, friends, and different influences in your life. Something God, never expected, and couldn't have. Personally, I don't think its right, nore do I like to see it. I hate watching it in movies, seeing it on the streets, frankly even talking about it. It makes me sick. I have friends are gay, and the thought makes me sick, but they are still my friends, and they know how I feel, and they don't talk about it, nore have me meet their partnet. I don't need corruption in my life. The world is going to hell fast. I am only 20, and I can see that, so can everyone else. Gay marriages should not exist. They just shouldn't.

Once again for everyone saying gay marriage is wrong. let me say this ONE MORE TIME.

This isn't about religion. This isnt abotu what you or I believe is right or wrong in a sexual relationship. This is about basic human rights to persue happiness. Currently law does not allow homosexuals to pledge their undying devotion in a legally recogonized marriage.

They deserve that right. Let's give them what they deserve.

Not one person that has posted to this thread in objection to gay marriage has addressed this concept. They have pled morality, genetics, plain old disgust or wacko 3rd grade "GAYS ARE ICKYPOO". No one has addressed the core issue -


I really don't give a [censored] about what happened 5 years ago or 5000 years ago other than the fact that 200 years ago some guys said "hey, we have rights dammit and we are not going to let some king rule over us"

let's perfect their vision in ways they couldnt even begin to forsee.
Posted By: Shane27 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:30 AM
who gives a shittt what you say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:43 AM
It's funny, because there are some gays that want a different name applied to the commitment as well.

I personally believe that using a different name is not merely a matter of semantics. It is still a way to marginalize homosexuals. It makes it sound like the relationship and the commitment are different. Different names mean different treatment.

As for those who are saying it is choice, and social and...

I grew up in a small town in Northern Wisconsin. Very redneck. I was not surrounded by gay role models. In fact, a guy in my sister's class was run out of the school when he was found out. Yet, deep in my subconscious, I was sexually attracted towards the football team and not the cheerleaders. I fought and tried to deny this for years, until I finally outgrew my Cleopatra stage and realized who I really was.

I will reiterate what I said earlier... the idea of having sex with a woman is just as distastul and unappealing to me as having sex with a man is to you.

Oh, and by the way, all I have in my closet is my clothes.
Posted By: mmars_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:53 AM
Originally posted by Shane27:
who gives a shittt what you say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you need to ask youself that question. At least his thoughts are intelligent.

You are portraying yourself as a homophobe who is afraid everyone will find out that you are, so you bash gays to make you look more macho. Grow Up! Really!


Posted By: 1314_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:56 AM
Originally posted by auiotour:
Something God, never expected, and couldn't have.

If He is going to be brought up, know that He knows past, present and future. There is nothing that He could not expect.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 06:41 AM
Originally posted by svtcarboy:
It's funny, because there are some gays that want a different name applied to the commitment as well.

I personally believe that using a different name is not merely a matter of semantics. It is still a way to marginalize homosexuals. It makes it sound like the relationship and the commitment are different. Different names mean different treatment.

As for those who are saying it is choice, and social and...

I grew up in a small town in Northern Wisconsin. Very redneck. I was not surrounded by gay role models. In fact, a guy in my sister's class was run out of the school when he was found out. Yet, deep in my subconscious, I was sexually attracted towards the football team and not the cheerleaders. I fought and tried to deny this for years, until I finally outgrew my Cleopatra stage and realized who I really was.

I will reiterate what I said earlier... the idea of having sex with a woman is just as distastul and unappealing to me as having sex with a man is to you.

Oh, and by the way, all I have in my closet is my clothes.


Growing up using "gay" as an insult word and being told over and over again that being gay was wrong as well as wonderful things such as premarital sex, it took me years to cast off the way I was taught by small minded society to think about homosexuals.

But get over it I did, and I am happier not casting judgements on others.
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Beowulf:

Once again for everyone saying gay marriage is wrong. let me say this ONE MORE TIME.

This isn't about religion. This isnt abotu what you or I believe is right or wrong in a sexual relationship. This is about basic human rights to persue happiness. Currently law does not allow homosexuals to pledge their undying devotion in a legally recogonized marriage.

They deserve that right. Let's give them what they deserve.

Not one person that has posted to this thread in objection to gay marriage has addressed this concept. They have pled morality, genetics, plain old disgust or wacko 3rd grade "GAYS ARE ICKYPOO". No one has addressed the core issue -


I really don't give a [censored] about what happened 5 years ago or 5000 years ago other than the fact that 200 years ago some guys said "hey, we have rights dammit and we are not going to let some king rule over us"

let's perfect their vision in ways they couldnt even begin to forsee.

Slippery slope here we come. It started with attitudes like yours,

who gives a flip about the past? It means nothing. Who gives a flip about morals? They mean nothing. Who gives a flip about God? Who gives a flip about anything important? I should have my rights, and you should have yours, don't trample on me, I won't trample on you.

GAYS are being, I hate this word being used here, but Gays are being "discriminated" against becuase they are living in SIN and so obvious a sin.

You can't take the religion, or the faith out, it's part of what made this country. Why are they being discriminated against? Because a female wasn't designed to love a female in a sexual union, nor a male love a male. It's pretty obvious to anyone that doesn't have their own head stuck up their own, well, you know.

The point being? If you want to take God completely out, and use the term NATURE, NATURE has not found it possible for a male to mate with a male nor female with female? WHY? BECUASE GOD CREATED NATURE AND GOD CREATED MALE AND FEMALE and in His eyes, it was good. Satan twisted it, and Satan brought it to the point we are at now.

You want to know why they are discriminated against? For the same reason adulterers were 50 years ago, for the same reason porn was 50 years ago, for the same reason divorce was looked down upon 50 years ago, because people know it is wrong, but most, like most here, are afraid to stand up and say "THAT'S WRONG!" It's not about rights, it's about decency, and the future of our country.

When we start losing our ability to say "that's wrong" we start losing our country. Homosexual marriage is a small bolt in the whole piece of machinery that destroys a country. We have larger problems, but each has been lost. The family is no more important now than what you are going to eat in that day. America is so caught up in itself that we don't realize how much we are destroying ourselves everyday. I can't drive down the freeway without being bombarded by sexual messages, messages of buy now pay later, messages that beer is the way to a happy life, messages that degrade females and males at the same time. You think this is just about homosexual marriage? It's not, it's about our country and about the loss of something that was once held dear, that is our morals.

I can't believe that you who support this support it because "homosexuals should have the right to be happy." They should, but it should not come from some sinful behavior that could ultimately end up destroying their lives.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 07:24 AM

What a small sad world you must live in.
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 07:36 AM
Originally posted by Beowulf:

What a small sad world you must live in.

Why? Because I base my views on a truth that seems to have been lost on our generation? Because I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and for everyone here? Or maybe it's because I believe that sin exists, and that not everyone gets everything they want all the time?

Eh, who knows. All I do know is that my world is quite large, quite expansive, and quite open. Unfortunately, I have to share that world with sin, including my own. It saddens me to have you even think that my world is small.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 07:40 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

GAYS are being, I hate this word being used here, but Gays are being discriminated against becuase they are living in SIN and so obvious a sin.

A sin in your little world. not to people who can make their own decisions.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

You can't take the religion, or the faith out, it's part of what made this country. Why are they being discriminated against? Because a female wasn't designed to love a female in a sexual union, nor a male love a male. It's pretty obvious to anyone that doesn't have their own head stuck up their own, well, you know.

Faith? Do you really know what faith is? Faith is the blind adherence to a belief because you do not have the strength to face the world on it's own term. Religion is a crutch, an escape and a rut where it is easier to let someone else, be it a priest, rabbi or Pope make your decisions for you. What this country is built upon was the idea that ordinary men were fit and capable of governing themselves by rule of law, not the whim of a so-called Divine Monarch.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

The point being? If you want to take God completely out, and use the term NATURE, NATURE has not found it possible for a male to mate with a male nor female with female? WHY? BECUASE GOD CREATED NATURE AND GOD CREATED MALE AND FEMALE and in His eyes, it was good. Satan twisted it, and Satan brought it to the point we are at now.

There is no god. There is no Satan. As many people there are that believe in your god, there have been many more times that number that live and die and are happy and complete without him.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

You want to know why they are discriminated against? For the same reason adulterers were 50 years ago, for the same reason porn was 50 years ago, for the same reason divorce was looked down upon 50 years ago, because people know it is wrong, but most, like most here, are afraid to stand up and say "THAT'S WRONG!" It's not about rights, it's about decency, and the future of our country.

The greatest indecencies that have ever occurred by the hands of men have been done in the name of one god or another. The Crusades. Islamic Jihads. Divine right of Kings. the human race is outgrowing the need for religion and the emotional baggage that goes along with it.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 07:41 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Originally posted by Beowulf:

What a small sad world you must live in.

Why? Because I base my views on a truth that seems to have been lost on our generation? Because I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and for everyone here? Or maybe it's because I believe that sin exists, and that not everyone gets everything they want all the time?

Eh, who knows. All I do know is that my world is quite large, quite expansive, and quite open. Unfortunately, I have to share that world with sin, including my own. It saddens me to have you even think that my world is small.

Isn't it a sin to judge others?
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 07:55 AM
Originally posted by Beowulf:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

GAYS are being, I hate this word being used here, but Gays are being discriminated against becuase they are living in SIN and so obvious a sin.

A sin in your little world. not to people who can make their own decisions.

Okay, so I suppose in the murders mind, his "sin" is not sin. He thinks its right, must be. The abortionists mind? Same thing. How about the crack head who steals just to get his next fix, he needs it. Must be okay. Or, how about the young boy and the adult who want to marry, sure, is that okay outside of my little world? No, nor is homosexual marraige. It is rather a slap in the face of marraige, a joke, simply put.

Originally posted by Beowulf:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

You can't take the religion, or the faith out, it's part of what made this country. Why are they being discriminated against? Because a female wasn't designed to love a female in a sexual union, nor a male love a male. It's pretty obvious to anyone that doesn't have their own head stuck up their own, well, you know.

Faith? Do you really know what faith is? Faith is the blind adherence to a belief because you do not have the strength to face the world on it's own term. Religion is a crutch, an escape and a rut where it is easier to let someone else, be it a priest, rabbi or Pope make your decisions for you. What this country is built upon was the idea that ordinary men were fit and capable of governing themselves by rule of law, not the whim of a so-called Divine Monarch.

A crutch? Why, because I am limping? Do I sound like I am lame? No, in fact, I don't go off what the POPE tells me, or a priest, or even my pastor. I have seen Jesus in action in my life and in those lives around me. The pastor and church mean nothing if it's just a crutch. The pastor, the pope, the priest, they are all sinful men. That's all. My king and ultimate judge resides in Heaven.

Originally posted by Beowulf:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

The point being? If you want to take God completely out, and use the term NATURE, NATURE has not found it possible for a male to mate with a male nor female with female? WHY? BECUASE GOD CREATED NATURE AND GOD CREATED MALE AND FEMALE and in His eyes, it was good. Satan twisted it, and Satan brought it to the point we are at now.

There is no god. There is no Satan. As many people there are that believe in your god, there have been many more times that number that live and die and are happy and complete without him.

Any evidence of that? Probably not, because you don't know everything. Satan perverts everything made holy by God, including marriage, hence this whole conversation. Is it only coincidence or in keeping with what is normal that marriage has for all of history, been between man and woman? Any possible reason that homosexuality sneaks up on a country? Because Satan is like a lion, prowling and waiting for its prey. He takes piece by piece if he has to, and slowly will destroy the nation.

Originally posted by Beowulf:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

You want to know why they are discriminated against? For the same reason adulterers were 50 years ago, for the same reason porn was 50 years ago, for the same reason divorce was looked down upon 50 years ago, because people know it is wrong, but most, like most here, are afraid to stand up and say "THAT'S WRONG!" It's not about rights, it's about decency, and the future of our country.

The greatest indecencies that have ever occurred by the hands of men have been done in the name of one god or another. The Crusades. Islamic Jihads. Divine right of Kings. the human race is outgrowing the need for religion and the emotional baggage that goes along with it.

Wanna know something? Nobody is perfect and unfortunatly we are all human.

If we have so outgrown religion, then why does it play such a large part in our world today?

You see, we will never grow out of religion, or grow up from it, because it is all a part of us. God created us with a longing to be with him, to spend time with him, and only through his son Jesus Christ will we ever be completely fulfilled. I hope your life is exactly what you want. Exactly what you want, because if not, then you are still missing something. The only thing I am missing in life is my prayer time, and my personal time with God. God has revealed himself to me, not through the church, but rather through His word, His church (the people), and things that I can only call pure miracle.

God is real, and Satan is real. Satan has you so blinded you can't see that anymore.
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 07:58 AM
Originally posted by Beowulf:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Originally posted by Beowulf:

What a small sad world you must live in.

Why? Because I base my views on a truth that seems to have been lost on our generation? Because I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and for everyone here? Or maybe it's because I believe that sin exists, and that not everyone gets everything they want all the time?

Eh, who knows. All I do know is that my world is quite large, quite expansive, and quite open. Unfortunately, I have to share that world with sin, including my own. It saddens me to have you even think that my world is small.

Isn't it a sin to judge others?

It's a sin to determine who goes to hell and who doesn't. It is never a sin to know what is right and wrong and to take a stand for what is right and wrong.

Life doesn't revolve around me, nor anybody else for that matter. Life goes on regardless of what I do, or where I am. I don't have the ability or the right to judge somebodys heart, but actions and what I can see are for me to take stand against. Do not judge, lest you be judged? Yeah, that's in the Bible, and it means that I am not to judge somebody's heart, but rather love them through Christ, regardless of what they are doing. Does this mean I have to place my convictions to the side? no, it just means that I must love them for who they are, not for who I think they should be. I don't know their hearts, that's up to God.
Posted By: MarkO_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 08:45 AM
Originally posted by daenku32:

What is Right is treating people equal. Homosexuals are not criminals. No matter WHAT your Bible might say.

Excellent point. People who live their lives guided by a BOOK scare me; they truly scare me.
Posted By: MarkO_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 08:52 AM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
................ Okay, so I suppose in the murders mind, his "sin" is not sin. He thinks its right, must be. The abortionists mind? Same thing. How about the crack head who steals just to get his next fix, he needs it. Must be okay. Or, how about the young boy and the adult who want to marry, sure, is that okay outside of my little world? No, nor is homosexual marraige. It is rather a slap in the face of marraige, a joke, simply put.............

Thats quite possibly the most twisted thing I have ever read on this forum. How on Earth can you, in all honesty, compare a murderer to a gay person ??

You have issues dude and they're serious.
Posted By: Tom Thumb Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 09:01 AM
Originally posted by svtcarboy:
It's funny, because there are some gays that want a different name applied to the commitment as well.

I personally believe that using a different name is not merely a matter of semantics. It is still a way to marginalize homosexuals. It makes it sound like the relationship and the commitment are different. Different names mean different treatment.

As for those who are saying it is choice, and social and...

I grew up in a small town in Northern Wisconsin. Very redneck. I was not surrounded by gay role models. In fact, a guy in my sister's class was run out of the school when he was found out. Yet, deep in my subconscious, I was sexually attracted towards the football team and not the cheerleaders. I fought and tried to deny this for years, until I finally outgrew my Cleopatra stage and realized who I really was.

I will reiterate what I said earlier... the idea of having sex with a woman is just as distastul and unappealing to me as having sex with a man is to you.

Oh, and by the way, all I have in my closet is my clothes.

That is interesting. People are born with mental illness, downs syndrome, muscular dystrophy, and all kinds of things so I believe a person could be born gay. There might be a gene that is different in Gay people that causes them to be gay. Gay people are more openly accepted in Europe. I've read about Hitler and the holocaust and that is what our government reminds me of when they discriminate against and openly condemn gay people. Itâ??s not anything new; condemning gay people has been going on for decades.

Because I am not gay, I don't understand being gay. I am attracted to women but not as strongly as everyone. In Italy I once had a nice looking girl start a conversation with me so I invited her to come see a movie with me. Everything was surrounded by beach and scenic towns. She told me that I could meet her at a hotel if I didn't mind standing in line. It's hard to believe what some people call "a good sex life". She was serious. She even gave me the name of the hotel and the time to be there.

I think sex is supposed to be something private & Special between two people and not something shared with everyone.
Posted By: daenku32_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 11:28 AM
Sin doesn't mean [censored] in court.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 12:50 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
I have seen Jesus in action in my life

Yep, his hat-trick the other night was amazing. I thought for sure he would've been stopped in that penalty shot. That Jesus is one hell of an athlete. I LOVE seeing him in action.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Originally posted by Beowulf:

There is no god. There is no Satan. As many people there are that believe in your god, there have been many more times that number that live and die and are happy and complete without him.

Any evidence of that? Probably not, because you don't know everything. Satan perverts everything made holy by God, including marriage, hence this whole conversation. Is it only coincidence or in keeping with what is normal that marriage has for all of history, been between man and woman? Any possible reason that homosexuality sneaks up on a country? Because Satan is like a lion, prowling and waiting for its prey. He takes piece by piece if he has to, and slowly will destroy the nation.

Where's your "proof" of God, Jesus, Satan, or anything else in the Bible for that matter, outside of geography? YOU, my friend, don't know everything either.

Homosexuality sneaks up on a country? What, are all the gays going to suddenly guerrilla-redecorating large cities now, in hopes of destroying a country's economy!?!?!? GASP! The horror you must feel! Just be sure you're not wearing stripes and patterns at the same time. The Homo-Jihadists will SURELY do what they can to strike you down!

Marriage, for all time, was between man and woman? Up until a few hundred years ago, Earth was the center of the universe, it was still flat, and the common cold was just as deadly as cancer. Guess what, they were proven wrong, too. Just as you could be. Am I saying you're wrong? No, but, you COULD be. Stop condemning a group of people because you don't understand them. Jesus himself NEVER said whether or not it was wrong to be gay. He told EVERYONE to love their fellow man. Tolerance is the key. So what if you don't disagree with or understand them. Let them live their lives. How is YOUR marriage going to suddenly mean less? Are you suddenly going to love your wife less or decide not to have children because your gay neighbor got married? Are you afraid that someday you're going to have to explain to your children that there are gay people in the world simply because they're getting married? Are you THAT blind or ignorant? It would seem so.

Originally posted by Beowulf:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

You want to know why they are discriminated against? For the same reason adulterers were 50 years ago, for the same reason porn was 50 years ago, for the same reason divorce was looked down upon 50 years ago, because people know it is wrong, but most, like most here, are afraid to stand up and say "THAT'S WRONG!" It's not about rights, it's about decency, and the future of our country.

The greatest indecencies that have ever occurred by the hands of men have been done in the name of one god or another. The Crusades. Islamic Jihads. Divine right of Kings. the human race is outgrowing the need for religion and the emotional baggage that goes along with it.

Wanna know something? Nobody is perfect and unfortunatly we are all human.

Exactly, so let them live their lives, and stay out of them. Quit discriminating and be the way JESUS wanted you to be- tolerant!


God is real, and Satan is real. Satan has you so blinded you can't see that anymore.

Can you empirically prove it? No. Until God him/herself walks up to me and says "Hey, dude, I'm God," I'll live my life correctly- treating others fairly and justly... and I'll continue to do it until the day I die, because it's just the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Its amazing how hypocritical you Bible-thumpers can be. You claim to be so much better than everyone else because you have God on your side, yet you completely disregard the REAL importance in the Bible.
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 01:24 PM
Some advice:

Know and love the verses in red before condemning others with the verses in black...
Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 02:04 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
I have seen Jesus in action in my life

Yep, his hat-trick the other night was amazing. I thought for sure he would've been stopped in that penalty shot. That Jesus is one hell of an athlete. I LOVE seeing him in action.

I saw that same game...

Jesus, isn't this a little mean?? Give them a chance...

Jesus runs the option:

Proof that people really DO play soccer:

I think Jesus might be the next Bo Jackson...

And before the chants of "SACRILEGE!!!" start, I'm a baptized and confirmed Catholic. A quick trip to confession and I'll be back on the bus to Heaven.
Posted By: cpurser_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 02:38 PM
You are one of the most intelligent people on this board, and I respect and agree with you on a lot of the things you say on this board. But, 99SESPORT didn't condemn anyone. He was condemning the act of homosexuality. There is a BIG difference.

I am sure you are realizing that religious debates are almost impossible to "win". That is why this has gone on for 6 pages (and counting).

There is no "proof" if God exists, and there is no "proof" that He doesn't. It all boils down to what method of creation you want to put your faith in. To me, my proof of God is the universe and its unbelievable complexity. There is no way it happened by chance. My guess (please correct me if I am wrong) is that your "proof" is that life started when rain fell on a rock for millions of years, or that the universe happened when a point of mass (all the matter of the universe was concentrated in a point smaller than a period) exploded. (Oh, BTW, where did that point come from?)

We all have faith in something. My religion is Christianity, your religion is Evolution. (Yes, Evolution is a religion.)

Evolution says that we are just animals. There is no higher being to answer to. There is nothing after we die. So why not do what we want, when we want it? Whatever makes me happy is OK, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. There begins the "slippery slope."

Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 03:09 PM
I must respectfully disagree, as I've seen claims in a multitude of threads that homosexuality is responsible for falls of certain civilizations (historically and facutally innacurate) to it being compared with just about every malfeasance under the sun. I just don't see sexuality at a base level as a moral issue. The abuse of one's sexuality? Absolutely, since heterosexuals can be placed in the same boat as homosexuals there.

If only the sins of drunkeness, pride or laziness got as MUCH attention on the pulpit!!! These are far more dangerous and prevalent issues than homosexuality...

Condemning the act or lifestyle is no different than passing judgement on the person, IMHO; if you believe the act or lifestyle itself damns a person to eternal suffering or it holds a discriminatory status in society, the end result is the same. Call it passive condemnation, but it's condemnation nonetheless.

50+ years ago Hitler got away with a lot in condemning a certain charateristic/aspect of a group of people, and not the actual people themselves...
Posted By: PeppermintPatty Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 03:42 PM
Originally posted by 00SVT:
Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
I have seen Jesus in action in my life

Yep, his hat-trick the other night was amazing. I thought for sure he would've been stopped in that penalty shot. That Jesus is one hell of an athlete. I LOVE seeing him in action.

I saw that same game...

See Jesus loves lesbians...look at them play
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 03:45 PM
Originally posted by JaTo:
I must respectfully disagree, as I've seen claims in a multitude of threads that homosexuality is responsible for falls of certain civilizations (historically and facutally innacurate) to it being compared with just about every malfeasance under the sun. I just don't see sexuality at a base level as a moral issue. The abuse of one's sexuality? Absolutely, since heterosexuals can be placed in the same boat as homosexuals there.

Actually, I've never stated that it was soley responsible for anything, like I've said in this LONG thread that it is actually just a part of the machine that leads to the downfall of a country.

And the abuse of ones sexuality didn't start recently. It's been abused since who knows when. It becomes a lot easier to abuse when birth control becomes huge. Interesting huh?


If only the sins of drunkeness, pride or laziness got as MUCH attention on the pulpit!!! These are far more dangerous and prevalent issues than homosexuality...

Wanna know something, I think they are. The only thing is though, is that homosexuality is something that "seems" a lot more dangerous, but they are all sins, regardless of anything said or not said in the pulpit. And does anybody say that those in the pulpit are perfect? Not me, they have their faults just like everybody else.


Condemning the act or lifestyle is no different than passing judgement on the person, IMHO; if you believe the act or lifestyle itself damns a person to eternal suffering or it holds a discriminatory status in society, the end result is the same. Call it passive condemnation, but it's condemnation nonetheless.

Well, I know you are wrong. I suppose by saying this you are saying that you don't judge anybody on any of their actions. So again I ask, do you not judge the murderer for their actions? How about the pedophile? Or the lazy person, or the prideful person? You do, and most of us go beyond that point and judge the persons heart, where that is God's job.

You could view it like when you are watching a child. We are to watch over them and let them know when they are doing something wrong so they can correct it and not repeat the action. Maybe I'm wrong, but under your assumptions above, I should never a tell a child that he is wrong in his actions, and just let him do what he wants. Well, chaos is not where I want my country, so I won't let that happen.

The same thing applies to us, if we see our fellow humans stumbling, we are to help them, correct their wrong actions. Their actions are the things we look at, not the heart. Judgment comes from God, and God alone.


50+ years ago Hitler got away with a lot in condemning a certain charateristic/aspect of a group of people, and not the actual people themselves...

My goodness, you can compare me to Hitler, a murderer, but I can't compare the sin of homosexuality to the sin of murder? Interesting huh?

And no, I'm not at all like Hitler. I'm not raising an army to destroy the homosexuals in this country, rather I am trying to keep marraige as God intended, between male and female. What they do behind the walls is their own issue and will be judged by only God in heaven.

Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:15 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
What they do behind the walls is their own issue and will be judged by only God in heaven.

Then why not let them get married in a non-religious ceremony and leave them to their own devices, instead of hurting them by denying them the pride of being married and the financial/emotional/medical benefits therein?
Posted By: ScottR Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:28 PM
Not sure where this comment would fit it, so I'll just add it here...

Advocates of homosexual behavior often claim that it is a completely healthy alternative to heterosexual behavior. They correctly point out that there is no specific STD that is limited to homosexuals. The claim is that homosexual sex isnâ??t inherently more risky than heterosexual sex.

My position is that this claim is misleading. Compared to the alternative, homosexual relations between two males is unhealthy. True, there is no specific STD that is limited to homosexuals. However, this is not proof that gay sex is equally healthy as heterosexual sex.

Sex between two men at least occasionally involves penetration. The question is whether that penetration has any major health concerns not present when thinking of heterosexual penetration.

I would suggest that there are a number of health risks not normally present with heterosexual activities. And these are NOT what we normally call sexually transmitted diseases. Among these are:

--Hepatitis A
--Thrombosed Hemorrhoids
--Intestinal parasites
--Anal fissures
--Ulcerative Proctitis
--Fungal infections
--Tears of the sphincter muscles
--Colon Cancer

There are many other concerns. And what these all have in common is that they are not major concerns for heterosexual couples. But they are MAJOR health issues among practicing male homosexuals.

Basically, it seems as if females are evolutionarily/anatomically equipped for sexual relations (with men) in a biological way that males are not. In the typical heterosexual relationship, women are less likely to have concerns about physical impaction injuries. True, if the act is rough, (e.g., rape), then such injuries can and do occur. But with homosexual men, even gentle relations seem to have a higher risk of fissures or breakages in delicate body tissues.

Itâ??s like trying to force a square peg into a circular opening (using a building blocks analogy). Some things just naturally â??fitâ? and others donâ??t. Human anatomy is a lot like that. Sure, if one really wants to, one can push a square peg through a rounded hole. But that will create some breakage of the object.

Perhaps science and technology will one day discover ways to completely eliminate all of these risks. However, without artificial interventions, relations between two men are bound to result in some injuries. This is whey they are to be considered higher risk activities.

Let me close with a statement made by Dr. Harold Feinstein of the Centers For Disease Control: "From a purely biological perspective, sodomy is an intrinsically unsanitary and pathological act. Empirical medical evidence clearly demonstrates that the rectum is not designed for intromission by penises, fists, forearms, etc. Physiologically, the rectum is designed for the expulsion of feces. When sodomy is performed, the peculiar forced inward expansion of the anal canal results in a tearing of the lining as well as bleeding anal fissure.�
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 04:28 PM
First off, thank you to all those that have added to make this a healthy discussion. All, please try to refrain from personal attacks as this has all in all been a very informative discussion. I would hate to see this thread locked over a few choice threads.

Originally posted by JaTo:

Redefining a religious and secular union whose very definition that has withstood millenia of change is messing something that has been commonly held by religions and secular/religions/pagan governments of the world throughout time. In short, marriage is religious and could be considered secular as well (not all that are married observe any religious practice or notion); it doesn't change the fact that the very definition of "marriage" has been known to be (1) man and (1) woman in secular, pagan or the most religiously-devout Christian civilizations that have existed on this planet.

In short, let's call something different than marriage, well, something different than marriage and give it the same status and rights as observed by law, i.e, civil unions, joinings, bonding, pairing, whatever, just call it something different because it is.

I totally agree that under current US law, gays and lesbians are discriminated against. I think this can be easily fixed without destroying/changing an institution that has ages of heritage behind it and alienating those with strongly-held religious beliefs.

Just call it something different than marriage and offer up the same rights, protection and punishment under law. I'm repeating myself here; let me know if I've misunderstood or misrepresented any point you were trying to make.

Jato, I understand your reasoning behind calling the it a civil union. However, isn't seperate hardly ever equal in this country? I fear that no matter how you try to spin it, it will always be seen as something less than a marriage. It is for this reason that I offer up another possible solution.

What would you think about calling all "marriages" as they are today as Civil Unions for legal and secular unions. As so many of our laws are tied to marriage, why not change this word throughout the lawbooks to Civil Union. Marriage, therefore, would be reserved for all religious or other spiritual unions. The government would no longer offer marriage licences, but rather ONLY civil union licences.

In addition, I must argue the point of past verse present. I understand that throughout much of our history marriage has lasted and is understood to be a union between man and woman, and that this is one of the longest held traditions in our history. However, this does not necessarily mean that it is appropriate for our society at this time. There are many traditions/rituals that took place in our past that would clearly be seen as savage in todays society. Is it possible that this is a tradition that may need to adapt to our modern society? I would like to hear your point of view on this?

Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 05:08 PM
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Actually, I've never stated that it was soley responsible for anything, like I've said in this LONG thread that it is actually just a part of the machine that leads to the downfall of a country.

Your posts are RIFE with inferrences, examples and comparisons which lead no room for misinterpretation on the subject. Again, riding the boat of "hate the sin and not the sinner" is the same thing as passive condemnation in my book. It just sounds nicer and takes the sting out of things. The stigma that Christianity has heaped upon homosexuality and the naked aggression towards it is an undeniable FACT througout history...

...And I never said that you said homosexuality was SOLELY responsible for anything, either. Since this thread mainly concentrates on homosexuality and you initially brought the example of the fall of the Roman Empire as an example of it's evils.

There were a NUMBER of reasons the Roman Empire fell into ruin; incessant invasions, economic instability, disease, political strife, moral decline and yes, Christianity itself helped put Rome into the scrapheap of bygone civilizations.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
And the abuse of ones sexuality didn't start recently. It's been abused since who knows when. It becomes a lot easier to abuse when birth control becomes huge. Interesting huh?

Let's not bring birth control into this mix. This topic is loaded with enough issues without dragging something else into it.

Given that the abuse of sexuality is a MUCH larger and rampant issue than homosexuality (homosexuals represent a minor portion of the total US population), why does the Church prop all their rhetoric up on homosexuality more than say, rampant and unprotected sex?

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Wanna know something, I think they are. The only thing is though, is that homosexuality is something that "seems" a lot more dangerous, but they are all sins, regardless of anything said or not said in the pulpit. And does anybody say that those in the pulpit are perfect? Not me, they have their faults just like everybody else.

Fair enough. I agree with most of what you say here.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
Well, I know you are wrong. I suppose by saying this you are saying that you don't judge anybody on any of their actions...

NO, as I most certainly do judge people by their actions. The million dollar difference here is that your interpretation of Christianity sees sexual orientation as a MORAL issue, where my interpretation of Christianity DOES NOT.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
My goodness, you can compare me to Hitler, a murderer, but I can't compare the sin of homosexuality to the sin of murder? Interesting huh?

Read much more carefully. I never compared you to Hitler; I compare the ACTION of painting an entire group of people with the same brush of sin as what Hitler did in his disdain for all things Jewish...

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
And no, I'm not at all like Hitler. I'm not raising an army to destroy the homosexuals in this country, rather I am trying to keep marraige as God intended, between male and female...

I, too prefer the definition of "marriage" to stay as religion and society have commonly known if for millenia, so our goals are similar, though I don't go about it alienating people that could quite possibly be more religious, upstanding and moral than you or I.

Christianity has proven to be one of the MOST intolerant popular religions in existance, in DIRECT contrast to Christ's teachings. There has been a MASSIVE amount of good done by the Christianity, but when one takes into the atrocities of the Crusades, the Inquisition, the early persecution of the Jews, the torture and enslavement of pagan populations, the torture and deaths of those that thought the Sun was the center of the universe at one point in time, the moral support of black slavery in certain Southern institutions, the burning of witches at Salem...

...the list could go on indefinitely. The point is that carving up scripture in order to condem, persecute, deny equal rights to or discriminate against a population is TOTALLY missing the most BASIC and FOUNDING principles of Christianity.


Shame on those that do this and try to pass it off as a biblical principle.
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 07:30 PM

I would suggest that there are a number of health risks not normally present with heterosexual activities. And these are NOT what we normally call sexually transmitted diseases. Among these are:

Well, what you said is all fine and dandy, except for that over 20% of heterosexual couples include anal sex in their "heterosexual activities".

Assuming that there's 100 million couples in the US, that's over 20 million people that practice anal (or "homosexual") sexual activity. A number that far outweighs the number of homosexuals in the US.

Is it more unsafe/dirty to have anal sex? Definently. But it is far too large of a generalization to claim that "homosexual sex" is more dangerous than "hetersexual sex" on the basis of the healthiness of anal sex alone, because heterosexuals practice it in far greater numbers than homosexuals do.

And of course, when you bring up the topic of the healthiness of anal sex being an issue with homosexuality you totally remove lesbianism from the equation, as they don't practice it in any greater numbers than heterosexuals do.

Posted By: ScottR Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 09:32 PM
"Well, what you said is all fine and dandy, except for that over 20% of heterosexual couples include anal sex in their "heterosexual activities."

Well, that may be true. However, heterosexual sex (usually) is not exclusively anal sex. It may be more expirmental, from time to time. Homosexual sex is much more likely to involve a long-term pattern of such behavior. That is why I concluded that it is more risky than heterosexual relations.


Posted By: myfastse_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 09:47 PM
I got an Idea.

We have the "let them do it" crowd and the "Don't let them do it" crowd.

Well call it the Do's and Donâ??ts

Let Gay marriages happen and see what happens.

If the world goes to [censored] , most likely won't happen, we really can't say for sure, The donâ??ts can look and the do's and yell " I told you so " like a 4 year old

If the world doesnâ??t go to [censored] , subjective to opinion where we are really headed with or with out Gay marriages, the Do's can look at the Donâ??ts and yell " I told you so " like a 4 year old.

This is the only way to settle this argument.

Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 09:48 PM
Originally posted by ScottR:
"Well, what you said is all fine and dandy, except for that over 20% of heterosexual couples include anal sex in their "heterosexual activities."

Well, that may be true. However, heterosexual sex (usually) is not exclusively anal sex. It may be more expirmental, from time to time. Homosexual sex is much more likely to involve a long-term pattern of such behavior. That is why I concluded that it is more risky than heterosexual relations.



Your assumption is faulty as a large portion of gay men are not into anal sex any more than all women are into anal sex.

Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 10:40 PM

Your assumption is faulty as a large portion of gay men are not into anal sex any more than all women are into anal sex.


Homosexual men love men, not necessarily love having their ass hurt. Your tolerance of pain doesn't go up when you're homosexual.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 10:43 PM
Anal sex doesnt always hurt.

But that is not a topic for this forum.
Posted By: Fmr12B_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/16/04 11:04 PM
Originally posted by sigma:

Your assumption is faulty as a large portion of gay men are not into anal sex any more than all women are into anal sex.


Homosexual men love men, not necessarily love having their ass hurt. Your tolerance of pain doesn't go up when you're homosexual.

I think all Gay Men would be "Tops" if they could
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: Gay marriages? - 03/17/04 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Fmr12B:
Originally posted by sigma:

Your assumption is faulty as a large portion of gay men are not into anal sex any more than all women are into anal sex.


Homosexual men love men, not necessarily love having their ass hurt. Your tolerance of pain doesn't go up when you're homosexual.

I think all Gay Men would be "Tops" if they could

Not true in the least. In most cities, there is an overabundance of "Bottoms". Discounting the "Victorian Bottoms", my term for those who like submission and not sex, there are still a large number of men who like being on the receiving end.

I could say more, but I think I'm already beyond TMI.
Posted By: Rara_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/17/04 01:48 AM
good call James, this thread is getting waaay beyond TMI.

Personally, I am against gay marriage. Marriage is not only a legal bond, but a spiritual bond as well, designed to be between a man and a woman. To alter the structure of that union, IMHO as a married man, weakens it, and takes away its meaning. (Not that the extreme ease of divorce doesn't either, but that's a different topic entirely.)

And while I find the act(s) that define homosexuality personally revolting, the fact of the matter is that it is accepted by this society whether I agree with it or not. Because it is accepted by the general population, I don't see an issue with creating some other legal bond, that would be equivalent to marriage to the government that homosexuals and others could use as an alternative to marriage. I don't feel that the current allowances for gay couples in regards to benefits etc. from companies are fair at all to hetero couples that are not married, so I think an alternative legal bond would help to balance the whole situation out, while not cheapening the bond of marriage.

I know, its semantics, but sometimes, that's all there really is.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/17/04 02:15 AM
Originally posted by Rara:
cheapening the bond of marriage

That's all I keep hearing, but, I don't understand HOW.

What is it about same-sex marriage that will suddenly make YOUR marriage any less meaningful to you?
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/17/04 02:16 AM
I had posted this earlier, and really do not think those opposed to gay marriage have offered their opinion on this idea.

Originally posted by zgendron:

Originally posted by JaTo:

Redefining a religious and secular union whose very definition that has withstood millenia of change is messing something that has been commonly held by religions and secular/religions/pagan governments of the world throughout time. In short, marriage is religious and could be considered secular as well (not all that are married observe any religious practice or notion); it doesn't change the fact that the very definition of "marriage" has been known to be (1) man and (1) woman in secular, pagan or the most religiously-devout Christian civilizations that have existed on this planet.

In short, let's call something different than marriage, well, something different than marriage and give it the same status and rights as observed by law, i.e, civil unions, joinings, bonding, pairing, whatever, just call it something different because it is.

I totally agree that under current US law, gays and lesbians are discriminated against. I think this can be easily fixed without destroying/changing an institution that has ages of heritage behind it and alienating those with strongly-held religious beliefs.

Just call it something different than marriage and offer up the same rights, protection and punishment under law. I'm repeating myself here; let me know if I've misunderstood or misrepresented any point you were trying to make.

Jato, I understand your reasoning behind calling the it a civil union. However, isn't seperate hardly ever equal in this country? I fear that no matter how you try to spin it, it will always be seen as something less than a marriage. It is for this reason that I offer up another possible solution.

What would you think about calling all "marriages" as they are today as Civil Unions for legal and secular unions. As so many of our laws are tied to marriage, why not change this word throughout the lawbooks to Civil Union. Marriage, therefore, would be reserved for all religious or other spiritual unions. The government would no longer offer marriage licences, but rather ONLY civil union licences.

I'd be interested others point of view...
Posted By: sigma Re: Gay marriages? - 03/17/04 02:25 AM
I posted the same thing earlier to JaTo. It'd be hard to find, but he addressed it when I asked it.
Posted By: Fmr12B_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/17/04 02:52 AM
Civil Unions works for me,

I don't understand marriage in general. It makes no sense to me to have the Govt issues couples a piece of paper that states that Govt. recognizes your commitment. The commitment is between two people, not two people and the Govt. sponsoring office. Wanna priest involved to sanctify your marriage, thats fine, then it becomes your own commitment being noted and naproved in the eyes of your God.

I'm not married but have been in a LTR for 10yrs and have a great 9yr old daughter to show from it. Do I feel our relationship is not at strong as others who are married, not in the slightest. I laugh as they all get divorced and pay the lawyers. If you think a marriage is gonna stop divorce, cheating.......... think again! Marriages are a complete joke to me, with over 50% getting divorced I see no point and have to contain my laughter to people who say "there" marriage is different and that it will last. I say F it, flip a coin. It comes up tails. Stay single!

I think the lawyers are backing the gay marriage idea as a way to generate more money.
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/17/04 03:08 AM
Originally posted by sigma:
I posted the same thing earlier to JaTo. It'd be hard to find, but he addressed it when I asked it.

My bad...

Must have missed it in the 300 posts...

Can't believe there have been this many posts in such a short period of time!
Posted By: BARTECH Re: Gay marriages? - 03/17/04 02:23 PM
I think the 50% failure rate of heterosexual marriages cheapens the bond of marriage itself.
Posted By: bigMoneyRacing_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/17/04 03:52 PM
I just wish I was queer, so I could get chicks.
Posted By: auiotour Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 03:46 AM
Originally posted by myfastse:
I got an Idea.

We have the "let them do it" crowd and the "Don't let them do it" crowd.

Well call it the Do's and Donâ??ts

Let Gay marriages happen and see what happens.

If the world goes to [censored] , most likely won't happen, we really can't say for sure, The donâ??ts can look and the do's and yell " I told you so " like a 4 year old

If the world doesnâ??t go to [censored] , subjective to opinion where we are really headed with or with out Gay marriages, the Do's can look at the Donâ??ts and yell " I told you so " like a 4 year old.

This is the only way to settle this argument.

gay marriages aren't going to be the down fall or anything.

As for 1394,
If your god, could see all, past present and future, he would have addressed this problem long ago. He would have made it normal. Or he would have made it impossible. There is a limit to his power, and if you wan't to get straight down to it. Throught out all history, there has been some god(s) people believe in. Giving faith, hope, and meaning to people's life. I personally, can go either way. I don't express my opinion often on the subject, as, i am often accused of horrible things. I do not really believe in a god, not one or any for that matter. I am not against those who do believe, that is fine. I have a happy life, my life goes on, with great joy, everyday, happy as I can be. I don't need to pray, or praise the lord for whatever I need, or want. I don't pray for people. I don't really wish people good luck even. I don't really believe in it. My life, has never been affected in a way that I would need to, or even care. Once I did go to church. I used to go. My life got a little happier, had something to look for. But, I found it was more of a waste of time, from friends and family who didn't go to church with me. I found that, within the teen church, that they were messed up. Druggies, people obessed with sex, or alcohol. None of them, were anything special. All of my life, I have been a great child. A+ student until I dropped out in 2000 (10th grade) and got my G.E.D. scored a average of 93%, from there I worked two jobs. working my ass of to pay for school. School came easy to me, and became a waste of time. I have bigger and better things in life. And well, a god or any gods, were not in the picture. I have a strong will, and my overall belief, has been brought up by many people through out my life, and history. God is something to believe in, for faith, meaning, and hope. People through out history have needed those things. People believe strang things. Some have stuck through the years, like religion, other such as covering your mouth when yawning and sneezing, was once thought to let evil out, thats why people covered their mouth. I do not believe god is real, or ever was. No matter what historians try to prove. Stories have been handed down, since the dawn of time. And until technology can find, a way to say, hey this is jesus, or hey this is budda's body. I will never believe. But everyone else, can. Thats fine. But, I don't believe there is a god, and the god you believe, in my eyes, can not see the future. If he could, gays would have been in the bible, or gays wouldn't exist. But they do, and its a problem. I know I went way off topic, in bit and parts. But, that is my reason about god, and gay marriages.
Posted By: auiotour Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 03:49 AM
Originally posted by Rara:
good call James, this thread is getting waaay beyond TMI.

Personally, I am against gay marriage. Marriage is not only a legal bond, but a spiritual bond as well, designed to be between a man and a woman. To alter the structure of that union, IMHO as a married man, weakens it, and takes away its meaning. (Not that the extreme ease of divorce doesn't either, but that's a different topic entirely.)

And while I find the act(s) that define homosexuality personally revolting, the fact of the matter is that it is accepted by this society whether I agree with it or not. Because it is accepted by the general population, I don't see an issue with creating some other legal bond, that would be equivalent to marriage to the government that homosexuals and others could use as an alternative to marriage. I don't feel that the current allowances for gay couples in regards to benefits etc. from companies are fair at all to hetero couples that are not married, so I think an alternative legal bond would help to balance the whole situation out, while not cheapening the bond of marriage.

I know, its semantics, but sometimes, that's all there really is.

i agree with you completely, out of everything, i have said in all. If they weren't married, but some other term, similiar, of legal bond, thats fine. but, marriage is sacred, whether you believe in a god or not. Its was meant for men and women, not men and men, or women and women. if it was, this topic wouldn't matter. very good said.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 04:44 AM
Originally posted by auiotour:
Its was meant for men and women, not men and men, or women and women. if it was, this topic wouldn't matter. very good said.

I always thought it was between two consenting adults who loved each other, and still do. Man or woman is not necessary.

I STILL have yet to hear how any gay marriage would change how you feel about your respected spouse. Is YOUR marriage going to mean any less to you?
Posted By: Cris'pus Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 08:59 AM
Originally posted by bishop375:

I always thought it was between two consenting adults who loved each other, and still do. Man or woman is not necessary.

I STILL have yet to hear how any gay marriage would change how you feel about your respected spouse. Is YOUR marriage going to mean any less to you?

You obviously haven't found the answer there bishop, but I'd like to ask then:
If it means SO MUCH to a homosexual to get married, there must be something sacred, something good and treasured about it. Hence, if a heterosexual couple doesn't see that it is sacred, and treasured by a Man/Woman only anymore ( 50% divorced, gays allowed to "marry") , then they would obviously like to keep it special in any way possible ( not support it, use the bible, use common sense as to why males and females have certain organs ) . Yes, it could just be changing the wording, until then you'll keep asking that question when some keep bringing it up.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 12:49 PM
I'm not talking about the "institution of marriage." I'm talking about the individual couples.

All this talk about how it's going to destroy the "institution of marriage" is bull. There is no way that you can tell me that if gays are allowed to marry that any husband would love his wife any less or vice-versa. IF that were to happen, there's something severely wrong with them in the first place.

This is nothing but a bunch of juvenile politicians sitting on one side of the schoolyard saying "nyah nyah, we have this and you don't, nyah nyah," and trying to keep it that way.

Nevermind the fact that the SJC in MA made it perfectly clear that the state was to MAKE gay marriage legal. NOT to grant "civil unions."

Posted By: fdunford Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 01:39 PM
There is a God, and you will meet him. Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of the Father.

Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 01:58 PM
Originally posted by fdunford:
There is a God, and you will meet him. Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of the Father.

"There is no God up in the sky... tonight.

No sign of Heaven... anywhere in sight."

Quote your favorite book, I'll quote a favorite band.
Posted By: fdunford Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 03:27 PM
Is that John Lennon (I'm not sure)? But he will meet him too
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 04:28 PM
WOah... not even close to Lennon.

Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails.
Posted By: fdunford Re: Gay marriages? - 03/18/04 06:25 PM
I was out of the Rock/Alt. scene way before them.
Posted By: SalKhan_dup1 My thoughts... - 03/18/04 10:18 PM
... can be summed up by this simple T-Shirt:

Posted By: Faboo Re: My thoughts... - 03/18/04 10:45 PM
the legal implications of gay marriage is what bothers me the most. After they are passed (most likely they will be legalized in near future) its gonna be a very different place. Who's to say more than 1 spouse is illegal, or any other type of marriage that used to be deemed immoral and therefore illegal....

in 2 years of gay marriage laws being passed ur gonna have poeple marrying their horses, and going to the vet's office under the human spouses health coverage. some may laugh..but think about it
Posted By: bigMoneyRacing_dup1 Re: My thoughts... - 03/18/04 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Faboo:
the legal implications of gay marriage is what bothers me the most. After they are passed (most likely they will be legalized in near future) its gonna be a very different place. Who's to say more than 1 spouse is illegal, or any other type of marriage that used to be deemed immoral and therefore illegal....

in 2 years of gay marriage laws being passed ur gonna have poeple marrying their horses, and going to the vet's office under the human spouses health coverage. some may laugh..but think about it

This seems to be a common scare tactic going around. The people who see marrying a cow as the next logical step after marrying a human of the same sex REALLY need
Posted By: zgendron_dup1 Re: My thoughts... - 03/18/04 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Faboo:
the legal implications of gay marriage is what bothers me the most.

in 2 years of gay marriage laws being passed ur gonna have poeple marrying their horses, and going to the vet's office under the human spouses health coverage. some may laugh..but think about it

Do you truly believe this? Seriously?

Think about it, think about the numbers of people that are gay, and then think about the numbers of people that want to marry horses.

There is something significantly different about marrying a different species.

As for polygammy, that might be a possibility, but I don't see it occuring in the near future, and is also significantly different from a gay marriage.
Posted By: PDXSVT Re: My thoughts... - 03/18/04 11:26 PM
So the minister says "Do you take this cow to be your wedded wife," and I say "I do." He then turns to Bossie, and asks, "Bossie, do you take this man to be your wedded husband, and she says: "I moo."

Hey, I can't wait!

But don't you complainers marrying everybody off to their siblings, parents, and pets, think maybe you hit the point of silliness long before this lame joke?
Posted By: Faboo Re: My thoughts... - 03/18/04 11:56 PM
Originally posted by PDXSVT:
But don't you complainers marrying everybody off to their siblings, parents, and pets, think maybe you hit the point of silliness long before this lame joke?

silly...ur joking right...thats what humans are all about..being 'silly'.

smoking.....isnt exactly cheap if u do it alot, proven to be bad for health, smells bad, not only affects urself negatively but others...and millions of people do it.

bars....u drink alcohol on bars right?....its illegal to drink and drive(also to be drunk and drive) why are there parking lots for bars if ur not supposed to be driving from there after u drink....

people do alot of 'silly' things everyday....being someone who goes on the internet u should know that

Originally posted by zgendron:
As for polygammy, that might be a possibility, but I don't see it occuring in the near future, and is also significantly different from a gay marriage.

Ur right it is alot different. but guess what, a law is a law. During the 60's all the people trying to change policy in order for racial equality didnt think they were fighting for homosexuals either...but i bet u they are citing(sp?) many laws that blacks fought for and helped pass. People keep on putting enphasis on 'GAY'....but i doubt the laws will be so definitive. its not about gays being able to marry, its a persons right to choose their mate(or so it seems from many posts in this thread)

Originally posted by bigMoneyRacing:
This seems to be a common scare tactic going around. The people who see marrying a cow as the next logical step after marrying a human of the same sex REALLY need

Before u open a door..u dont know for certain what is on the other u cant really say what 'groups of thought' are goin to come out under this....and logic is relative....for some the first mods are the simpler engine/suspension mods...thats their logical first step..while others logical first step is to upgrade their dx badgeing to typeR.....there are tooo many people out their to say one thing is logical and another not