Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
What head rests off of what car would fit well in the back seats of my Mystique if for example I wante dto put someone back there who is taller than 5'10? All I will really do, is go to the junk yard, find a matching colour, if they're small enough I'll just drill holes in the top of the rear seats and put em in. Anyone ever put headrests in the back?
Start here
And here

someone installed front seats in place of the rear seats. That would always be an option. Not sure what kind of hell he went through to get them in, but it's been done. Otherwise it seems to be just a bad idea unless you plan to install some kind of guide system into the seat foam to simulate what the front seats have.

If I were to be doing this I would go to the junk yard buy a crap front seat out of a contour and tear apart the seat to see how the head rest is installed on it. I would then determine if there was a way to install the same guide/constraint system from the front seats into the rear seats. Then all you would have to do is find a set of head rests from the front seats of a car that had the same color interior as your own. Done deal.
actually if you've seen some of the headrests in some older GM suvs, they really really suck, or even in a van, those headrests are nice and small. What would work too would be to remove the entire system from a junk car (head rest, railes, and bracket) and from there pull apart the rear seat backs slowly from the back and place them. I wanna measure and see if thats possible, if it is, I'll post a how to LOL but tahts JUST a ways away, I first need to find the right headrests (colour and size).
You drive the car and don't sit in the back,so why bother?
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