Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: ZooYork03 SCREENS SCREENS SCREENS - 03/25/03 03:42 PM
Hey everyone my question is this.

I have an old laptop that has a pretty nice lcd screen in it. i noticed upon removal that there was a litle yellow sticker that said (caustion HIGH VOLTAGE) and i tested it and it was off my meter which was setup for i think 600v.

anyway regardless, can this be hooked up to run a playstation on my car or is it a lost cause.

Please help if you can.
Posted By: moxnix_dup1 Re: SCREENS SCREENS SCREENS - 03/25/03 06:37 PM
lost cause unless you are very good with electronics or if you have way to much manoey to throw around and even then if would be cheaper to just buy a regular screen rather than try to make a laptop screen work with your playstation.
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