Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Well now I mean I'm doing well, I've done my major repairs and my regular maintenence is really going well. I need new tires, and I have a lot of aesthetic "cravings" you can call them, which I'd have to save up for, including an audio system, RE-WET sanding my lights, and possibly an HID lighting system. I want to do the bolt-on intake/cat back, and exhaust BUT... I recently got a HUGE scratch on the rear driver side door and tail before that. Interesting story I left it while getting the ooil pan changed, i go to pick up the car, and being the detailer that I am i notice a HUGE scratch just above the ding guards that is about 2 to 2 1/4 foot scratch which looks like it was hit but a tow truck, and the driver just took off. I wanna strangle the guy but.. I mean that's a real deterrant now, I mean I just wanna dump this car now and buy a new car and abandon all my mod plans because of that stupid scratch (more of a dent).

What do I do? I mean I'll clean the UIM/LIM so that I mean I can actually get more power out of the car, but as far as the appearance, all the detailing in the world will still make me feel bad about my car now. But anyways, main point is 250km and still chucking.
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