Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
So, how did that ricer flyby feel with your girl next to you. Great?? did she say..."Wowzers that makes me so hot!" ??

I don't know what alarmed me more, the fact that you had no common sense or that you drive like a leg-less blind man with boxing gloves.

Feel free to respond. on here or, same username.

in case ludicrous speed rendered you unable to see my car,
I was the 2003 WRX giving you the WTF look.

another lame post from another lame newb

what a d-bag
i was kinda thinking WTF was with this post too.

some n00b's have alot of free time apparently
I hope you feel better now that you have vented.

Most likely they guy you saw isn't part of this community, but who knows, maybe you'll get a response.
Of course im a newb. Nice generic responses. Im glad to see the rest of you SVT owners are of the same mentality.

i figured since theres only a few SVT's still running *cough* that he might be on here...but you never know!

If you think im ignorant of the CSVT, ive owned one, hated one, and sold one. Who the hell else would come on a contour forum?
you think a box car a wrx is better than a contour svt nice try men , if you have a wrx of a 98 vs a contour svt 98 who win?? who have better car?? who have a limited edition certified???
and have 200hp withouth the help of a turbo and a how about the 76.6 hp x liter?
i say you have a good car a wrx yes is new and the svt when was new was a greatr car too buth right now have more than 7 years of constant abuse and a few have clean svt mine have a 3.0 with toys and in a future withouth the help of a turbo i am sure i can beat a wrx(stock) right now i beat srt-4 (stock) so the big deal is if somebody love is car , like i love my car is old buth i can afford a wrx or a srt-4 or a evo buth i love the svt since i see in a magazine and i get it , i expressed my opinion if i have wrong sentences is because , guess what i am mexican and set free to say all you want men
hope have a good day....

1st rule of war: Know thy enemy.

Im not debating the better car. I picked the car because going fast in a straight line isnt my thing.

si espanol es mas facil, entiendo mucho espanol. Estoy aprendiendo pero entiendo mucho.

I love my wrx, and im glad i bought it.

NOW, stay on topic. I just wanted to find out who that was.
that last pic was 2002 or 2003 i forget...

here she is now

If you think im all show, and no go...try me. Attend the next SCCA event or one local Redline event @ fontana and i would be happy to take to to the track.
is like you say whe need to know the enemy, i don't see this like a war , whe are in a forum, when i join a forum i want to make friends no enemys, i see your wrx nice car the color is my favorite color in wrx buth i don't like the wrx i have friends ho have wrx, and evos excellent cars both have that all whe want all wheel drive and excellent control, and because yo say you hate the svt i have reply to you , you like your car i like the mine and is my favorite i want to keep it for more than 10 or 20 years i hope i keep well, and nice to know you race in track events in that car, maybe in the future when i finish my svt i will attend a event right now i am not ready for track i only race in drag events my setup is all drag i have the oil accumulator for track and plans to buy a quiafe and better suspension components after make the drag goal i will attend track events and i will honor your invitation

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