Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
I just wanted to give you guys this link so you can check out some of the new features for the emanage.

They now have a boost controller with display that utilizes the emanage and it can display all the data that the emanage can log plus it can completely control boost levels. Do a little research and you can read more about it, but it finally adds what many people didn't like about the emanage before, the full display and more functionality.

As you know, the emanage is what I am going to be using as my engine management for my turbo kit. I will let you all know how it goes and above all, if this timing control interface continues to work well I'll make it available for sale.


Hey warmonger what would I do to control boost on the SC? I assume I would a electronic wastegate type bypass valve or something?
The cheapest way is to use a manual controller. From what I've seen, the manual controllers are just an adjustible needle valve that allows you to control the rate of leakage on your wastgate at the point where the boost pressure feeds back into the wastegate.
On the supercharger you would want to make a controller for your bypass valve. I think you could make something that allowed the boost pressure to open the valve at some pre-determined point and then regulate it with a needle valve the same way.

Tom, how would the cost on your E-Manage setup compare to say a custom burned Flip-Chip, if someone were able to lay down the right programs?
In the short run I think the flip chip would be cheaper, but as soon as you make changes then its off to the dyno and the cost of another re-burn. Plus all the data logging stuff. I have done many little things that I was glad I had the emanage to play with. It isn't the only solution by any means, but now it is becoming a better solution with the addition of the Profec E-01. That thing is awesome and gives you the coolest display and control over all kinds of stuff. In the end, it costs, but at least you don't have to shell out all that cash at once to get up and running.

I wish the Emanage would work for the Turbo kit too give more adjustablity but seems shady to Street flight. Is there any other options available
Originally posted by BurritaSVT:
I wish the Emanage would work for the Turbo kit too give more adjustablity but seems shady to Street flight. Is there any other options available

What does "shady to Street Flight" mean? I think that I misunderstand.
??? You mean like Slim Shady?

Beats me. I've always been very honest about it's capabilities, if they feel that way then they should've told me.


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