Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: GTO Pete Poll: How often do you wash / wax your car? - 07/07/06 01:44 PM
On average (taking into consideration the winter months) how often do you wash your car?

How often do you wash your car?
1x per week or more
every 2-3 weeks
once a month
every couple months
every season
once a year
every couple years

On average (taking into consideration the winter months) how often do you wax your car?

How often do you wax your car?
1x per week or more
every 2-3 weeks
once a month
every couple months
every season
once a year
every couple years

I use to wax the car every week during the summer months. But with a full time job and studying for my GMAT. I have slacked off big time and it once every 2 weeks or so.

I just know it needs to be done more often.
considering for almost the last 4 years the cars been down except for 7 months, its averaged out to once a year.
Posted By: TGO Re: Poll: How often do you wash / wax your car? - 07/07/06 04:20 PM
used to wash it every week, wax maybe every 2-3 weeks.

Now i'm lucky if i can detail it every month or so, but i don't drive it much so it doesn't really get too dirty.

In the winter, i'll run it through the carwash if there's salt on it, but again it doesn't get driven much.
The SE and SVT get washed about once/week. The SE gets waxed about once per year and the SVT will prolly get waxed about once per season.
Originally posted by TGO:
used to wash it every week, wax maybe every 2-3 weeks.

Now i'm lucky if i can detail it every month or so, but i don't drive it much so it doesn't really get too dirty.

same here, for my Cougar anyway.
For the GL, I wash it probably every few weeks in the winter, and roughly once a month the rest of the year.
Wax is a little less frequent than the washings on both cars.
It's awesome to wash the Cougar and watch it bead, despite infrequent polishing.
I have never washed my escort.
Stopped washing the zetec a long time ago.
Occasionally wash the svt but don't drive it much.
Posted By: TGO Re: Poll: How often do you wash / wax your car? - 07/07/06 05:50 PM
oh yeah. the exploder i use for work gets washed mayve once a year. usually wen i can't see through the windows anymore.
the merc gets washed/waxed about twice a month, or washed whenever it needs it really.
Originally posted by TGO:
oh yeah. the exploder i use for work gets washed mayve once a year. usually wen i can't see through the windows anymore.

the exploder ??????? LMAO
Posted By: TGO Re: Poll: How often do you wash / wax your car? - 07/07/06 06:27 PM
actually i probably shouldn't call it that, since it's the most reliable car i've ever owned, even with 150k miles on it, i'm never worried if it's gonna leave me stranded. It is a 1992, so 16 years old!

i have been thinking of messing with the explorer letters to make them say exploder though.
Posted By: 111R Re: Poll: How often do you wash / wax your car? - 07/07/06 07:07 PM
i wash my car every 1-2 weeks. wax + claybar once a year in the spring.
Originally posted by TGO:
oh yeah. the exploder i use for work gets washed mayve once a year. usually wen i can't see through the windows anymore.

as todd would say, "Liquid lunch?"
Wash at least every two weeks, often once a week.

Wax every wash (wax as u dry. It works so well that I no longer wax it twice a year, Once a year is often enough, and it still beads up when I wax it. I use the stuff in the orange bottle, I don't remember the name. The stuff that is supposed to last a year (but really doesn't).

I think I've waxed my Mystique once since it was new. With 203,000 miles on it and almost eight years under its belt, a glossy paint job isn't going to bring me a penny more at trade in time, so why waste my time? I've outgrown the desire to have the shiniest car in town decades ago!
Oy I've gotten lazy with washing.

I used to do it once (or twice) a week while in high school. Freshman year of college slowed me down to once a month. Somewhere between freshman and senior year of college the amount of repairs stacking up made me love my cars less, as well as being far busier and lazier. The Maxima has seen the toll of my horribly busy senior year and now 4-hour daily commute with work .. it gets rarely washed and the old wax is all stripped off (though in June I bought $40 worth of Meguiar's materials for "when the day comes").
I wash her whenever she needs it.
The day before every rain quite often.
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