Originally posted by scottd60:
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
Actually. He has a very DEFINATE vision of what his car should be like. I, for one, would like to see it when he is finally done & happy with the results.

I question whether or not he really even has one...empty profile, no pic's, no location, nothing just a lot of talk and a lot of proven quality parts supposedly thrown in the trash I would believe it only if I saw it in person and he could prove it was his car. Now he could be a spoiled little brat that has more money then brains but if that was the case I'd think he would choose a different car. Or maybe he is somebody that got banned a while back and is just here to stir up things making these ridiculous claims and comments. Funny how he promotes everything that gets listed as no-good or useless for our cars and trashes everything that has been proven to be superior for our cars

You're the one that cries even more than SVTpete does...yes?