Originally posted by Stryker:
ya know meangreen, nobody has said it, but i will, you are being a real [censored] , you think these people give a [censored]? i couldnt give 2, except for the fact that you are badgering/flaming fellow members. you are not arguing, your being a dick...that comment about kremits mom was totally uncalled for. i actually had some respect for you until you said that.

Go suck yourself. He's the fool that brought his mother into this. You believed him when he wailed that she could be a professional mechanic? You believed me when I said that her shirt needed to be tucked in? He should have never used her to try to make his point. And if you're crying because the fellow members are needing to try and make me believe that by doing it right is somehow doing it wrong, just so they can argue with me about timing belts even tho' their frustration still comes from what I did with my old exhaust system, not my fault that they're finding any excuse that they can to dispute me.


i could care less what you do with your stuff, cause you paid for it. i have stayed out of it till now, but i cant any longer...that comment was so harsh, that i am taking it personally, and it wasnt even directed at me. my mother (as well as his and yours im sure) has forgotten more about most things than you (or I) will EVER know. and they deserve a little more respect than they get from MOTHERF****** like you.

Or criers that drag their mothers into this to try and make a point about trying to belittle the profession of being a mechanic? Look at the old posting again...that's the ONLY reason he brought his mother into this...to trash professional mechanics and the skills that are required to be one [fact]. Grow up.


my mom makes more money than she knows what to do with, and she STILL has to put up with [censored] like you everyday. STFU and quit being a prick . that said, have a nice day.

She reads this forum?


oh, BTW, i take my car to a professional that i know and i TRUST. the same people that have been working on my/my parents cars for over 20 years. get over yourself, your not the best. and i only take it there when i dont have time to do [censored] myself.

consider yourself OWN3D. i am reporting ths thread to a moderator in the hopes that it will be locked. this is rediculous and a waste of bandwidth/siteresources...not to mention a waste of fu(k!ng time.

oh and another thing, my dad can tell me exactly whats wrong with my engine 97% of the time just by listnening to it...if its engine related he can hear/feel it. so dont give me this "times have changed bullsh!t" an engine is still an engine and the basic concept behind it (ecpecially the inline format that our 4 cylinders have) has not changed in 100 years...

and dont give me the [censored] about dual overhead cams being different, they are still cams...they are jsut relocated so the valves dont need rods to open and close...it adds horsepower too, but they are also easier to work on/with, and they make things more compact. if you are any kind of mechanic, you should know this and agree.

ok im done.

I won't even respond to that over-emotional and inaccurate slop of yours...I'll just instead.