Originally posted by wa2tuff:
Whose the guy in the picture? And why isn't he smiling? He's got a new CF cowl hood on his car!!!

I haven't decided if I will put w/w squirters in it, probably not. I might look at how my daughter's Cavalier is done. Hers are on the wiper arm. BUT if I do decide to do it, what kind of special, if any, steps do I have to take to make sure I don't screw anything up? And as a bow of humbleness to WOLF24, thanks again for all you've done to make this happen.

You guys crack me up! Thanks for all the support. As far as cutting the hood hear is all you need to know, measure once cut twice . Got it. Seriously, there realy isn't anything special you need to know. But I will see if Jacob can provide some more info for you guys.

'99 Silver svt For sale 19" Axis Neo wheels 3.0 parts, pre-98 trunk, Check classifieds bp.powell@comcast.net