Since you are in Michigan, am I safe in assuming you'll be at the Downtown Cruise with one of these on your/someone's ride? Because your night time pictures (excuse me) leave alot to be desired, it would be perfect to see them in person. If not, take a few minutes today and take some more pictures. You got the night time ones up quick, hopefully you can do the same with the day time ones. Face it, you're asking for over $550, better pix will help us decide quicker. Thanks for all you've done so far.

One more thing: how well does carbon fiber hold up to road dings? One of the reasons (aside from the looks) I want to do this is my hood has alot of dings in it. Nothing major, just the kind that bother the !@#$#@! out of someone who cares about their car. Does a chip show up a different color like it does on a painted surface? It's not gonna stop me from buying, I'm just curious.

Last edited by wa2tuff; 06/23/04 01:17 PM.

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics