Well dan, just to one up ya, and show there's no hard feelings (coming from me at least) here's some more learning material on SVT that I dug up in some old car mags.

SVT basically started in 1984, with Special Vehicle Operations. SVO produced SVO Mustangs in 84, 85, and 86. The goal was pretty much the same as it is now, to create a race ready, enthusiasts street car. At Ford around these times, each department (Powertrain, Suspension, that kinda thing) had parts which it could "upgrade" the stock setup with, but these were often optional packages. SVT combined all these aftermarket upgrades into one department, and centralized the creation of SVT cars.

They operate on 4 principles: Performance, Substance, Exclusivity, and Value. Basically, a great, rare, powerful car with a Factory Warranty and backing. The actual Ford SVT program consists of around 100 people, therefore they usually only tackle putting their label and work into 3 models at a time. Obviously now they are the Mustang, Focus, and Lightening(the mispell was in one of the articles in one of my magazines.. you'd think if they were doing an article on SVT, they woulda spelled Lightning right? ) Anywho, their most popular creation is probably the Mustang Cobra-R's (R for racing). They made them in 93, 95 and 2000. There's 300 of the 2000 Cobra-R's and most aren't raced anymore, so count yourself lucky to see one at a show or ESPECIALLY at a track.

HTH, Chris

* Marine Officer Candidate * My Cardomain Page 1998 EO Black SVTC #3388