Well good to see I might finally meet the Cain-meister .

Just to put this out there :
Since we're having so much rain lately & picnicing & frisbee golf would suck in the rain ... How about a RAIN DATE ??

I will be on vacation till the 1st of August , so I'm gonna just throw out there that the rain date will be AUGUST 8th . How's that ?? I'll be watching the weather & hopefully it'll go off as planned . But if it doesn't , at least we've got a backup plan .

Does everyone have their FRISBEE ?? If not , get your butt to K-Mart (or whereever) & buy one ! It doesn't have to be a "disc golf-legal" size/weight , just so you have one . Mine are just big-ole "normal" frisbees and I haven't thrown one since last year , so don't think I'm any darn good at it !

~~~~~~~ Phil Black & Tan 2000 SVT Contour #2137 of 2150 35,000 miles & counting !