man, the weather is not co-operating with me at all. wake up early (8:30, im hardcore mother effer!) to clean car so i can study. washed and waxed (no clay, didnt look like weather was going to give me time), now its raining. i actually washed my car at home, then drove to the DIY car wash place for some cover while i layed down a coat of NXT. well, as soon as i finished, down comes the rain.

oh well, at least i can hit up a drive thru wash tomorrow morning and get all the dusty water spots off. looked good for the 5 min it was dry at least i got the wax on there though

oh well, gotta keep pluggin away at stats. see you tomorrow!

#4559 of 6535 born on Feb 17, 1998 Black 1998.5 CSVT FOR SALE [cleaning house]: SVT rear swaybar. Reasonable offer and its yours!