Originally posted by Daddy Phat Sacks:
Originally posted by Dragonfly:
I have a full can of that 900 Degree Red Paint.
Also an after 12 meet sounds the best, that way incase I have to work I can do it early and get done.

I need to get some used tires so bad. The camber on my <A TITLE="Click for more information about car" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||cars|AA1VDw">car</A> eats tires faster than the burgers will go at the meet.
Anybody have some that will fit I can buy? Need two but 4 would be even better.

Are e1's the same size as e0's? If so I got 2 wit ok tread.

I believe so, around 205/50/16 feel free to send me a PM and let me know how much you want.