We had the most people vote sense we started this, we had 179 votes, way to go lets keep this running full steam ahead.
Well last months Car Of The Month went over so well that I'm going to be taking all submissions once again this month. So this means if you have a Contour or Mystique send in a submission and you could be one of the five finalist for the month of June. Oh and everyone that has sent a submission you all will be up again for this month as well.

So with that said I'm now accepting submissions for July 2004. I will be accepting submissions untill June the 14th at 12:01am. I will then post the 5 finalists at 12:30am.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for CEG July 2004 Car Of The Month, please send an e-mail to cegcarofthemonth@flash.net with the following info:

* Name and location
* Year, make, and model of your contour
* Modifiactions, if applicable
* THREE (no more, no less) pictures in JPEG format (at least 640x480, any smaller and they look terrible when I resize them) either attached to the e-mail or included as links, make sure they are the best pics you have, the better the pics the better your chances are of becoming a finalist. Remember we are voting for the car of the month, so make sure we can see the car good.

If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at cegcarofthemonth@flash.net. If a submission is missing info, has too many pics, not enough pics, etc. I will delete it. Proper submissions only!!!! There is also no need to submit every month. I'll keep them on file until they're used. If your info changes or you need to update it, just send in a new one and let me know it's replacing your old one. Have fun!

Adam Electric Red 95 Ford Contour GL ATX Zetec Born on 11/01/94 (The Official SCCEG Beater.) Coming soon... Micah's Pre98 SVT Front Bumper and SVT body kit. **1BADTOUR**