Originally posted by The Striped SVT:

They play this word association game on AM 1130. The DJ gives a name, and the person on the line says the first thing that comes to his mind. It went something like this:

DJ, "Reggie Miller"
Random Guy, "Skeletor"

I almost died!

I listen to "It is what it is" everyday Mike and I heard that call. Shawn thought it was pretty funny as well I've called word association before and one of the words was WNBA and I said "Ferndale" and he laughed his ass off Back to the Pistons/Pacers series though I'll say this, I have a new found respect for Jermaine O'Neil

If you keep this up, I will be forced to tell Baligian that you keep spelling his name SHAWN. You will be banned from his audience of 10 listeners and kept out of MEATA.

"If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit" -Mitch Hedberg