Originally posted by SVTCuervo:
Originally posted by livinsvt:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Relocate the squirters....that thing is to hot to cut up...

Ya what he said, squiters are for wussys . We will get pics of it on a Tour A.S.A.P.

No I"m pretty sure I need my squiters. Also, can this be made in anything else besdies CF?

I must agree, these hoods are too hot to cut up but I live in Ohio--lots of snow and crap in the winter. Although, if I change the hood for winter driving like I do the wheels, hmmm. Now, if I do change it for the wintertime, is it going to cause problems with the integrity of the hood over time? And BTW, how do these hoods fasten on--do they have threaded holes like the OEM or what?

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics