cmon RANDY!!! get back to us! this is some serious need to know info! BTW, 91SHO, I'm gonna guess you need a license or any half wit off the street could show up and drive, say an 85 yr old that can't see, or a 14 yr old that takes his dad's hot rod. But that would be awesome if you could work something out with the track if they(the DMV) decides to pull ur license Or i could just be wrong alltogether

EDIT: haha, just read ur post on PICS n' VIDS, ya that would be awesome! I keep trying to get my girlfriend (she was up there at the Canyon Run) to learn to drive my SVT, but she keeps giving me the same excuse. "If I break it, I don't want you to dump me for it!" Ah well, once it's time to put a Stage 3 in, maybe she'll step up to the plate

Last edited by PlatoSVT; 04/21/04 11:24 PM.

* Marine Officer Candidate * My Cardomain Page 1998 EO Black SVTC #3388