I guess I'll chime in here. I eventually have to replace my driver side fender due to too many dings and paint chips. I've been thinking about cutting into it just for experimental sake as soon as it's time to get a new fender, and see if I could make an effective direct air intake for the filter, through some vents/portholes/ducting. Any thoughts?

But as far as a heatshield goes, I've been following this thread pretty closely, very fascinating and good job unisys (sp?, I'm too lazy to check)! Once you get it finalized I'd love to see the measurements/materials/prices of the whole project. I have a KKM with that blue rubber piping to the fender well, mounted to a ProFlow MAF, so I think mine would take a bit of customization, but this thread has been very helpful in my ideas!

* Marine Officer Candidate * My Cardomain Page 1998 EO Black SVTC #3388