Ok! Ok! Ok!

I have been fairly business the past few days, hince the reason I have not responded here yet, but overall money has just been real tight. For those wondering, no I have not been called back to work, nor have I found work.

And here's the deal - Since money is so tight, I am not going ask for money, up front, for a product that I have not made yet. Simple as that. It would real easy, I can see now, for me to start taking orders and just let the money come in and start making sheilds from there, but... guys, I don't want to do things like that.

I have enough material right now, to make one more sheild. And I would really like for that sheild to go to someone that has a BAT or CAT intake pipe, for reasons mentioned above (measurments).

As for the people that do not have an intake pipe, right now, the design can stand as is. I should be able to take whatever criticism from the test fit an transfer it into the final design. If we can get some measurements from someone with the CTA and BAT pipes, you should be able to make adjustments the couplings to allow it to fit. If that is not exceptable, then I will have to make adjustments to allow for two designs. No big deal!

thinking to himself(What the hell did DTec do here?)

I will be sending PM's to a few folks, over the next day or so, asking for their participation in this and then we will go from there. It will be nothing flashy, as in a GB, or anything. But we can make this happen none the less.

Thanks for all the posts in the past few days, showing some support for this. I would really like for this to happen, but I would rather do it the "right way" rather than the "wrong way". No matter what!

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime