Originally posted by unisys12:
And I would like to throw an idea out to you guys. I talked to someone the other night that said he knew someone local (to me) that did powder coating. He mentioned that I might be better off getting some Hotcoat Powder from Eastwood and get this guy to paint them for me. Personally, I think it would look great, but the price of the services and powder would outway to worth of the product. If you know what I mean. What do you guys think?

Well, I show my car in Show&Shine competitions, so having a nice powdercoat that will at least closely match any other powdercoating in the engine bay would be a plus. Not everyone is that anal about appearances, though. I still think any kind of low-conductive coating will help insulate the inside of the shield. If I were in your shoes I'd definitely take the offer.

Beer is my Gatorade. Hooray Beer. '98 "Sport" Pacific Green '98 E0 SVT Silver Frost Pictures