Ok, I found some batteries for the camera. Now, bear in mind that the light is not the best in the world, so they did not turn out just really great and I hope to take some better ones tomorrow, but I just wanted to be sure to let you guys know that I am really working on this thing...

This should give you a decent idea of the overall angels I am going for. This is the firewall side of the sheild.

Another shot of the same piece. I guess you get the idea by now.

This gives you an idea of about how wide the folds are. What size rivets do you guys think I should use here? I was thinking of using 3/16, that way if they are too small I could easily go up to 5/16 if need be.

Here's another shot of what inner seems will look like. No! That is not rust you see there. I spilt a diet coke...

Just a simple shot of the back.

Sorry again about the poor picture quality.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime