Originally posted by rkneeshaw:
Originally posted by ZuzuMonk:
'Inside' Heat shield
Avg - 75.6º

And finally, on the other side of the heat shield:

Wow, thats great data. When can I order? I'm amazed at the difference in temperature. Since it seems your airbox temp is nearly right on with ambient temps (at least what it is inside your car with the window open) I'd say the heatsheild is really working well.

I was suppose to build one this past weekend, but... well I think everyone that has family knows that sometimes things don't always workout as you might have planed when it comes to money, so I wont go there. But I should be able to spring the cash for the materials needed this weekend. I will not be able to get my hands on that ceramic coating for another week though.

I really can't wait to see the difference the ceramic coating along with paint might have. Maybe not a lot, but since these numbers are pretty close to ambiant, anything that can put you even closer would be great.

Oh... and I might just have a lot more time on my hands in the next few weeks, so making these might not be a problem for me after all. If I can just get the materials and get one made before all hell breaks loose, I shouldn't have a problem. I will let everyone know.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime