Originally posted by Cookie Monster:
Hey Phil-I'll buy you a whole BBQ chicken from Gibson's for a heat sheild!

I might take you up on that chicken mang!! Get an intake pipe and you can be one of the first to test it out with an intake pipe. Doesn't matter which one... CTA or BAT

I guess since we have just as many Zetecer's at our meets as we do Duratecer's, I might be able to get one of them to step to the plate and offer their car as test bed as well. I can't really think of any off hand though...

On the other hand... I do really like Jim's idea. Ecspecially the two points about including the kids. Free labor! Gotta love that!! I could just spray some clear coat or something else to fend off the moisture, for a short time anyway.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime