Originally posted by agantt:
The wiring was completly shot, why would I think anything could work with bare wires everywhere. When I took the car to them at least the fuel pump was working even though I had no spark. Now I have neither? If it's not the wiring shouldn't these so Ford experts have shed some light on the situation? Like, we replaced all your bad wiring as per the recall but the car won't start because you need etc..
The only words of wisdom I got out of these guys was & I quote "could be almost anything!"
No, the car was not running when I took it to them...I died on the side of the road and I had to use my trailer to carry it home. I tried to start it the next day and it was a no-go. If you looked under the hood for a reason your car won't start wouldn't bare wiring be a good place to start?
I'm certainly not trying to get on anyone bad side on this board but you made it sound like I was wrong to bother Ford because of there crappy wires. I have a 66' Falcon that is still running with the original wires 38 years after they were installed. There was absoutly no excuse for what I found under the hood of that car. I not saying that Ford is fully resonsible for all the problems this car has but at least it should have been in as good of condition as when I left it with them...i.e. the fuel pump working.
If you can suggest a better strategy please do, I'm at a loss hear this thing is driving me nuts.
Thanks for your input,

Alright your car wont start
- are all wires connected???
- is the battery good, did you test it???
- is the alternator good???
- Did you check to make sure all your fuses are good, fuel pump one would be a good place to start
- is your starter bad

did you also check your fuel pump cut off switch