
You read me all wrong. I would have done the same thing. My car quit running and Ford came out and towed it in at their expense welll I paid 10% of the bill. The service bulletin covers other items that were damaged because of the bare wiring. For instance if you have parts that shorted out because of the bare wiring then it would be covered unter the wiring service bulletin. If the engine internally is sound, then they need to get it running or at least tell you what the problem is. If the problem is related to the bare wiring shorting out equipment, then it is covered, if the problem is a blown head gasket then you would have to pay for that....

Keep on them or better yet call Ford customer service directly and talk with them. I am laughing because Ford prides itself on their superior customer service and mechanical ability.........lacking as such as is so evident to see!!!!

Be nice when you call Ford customer service, you have a chance here to really show that this particular dealership has it's head up their posterior!!!!! I guess if they can't fix it then Superman can! --- and don't go to that dealership anymore!!!!!!

When mine went out it was towed to a San Antonio dealership......I live in Austin.....dealership here in Austin is awful proud of their services, if you know what I mean....

An ounce of prevention provides a pound of cure!