******* NEWS FLASH *********

Europe in general has like a 400%++ gat tax that pay for the plublic transportation.

The US has about a 30%-40% gas tax. I think a better way to look at gas price is to see what a barrel of oil costs.

Also not all oil is the same.. There are some wells by me that have been pumping for 60+ years, because it heavy waxy oil that's great for plastic and Pensoil (sp?). The USA has a LOT of heavy oil but not much light oil or "sweet" oil that is used for gasoline. Heavy oil can be turned into light oil..with extra cost.

The USA also has over 1/2 of the worlds coal. PA alone has enough coal to provide for all the countries power demands for 200-300 years (at current levels). New tech is out to strip the pollutants out of the coal before it's burned.

But the real question is $$$$. It still cost's more to mine coal than it does to pump oil.

Woz 2000 Contour SVT #136 Black with Blue leather 30% tint all around 12.2" Wilwood Billet NDL PS: I hate ALL Ford Dealers