Originally posted by Stryker:
my headlights arent hazed, but i have some kind of slearcoat on them that is starting to peel at the tops...

That is the UV protectent that is doing that. If you read some of the older posts on this topic, you will see it refered to as, "Crows Feet". This is what got the whole sanding your headlights craze going. And really and truely, it is the only real reason you should sand you lights. Most of the other products mentioned should remove any normal hazing caused by the deteriation of the plastic. In other words, try the products by themselves first. If that does not reld the results that you are looking for, then you should go to the next step, which is sanding.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime