Pre 98 Headlights.

Hi all I just did mine. Thanks to this FAQ I knew what to do.
I Started with 1000 grit, then 1500 grit and finished with 2000 grit.

When all sanding was done, I tried Meguiars Plastx and was not impressed with it, as it still showed scratches.
I went back to the store and bought Plexus.

Here are the photos.

After finishing with 2000 grit.

After appling Meguairs Plastx. Clear but not crystal.

After appling Plexus. Crystal clear.

I know the images are dark but the lighting was the same in the Meguair and Plexus pics.

1996 2.5LT V6 Contour ATX My Tour+help/info pics E0 rims, Gutted Pre-Cats,CTA Custom Exhaust & Intake, Diablo Chip.