Originally posted by tjbugs1:
Originally posted by 98 SE:
Originally posted by tjbugs1:
On here? What about you. Somebody doesnâ??t believe him and tells him that, so you delete it from the forums. I know itâ??s a private forum but have you ever heard of the FIRST AMEMDMENT. Its what makes this land of the free so grate. Its what allows us to speak out if we donâ??t like something, NO MATTER WHAT THAT MIGHT BE! So do what you want with YOUR site. On this one were aloud to say what we want. We might be sorry for his loss or sorry that he is a lire. So you FU and YOUR site, DOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woah there.

This site is no more 'democratic' than FCO. Both sites are privately owned and operated. You can't even say CEG "allows the first amendment" ... there are many rules and those disobeying are deleted/locked. Even regular posts can be arbitrarily deleted at mods' discretion (although they generally have good reason to do so).

There was a peace on both sides between the two sites ... let's keep it that way ... ok?

True both sites are privately owned and operated as I said before, but what im saying is that others and I said that this guys a liar. We did nothing thatâ??s not within the guidelines of the rules of both sites. What im try to say is that HE, Dom, doesnâ??t like whatâ??s being said so he just delete it. Thatâ??s not right. Now if I or some one else did or said something that needs to be edited or even as far as deleted then I am ok with that. NO one went out side the lines on FCO or here. (If I am wrong some one let me know) It just makes me mad because if you donâ??t think the same as him, Dom, he will just delete it. He says itâ??s to help zippy in his time of need but were dose he draw the line next time. I know that the first amendment doesnâ??t apply here or on FCO, but if I am following the rules you have set for me and you donâ??t like what I am saying are you just going to change it or delete it to met your needs? Just because its YOUR web site.

DOM, I am sorry for saying FU and your site. I was mad and it got the best of me. I donâ??t even know you; you might be a real good guy for all I know. I am Sorry, but I still stand behind what I said and I disagree with the way you run you site.

And to every one here on CEG, I am sorry for braking the peace between FCO and CEG. SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!!


There is really no hard feelings - Just a difference in the way the sites are managed. It was my decision to delete the post by Gamaru, I felt it was insensitive and it was basically directed to me which should've been PM'd/Emailed instead of posted. I PM'd the individual and he apologized for posting it. But - Then people started coming over and registering to take shots after I just cleaned up that mess... That made me peeved (to say the least). I already gave Josh a deadline to submit proof or he would be banned. Since he couldn't produce anything - I had no choice. He deleted all his photos himself - I didn't. I just deleted his account.

And BTW - For those of you who are concerned about this girl and her safety (if this isn't for real) I filed a complaint with the FBI. The case# is I04032908467513 . If anyone has anything to add, or knows information that hasn't been disclosed please let them know. Either way now, we will know if this is a hoax or for real. I just hope for his sake that is it real.
