Originally posted by PDXSVT:
But don't you complainers marrying everybody off to their siblings, parents, and pets, think maybe you hit the point of silliness long before this lame joke?

silly...ur joking right...thats what humans are all about..being 'silly'.

smoking.....isnt exactly cheap if u do it alot, proven to be bad for health, smells bad, not only affects urself negatively but others...and millions of people do it.

bars....u drink alcohol on bars right?....its illegal to drink and drive(also to be drunk and drive)....so why are there parking lots for bars if ur not supposed to be driving from there after u drink....

people do alot of 'silly' things everyday....being someone who goes on the internet u should know that

Originally posted by zgendron:
As for polygammy, that might be a possibility, but I don't see it occuring in the near future, and is also significantly different from a gay marriage.

Ur right it is alot different. but guess what, a law is a law. During the 60's all the people trying to change policy in order for racial equality didnt think they were fighting for homosexuals either...but i bet u they are citing(sp?) many laws that blacks fought for and helped pass. People keep on putting enphasis on 'GAY'....but i doubt the laws will be so definitive. its not about gays being able to marry, its a persons right to choose their mate(or so it seems from many posts in this thread)

Originally posted by bigMoneyRacing:
This seems to be a common scare tactic going around. The people who see marrying a cow as the next logical step after marrying a human of the same sex REALLY need

Before u open a door..u dont know for certain what is on the other side..so u cant really say what 'groups of thought' are goin to come out under this....and logic is relative....for some the first mods are the simpler engine/suspension mods...thats their logical first step..while others logical first step is to upgrade their dx badgeing to typeR.....there are tooo many people out their to say one thing is logical and another not