Originally posted by bishop375:

I always thought it was between two consenting adults who loved each other, and still do. Man or woman is not necessary.

I STILL have yet to hear how any gay marriage would change how you feel about your respected spouse. Is YOUR marriage going to mean any less to you?

You obviously haven't found the answer there bishop, but I'd like to ask then:
If it means SO MUCH to a homosexual to get married, there must be something sacred, something good and treasured about it. Hence, if a heterosexual couple doesn't see that it is sacred, and treasured by a Man/Woman only anymore ( 50% divorced, gays allowed to "marry") , then they would obviously like to keep it special in any way possible ( not support it, use the bible, use common sense as to why males and females have certain organs ) . Yes, it could just be changing the wording, until then you'll keep asking that question when some keep bringing it up.

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