Originally posted by svtcarboy:
It's funny, because there are some gays that want a different name applied to the commitment as well.

I personally believe that using a different name is not merely a matter of semantics. It is still a way to marginalize homosexuals. It makes it sound like the relationship and the commitment are different. Different names mean different treatment.

As for those who are saying it is choice, and social and...

I grew up in a small town in Northern Wisconsin. Very redneck. I was not surrounded by gay role models. In fact, a guy in my sister's class was run out of the school when he was found out. Yet, deep in my subconscious, I was sexually attracted towards the football team and not the cheerleaders. I fought and tried to deny this for years, until I finally outgrew my Cleopatra stage and realized who I really was.

I will reiterate what I said earlier... the idea of having sex with a woman is just as distastul and unappealing to me as having sex with a man is to you.

Oh, and by the way, all I have in my closet is my clothes.

That is interesting. People are born with mental illness, downs syndrome, muscular dystrophy, and all kinds of things so I believe a person could be born gay. There might be a gene that is different in Gay people that causes them to be gay. Gay people are more openly accepted in Europe. I've read about Hitler and the holocaust and that is what our government reminds me of when they discriminate against and openly condemn gay people. Itâ??s not anything new; condemning gay people has been going on for decades.

Because I am not gay, I don't understand being gay. I am attracted to women but not as strongly as everyone. In Italy I once had a nice looking girl start a conversation with me so I invited her to come see a movie with me. Everything was surrounded by beach and scenic towns. She told me that I could meet her at a hotel if I didn't mind standing in line. It's hard to believe what some people call "a good sex life". She was serious. She even gave me the name of the hotel and the time to be there.

I think sex is supposed to be something private & Special between two people and not something shared with everyone.