Originally posted by Beowulf:

Once again for everyone saying gay marriage is wrong. let me say this ONE MORE TIME.

This isn't about religion. This isnt abotu what you or I believe is right or wrong in a sexual relationship. This is about basic human rights to persue happiness. Currently law does not allow homosexuals to pledge their undying devotion in a legally recogonized marriage.

They deserve that right. Let's give them what they deserve.

Not one person that has posted to this thread in objection to gay marriage has addressed this concept. They have pled morality, genetics, plain old disgust or wacko 3rd grade "GAYS ARE ICKYPOO". No one has addressed the core issue -


I really don't give a [censored] about what happened 5 years ago or 5000 years ago other than the fact that 200 years ago some guys said "hey, we have rights dammit and we are not going to let some king rule over us"

let's perfect their vision in ways they couldnt even begin to forsee.

Slippery slope here we come. It started with attitudes like yours,

who gives a flip about the past? It means nothing. Who gives a flip about morals? They mean nothing. Who gives a flip about God? Who gives a flip about anything important? I should have my rights, and you should have yours, don't trample on me, I won't trample on you.

GAYS are being, I hate this word being used here, but Gays are being "discriminated" against becuase they are living in SIN and so obvious a sin.

You can't take the religion, or the faith out, it's part of what made this country. Why are they being discriminated against? Because a female wasn't designed to love a female in a sexual union, nor a male love a male. It's pretty obvious to anyone that doesn't have their own head stuck up their own, well, you know.

The point being? If you want to take God completely out, and use the term NATURE, NATURE has not found it possible for a male to mate with a male nor female with female? WHY? BECUASE GOD CREATED NATURE AND GOD CREATED MALE AND FEMALE and in His eyes, it was good. Satan twisted it, and Satan brought it to the point we are at now.

You want to know why they are discriminated against? For the same reason adulterers were 50 years ago, for the same reason porn was 50 years ago, for the same reason divorce was looked down upon 50 years ago, because people know it is wrong, but most, like most here, are afraid to stand up and say "THAT'S WRONG!" It's not about rights, it's about decency, and the future of our country.

When we start losing our ability to say "that's wrong" we start losing our country. Homosexual marriage is a small bolt in the whole piece of machinery that destroys a country. We have larger problems, but each has been lost. The family is no more important now than what you are going to eat in that day. America is so caught up in itself that we don't realize how much we are destroying ourselves everyday. I can't drive down the freeway without being bombarded by sexual messages, messages of buy now pay later, messages that beer is the way to a happy life, messages that degrade females and males at the same time. You think this is just about homosexual marriage? It's not, it's about our country and about the loss of something that was once held dear, that is our morals.

I can't believe that you who support this support it because "homosexuals should have the right to be happy." They should, but it should not come from some sinful behavior that could ultimately end up destroying their lives.

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