
Ok, slamming the article/website won't make its points any less valid.

Of course it does!

I can provide you with an article saying whatever the hell I want it to say if you don't think that where it came from is valid.

Come on now, your profile says you're an Engineer. We're not talking brain surgery here. That's basic high-school education stuff there -- Check your source.

If your source is blocked by a web filter, it's pretty safe to assume that it's pretty damned biased.


The point is this: if homosexuality isn't genetic, then marriage is out of the question.

Why is that the point?

My point is this: Marriage is an agreement (the terms of which are your vows) between 2 consenting individuals.

Of course there's more to it than that; but those are more religious/belief details and aren't of any concern of the goverment.

If what you say is the point, is indeed the point, then what about Hermaphrodites? They're not born genetically man nor woman, yet are allowed to claim themselves to be one or the other and legally marry as such.


So if y'all have any scientific proof THAT IS VALID, please provide it.

I can't provide valid proof, because no such proof exists. Scientists have determined that homosexuality is likely determined by markers on the X chromosome, but a specific gene has not yet been found, with the exception of Xq28, which seems to be only valid within male homosexuals. That sort of research takes a very long time to conclude so we won't see a final conclusion on what gene causes what behaviors for likely decades.

But if you want some actual valid sources, i can provide that for you? Try things like

The American Journal of Psychiatry:
Bailey, J. M. and D. S. Benishay (1993). "Familial Aggregation of Female Sexual Orientation." American Journal of Psychiatry 150(2): 272-277

Or maybe something a little more "popular" like Science:
LeVay, S. (1991). "A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men." Science 253: 1034-1037.

Or maybe you want something from overseas, in case only American scientists want to prove Gays are born that way
British Medical Journal
Baron, M. "Genetic Linkage and Male Homosexual Orientation", British Medical Journal , August 7, 1993.

And, if you really want a web-link, here's a link for the NCBI, probably the single best source for information on genetics research.


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