Well everyone else has said how they feel so I'll give my 2 cents:

It's not even an issue. Why would I care? If two males or two females want to get married and commit themselves to each other that's AWESOME, just like any straight marriage, and hopeuflly it works out.

As for the purpose of marriage is to have children...I never heard anything in any wedding vows about children. And furthermore gay people can have all the babies they want...just not with each other. And speaking of sex, why do people always bring up the anal sex? Many gay males don't like and don't engage in it just like straight couples. And speaking of which...LOTS of straight couples have anal sex, this is not some gay phenomena. and still on the topic of sex...a condsiderable percentage of "straight" people have had homosexual experiences, point is homosexual sex is actually quite common on a whole, just not talked about.

Ok, I kinda went off there...but here it is plain and simple:

They love each other.

End of story.

What if you couldn't marry the one you loved? Quit worrying about what other people are doing.

Thanks for listening.

I live in Detroit, I couldn't give a **** how good my car is in the "twisties." "I could use a hundred people who don't know there is such a word as impossible." ~Henry Ford