the question and answer article you just posted is possibly the most biased thing i've ever read. and the funny thing is, it doesnt really ANSWER anything, it dodges the question, and ASSUMES things.

for instance, the article says that homosexuality is something that is not like heterosexuality, and science has proved it.
show me what "science" PROVES that. and if homosexuality is the result of social factors, then why are there homosexual animals in nature? because the origin of homosexuality is NOT (at least 100%) from social factors.

open your mind and become more accepting, my friend, and you will find that there is a whole new world out there...and you'll also change for the better. stop feeding us [censored] that you've absorbed from various articles you've read, and learn to develop your OWN opinions. sure, its great to read articles, etc to become more knowledgeable about things and to learn certain viewpoints, but the fact of the matter is, once you're done reading what's been spoonfed to you, you need to make your own decisions and opinions. don't just spout off articles that you've found on the internet, and dont just spout off what's been fed to you in church for who knows how many years.
think for yourself.

1998 T-Red CSVT 3.0L