Originally posted by daenku32:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
And for those who ask me to take the Bible out, then you might as well change our timeline that we use, might as well get rid of America because it is based on Biblical principles, get rid of the church which has basically kept the country together in times of need and most important, you might as well rip the soul out of everybody and allow us all to walk around as individualistic monsters who know nothing of our neighbor. You can also take out all the laws we have because without the Bible, without the truth in the Bible, our laws mean nothing. Why is it wrong to murder? Because in the beginning God said so. Why is it wrong to steal? Because in the beginning God said so. So, NO, I will not remove my "religion" from my discussion as the religion is the foundational truth behind our country, our laws, and our families.

I disagree. Our Constitution overrides Bible. If there is a disagree between the two (ie. Atheism, Constitution says it's OK, Bible say it's wrong.), Constitution wins. Always.

I don't need a God to tell me what is wrong. Stealing and Murder are pretty obvious. But of course that's why you used them as an examples for biblical morality. Not something that is limited to the religion alone.

Wow, the constitution overrides what it is based on. So what you are saying is that society is progressive, kind of Darwinian in theory I suppose. As we go on, we get smarter and are able to override God? I don't think so. God wrote the Bible through very faithful men, and that has been proven over and over again. Constitution unfortunately does not win every time. God is right, man is fallible.

Stealing and murder, let's step away from them. Incest? Wrong or not? NAMBLA, boys and men, right or wrong? Pronography, lust, adultery etc? Right or wrong. How about disrespect of parents? Infancticide? Abortion? I could go on and on, but the simple fact is, is that it is all wrong, and all immoral, including homosexuality. How about lying? IMMORAL. How about cheating? Same thing, and the list goes on and on and on and on and on. They are all in the Bible. The truths we live by are found in the Bible, why? BECAUSE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES WORK!! That's why, regardless of a "Constitution" or "Bill of Rights." As I wrote just a second ago, our government is not our final judge, like most would like to forget.

Originally posted by daenku32:
If you are attempting to convince us otherwise, you need something that consists of things we BOTH already consider as facts. Otherwise your points are lost.

What is Right is treating people equal. Homosexuals are not criminals. No matter WHAT your Bible might say.

No, homosexuals are very nice people, and are in fact very good dressers, and they are very stylish. We can treat people equal without justifying their sins. We should treat all people, including the criminals as humans. Homosexuals fall in the "all" people category. What we should not do, is give them justification, or the ability to believe they are doing the right thing, because they aren't. There might be a reason why history is the way it is.

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