Originally posted by sigma:

In other words, homomarriage is going to affect us in more ways that I want to even imagine. Simple as that...

So you compare "homomarriage" with other "rampant individualistic actions" such as beastiality, murder, and molestation...

Do you tell your homosexual "friends" that? I guarantee you they wouldn't be your friends very long.

I just wanna know how homomarriage (God, I hate that word) is going to affect "us in more ways than I want to even imagine". We've had this discussion before, and you've never been able to successsfully answer that, you just keep saying it's going to totally change our lives.

Homosexuality is a sin, just like all the others metioned above, so yes, I do tell my friends.Anybody that is my friend will understand that if they don't already. I in fact worked with a VERY VERY outward homosexual who knew how I felt about the whole situation because we spent hours after the restaurant closed discussing such topics. He was never less than a friend because I loved him, as a friend and he knew it.

And I believe I have actually successfully answered the question about how it will affect us. I have said it will destroy the children (not that the rampant divorce rate etc hasn't already), it will tear at the fabric of what we know to be right and true, it will give justification and rights to a sinful and destructive life pattern, it makes what was once wrong right, and to be completely honest with you, it will confuse future generations on what is right and wrong. I have shown, quite briefly, that Rome fell becuase just like the U.S., it over indulged itself in everything under the sun. Another example would be Sodom and Gomorrah. Homosexuals were rampant there and other indulgences in every pleasure known to man were replacing what was known to be right. That city was destroyed for its sins.

And for those who ask me to take the Bible out, then you might as well change our timeline that we use, might as well get rid of America because it is based on Biblical principles, get rid of the church which has basically kept the country together in times of need and most important, you might as well rip the soul out of everybody and allow us all to walk around as individualistic monsters who know nothing of our neighbor. You can also take out all the laws we have because without the Bible, without the truth in the Bible, our laws mean nothing. Why is it wrong to murder? Because in the beginning God said so. Why is it wrong to steal? Because in the beginning God said so. So, NO, I will not remove my "religion" from my discussion as the religion is the foundational truth behind our country, our laws, and our families.


And how is homosexual marriage any more "individualistic" than your own marriage -- seeing that the vast majority of people get married for no other reason than their inate desire to do so.

I got married not because of my innate desire to do so (although it was there and I did want to get married). Rather, I got married because I met my wife, fell in love, and wanted to raise a family with her. I got married to have a mate, somebody to fill me in, smooth my rough spots etc etc etc. She was that person.

To keep the personal information level to a low, my wife and I do not use any form of birth control because we want our marriage to have a lasting impact on society. Divorce does not exist in our vocabulary and we got married young enough to possibly see our 75th wedding anniversary (which we are looking forward to). Our foundation is Jesus Christ, whose teachings we will follow and who will hold us together through the rough times. We didn't get married because of sex, we didn't get married to get married, heck, we didn't even get married to show off (although she is gorgeous). We got married because the Bible says that is what is supposed to happen and we have children with more on the way because God said that is what a marriage is for. Our marriage is based in God, based on Biblical principles, which if followed, will hold us together. Marriage is not easy in today's society, and it is scary at times, but Karen and I look forward to living each and everyday out together until one of us is taken from this earth.

Now for the real kicker, my marriage is hopefully a example of how God described his relationship to us. Jesus was the groom and we are the Bride. This is a whole other topic and should not be discussed here, but to put it quickly, God brought Karen and I together and only God, in taking us to His glory, will take us apart. My marriage is that important.

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