Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

As crude as it is, "D for Chicks" is how we were created. I don't like the phrase, but that's the way it is. Deal with it.

I'm not sorry, becuase JESUS CHRIST offers everybody forgiveness if they ask and will turn from their sins.

Yeah, you're following his teachings of tolerance and love for your fellow man, alright, you hypocritcal moron. Homosexuality is against YOUR morals, make that distinction. My morals are FAR removed from yours, and frankly, if there came a time where you and I were candidates for the pearly gates, they'd welcome me in there before you, chuckles. Sleep on that one.

Remember, the bible was written when the earth was still flat and people were polytheists... if polytheism (practiced by the two of the most important societies the world will ever see) was "proven" wrong by Christianity, who's to say that Christianity won't be "proven" wrong by someone else in the future?

And, yeah, I reposted my own quotes, but, that's because nobody can argue the point. I've also known a few couples who got married because they loved each other, and never wanted children. Does that mean they shouldn't have been allowed to marry each other? NO. Who cares what their opinion on children is? Does it affect you? No, it doesn't. Your life will ALWAYS be your own life. Live it the way you want to. But do NOT take away the rights of others while you do it... THAT is what this country is about, NOT preventing gays from marrying.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Overindulgence in everything which includes sex, eating, material belongings, etc, homosexuality was becoming the norm, not the exception, they were killing their future generations (either through some form of abortion or infancticide or both), sex was not sacred anymore, greed, money, the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer, and on and on and on and on and on it goes.

You neglect to mention the rampant inbreeding by the straight couples to keep the "family lineage" through marriage. Yeah, being married and being able to reproduce is REAL helpful there, right? Shot yourself in the foot with that.

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