Originally posted by bishop375:

I also would like you to go to a fertility clinic, go up to a married couple who are physically unable to reproduce, look into their faces while they're destroyed emotionally, and tell them "hey, since you can't have kids, you have no right to be married." Buddy, I hope to get out of there alive so that you can realize how STUPID that line of thinking is.

Originally posted by bishop375:

I emplore you to go to a fertility clinic and tell EVERYONE in the waiting room that exact paragraph. Word of advice- get out before you're at least beaten to death.

Originally posted by bishop375:

If you want to say that marriage is for the sole purpose of having kids? What if either person is sterile? How many thousands of couples simply cannot reproduce? That means they shouldn't be married, right?

Sorry but I had to do it.....


Formerly known as Sneaku I MISS MY BABY!!! '00 Blk CSVT #1087/2150 built 12/23/99