Originally posted by SpliceVW:
I wish I could jump in but its just too much to read.. please I think enough people on this board are already mad enough at me. So.. I will just leave you guys with one quote and hope that solves everything:

"Dicks are for chicks."

Thank you bye.

I'd try to see from your POV, but, your head's too far up your own @$$ to allow anyone else to get a peek.

And, what RISKS? You're complaining about inherited wealth. Newsflash- gay couples can ADOPT CHILDREN. They are then allowed to inherit. Let's see another argument.

Marriage is NOT about children anymore. Maybe once, a long time ago. Marriage is a contract between two people. It's a statement of legal, emotional, and sexual commitment between consenting adults of legal age. But, again, if you want to go on reproduction being the basis of marriage, then I also would like you to go to a fertility clinic, go up to a married couple who are physically unable to reproduce, look into their faces while they're destroyed emotionally, and tell them "hey, since you can't have kids, you have no right to be married." Buddy, I hope to get out of there alive so that you can realize how STUPID that line of thinking is.

And, YES, the argument between sexuality and race IS apples to apples. You're talking about a Constitutional Amendment allowing "separate but equal rights," which was determined to be unconstitutional! It's discrimination, plain and simple. There are NO legitimate reasons to keep gays from marrying. Times change. Realizations change. It wasn't long ago that people thought they were going to hell for eating meat on fridays. That sure changed, didn't it? If the individual person doesn't want to "acknowledge" a gay couple's decision to be married, sure go right ahead, that's your right. It's NOT, however, up to the gov't to determine that marriage is not to be allowed because of a RELIGIOUS CONCEPT, such as marriage being defined between a man and woman.

The "institution" of marriage is NOT failing because of homosexuality. It's failing because very few people take it seriously. When there's a near 50% divorce rate, you mean to tell me that you think it's because of homosexuality?! And that somehow allowing gays to marry is somehow going to alter that? Why?! What makes it so different?! Even IF 50% of gay marriages end in divorce, that does NOT change ANYTHING. Allowing gays to marry is NOT going to change ANYTHING for ANYONE who is NOT GAY. What don't you people get about that? Nobody is asking for anything SPECIAL here, aside from the same rights allowed for everyone else. Why not go strip women's voting rights while you're at it? Or allow slavery again? You're revoking peoples' rights based on their sexual orientation, plain and simple, and that is what the Constitution was created to FIGHT- the revocation of HUMAN RIGHTS.

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