The legal term of Marriage is not defined for the purpose of procreation. There are absolutely NO strings attached to Marriage that would force a couple to have children, nor is Marriage required to procreate.

The individuals and religions can keep a definition for Marriage whatever they choose to. Government can't change that. Churches and individuals are free to not accept any marriages at all. Gay or straight. They are free to accept marriages between blonds but deny marriages between redheads. Many already deny Marriages of people of different Religions.

Not a single individual or religion has ever been forced, legally, to participate in Marriage ceremony that they do not agree upon.

As far as minority changing the law; This is a Right that the Courts have. They have the power to struck down laws. Because it requires legistlation to prohibit gay marriages. It requires no legistlation to allow it.

98.5 Contour SVT "Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country" --US President George W Bush