Let's get a few facts out on the table...

1) People do not choose to be gay. People are gay from birth. It is natural for a gay person to have sex with a person of the same gender. Believe me, it's all internal wiring. Sex with a woman is as distasteful to me (I've tried it) as having sex with a man is to you straight guys out there. I was acculturated in a VERY anti-gay environment, and yet I had fantasies about sleeping with the football team and not the cheerleaders. I also have relatives I never met, or met once or twice (not in any way to acculturate) who are gay. I can trace a trait through 4 generations.

2) Physiological differences exist between straight men and gay men. There have been statistical differences in the size of certain parts of the brain and in certain organs beyond statistical variation. It may be the combination of the physiological traits that make homosexuality, versus a stand alone gene.

3) Gay marriage is not about adding rights. It is about removing an artifical restriction that government places on a specific group of people. Marriage in our society is NOT about children. Our society believes marriage is a commitment between two people to devote their lives to each other. Children are a separate decision/discussion.

4) "Civil Unions" are not adequate, unless they apply to all heterosexual unions joined in like manner. Marriage is a social institution. I believe the decision of Brown vs. Board of Education can be logically extended that separate but equal (civil union vs. marriage) is not equality under the Constitution.

5) Insurance is not an issue. Many employers have domestic partner benefits. The issues are with inheritance, civil rights (spouses cannot be required to testify), medical rights (ability to be with a patient in critical care). I believe government should get out of applying special considerations to marriage as well. However, since that will never happen, I believe in having the considerations applied equally to all committed relationships.

6) There is no evidence to suggest that children of gay parents are any less happy or well-adjusted as children of straight parents. In fact, unless I am told, I would not know whether the parents are gay or straight (I know several adult children of gay couples).

Intended or not, the wording of the Constitution does prohibit the establishment of religion. James Madison (the writer of the Bill of Rights) put it clearly. Making laws according to the doctrines of a religion IS government establishing religion.

I feel that in not allowing gays to marry, government has placed an artificial restriction on me that others don't have: the ability to marry someone that I am naturally attracted and committed to.

Brad "Diva": 2004 Mazda 6s 5-door, Volcanic Red Rex: 1988 Mazda RX-7 Vert, Harbor Blue.