then take the right away from everyone. problem solved.

atheists get married to be committed to each other. who said they are getting married in a church? civil unions, justice of the peace likely. well, if gays cant have kids a huge benefit would be the adoption of all the kids in foster care that "straight couples dont adopt cuz they want to have their own biological kids". i certainly dont think the state is doing these foster kids any good. and i dont want the state to be more intrusive. fix my potholes and streets and hwys so i dont destroy my nice 17s and svt body kit.

the federal government recognizes several religions too. it doesnt explicitly state which is right. which is the good religion: judaism, chritianity, islam? to not get into the whole "if you dont recognize islam then your saying our religion is wrong" thing, the government recognizes it and lets them go about their merry way. jews are allowed to not work on jewish holidays and not be fired cuz that would be discrimination. u give equal rights to everyone or take them away.

same reason potsmokers want it legalized. if your vice is booze, then legally u can drink to your hearts content. if you love marlboro's light up all day and night in your house without worrying about being raided. you like pot? sorry u picked the wrong vice. what happened to just treating them like alcohol. get drunk in your house, fine. drink and drive, then get arrested. do the same w/ pot and/or other drugs. ban twinkies. they sure as hell lead to more deaths (related to obesity and subsequently health related issues). i've never seen that question on an insurance form (how many twinkies do u consume per week). hmm, i wonder why healther insurance is rising. all this same logic applies to everything. freedom of speech is great. but u also have to put up w/ the kkk and there rhetoric. thats the price u pay.

the government should be here to run the country not baby us and tell us what we can and cant do. if i'm not directly affecting you them leave me alone. give the both of us the same rights. when i physically affect you, then you take my rights away.

remember why this country was started. just because something is a law, doesnt mean its right or moral or just. use whatever word u want. just because something isnt a law doesnt mean its wrong. the government is run by humans. if they pass a law saying driving svt contours are illegal, r u gonna sit by and go buy a chevy cavalier? or r u going to do something about it. they work for us, not the other way around. voters put them in office. they dont put themselves there.

Hugo AIM:omegazodiac 95 gl & 99 contour svt #1750/2760 my profile pics stuff for sale